is the three day festival of fast breaking that happens at the end of Ramadan
in the morning families attend the mosque for id prayers. the imam will deliver a khutbah.
what happens before id ul fitr
muslims pay zakah
what did Muhammad call the festival of id ul fitr
the day of reward
importance of id ul fitr
they forget past disagreements and they are thankful for allah for all he does for them
their thankfulness includes the success that allah has given them in completion of their fast
enables them to look forward to their rewardd in the day of judgemnet
id ul adha-
festival of sacrifice
happens at the end of every year, this festival remembers the time allah provided a ram for Ibrahim to sacrifice
what do u do in preparation for id ul adha
an animal selected for sacrifice
bismillah is said over it in the name of allah
once the animal is sacrificed the meat is roasted and split into three portions
at the start of the festival muslims complete wudu the festival begins with prayers and gifts and cards are given to each other
significance of id ul adha
the festival is a demonstration of muslims willingness to make sacrifices for allah
it helps to develop the sense of ummah both in the gathering together for prayers and through the distribution of meat
18TH of the islamic month of dhul- hijjah
this is the day on which the prophet Muhammad delivered his sermon
shias belive that on this day Muhammad appointed ali ibn abi talib as his successor
sunni view on the day of ghadeer
sunni muslims do not accept the shia nterpretationof these events at ghadir. they agree that Muhammad was calling for ali to be respected but not to be as his successor.
what do shia muslims do in celebration of ghadeer
they will peform wudu or take a bath in the morning, they will perform specific prayers at the mosque as part of this celebration
significance of ghadeer
the festival is significant becaue it allows shia muslims to reaffirm their commitment to their imam ali
is a shia festival. it takes palcce on the 10th of muharram in the first month of the Islamic year. it is a day that the prophet Muhammad dedicated for fasting sunset to sunset
what two events does Ashura celebrate
the first is the day that noah left the ark
the second is the day that moses was saved from the Egyptians by allah
what do shia muslims do on this day
during this special day shia participate in public expressions of mourning and grief. some whip themselves on the beach with chains beating their head or ritually cutting themsleves
what do shia muslims remember of the day of ashura
the death of hussayn- he was the son of ali and the grandson of Muhammad.
many muslims make pilgrimages to hussayns tomb on this day
significance of Ashura
hussayns death is generally understood by shias a symbol of the struggle against injustice and oppression
the mourning and whipping enables muslims to link themselves with hussayns suffereing and death
many shia believe this will help them on the day of judgement