WHAT are parents required to act towards their children and how are children supposed to act towards their parents
parents are required to respect their parents and children are required to honour their parents
what does the bible show the model of a family consists of
and children
what does the catechism of the catholic church remind believers and what does it say
it says the family is the original cell of social life (2207)
it also reminds believers of the central importance of families in society
what does Christianity teach that help protect the stability of the family unit
teaches fidelity in a marriage relationship. this means to remain faithful to your spouse, not commiting adultury
what is fidelity
fidelity means to remain faithful and committed to your spouse, not commiting adultery
exodus 20:12
honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land your god is giving you
evidence in the bible to show that children should respect their mother and fathers
exodus 20:12
honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land your god is giving you
what churches teach that a marriage should only take place between man and women
Methodist church
what blessings does marriage offer
procreation and the nurture of children
the correct place for sexual relations
help and comfort during all aspects of life
Christian attitudes towards marriage
All Christian Churches will very much support marriage. The Bible states that ‘it is not good for man to be alone’ (Genesis 2) and as such being in a union with another person who can show you love and support is deemed the perfect state for living.
The Roman Catholic Church believes that marriage is necessary to fulfil the command from God to ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28). Sex before a marriage is the sin of fornication and is sexually immoral, as such to fulfil this command a couple must marry and procreate. Sexual intercourse is a gift from God, it says in mark 10:7-9, married couples will become ‘one flesh’ this allows the couple to fully join together a marriage is needed for the coupe to enjoy this. Marriage is the most suitable relationship for bringing up children being the pattern for society. Roman Catholics view marriage as a life-long commitment, a sacrament that cannot be broken as evidenced by ‘till death do us part’.
In church of England churches it welcomes any heterosexual couple to marry in the church, whether they are Christian or baptised. the church also allows mixed faith marriages however the service remains unchanged and all vows are said in the presence of god
catholic or orthodox marriage services
in the catholic and orthodox church marriage is a sacrament
the catholic church believes that the act of marriage creates a unique, unbreakable bond between the couple, In the catholic church one of the couple must be baptised and one of the couples must be catholic
church of England marriage services
the church of England believe that a church wedding adds spiritual dimension to the marriage, as god is included
it welcomes any heterosexual couple to marry in the church, whether they are Christian or baptised. the church also allows mixed faith marriages however the service remains unchanged and all vows are said in the presence of god
non conformist marriage service
they are allowed to write their own vows rather than following vows set down by the church, this gives more emphasis on the couple saying things to god rather than on his own unique work through the act of marriage
quaker weddings
they have the belief that only god can join the couple together which means that they have no minister to lead the proceedings
the couple sit in silent worship with the congregation until they feel its the right time to say their vows
they then sign a quaker marriage certificate
evidence of marriage in the bible
mark 10; 7-9
the two will become one flesh
Christian responses to civil partnerships
the catholic church and the church of England do not perform civil partenerships because of their teachings about sexual relationships
both churches teach that marriage is the proper place in which sexual relationships should occur with the main role of sex being to create new life
however there are some Christians from across different denominations who believe that civil partnerships should be acceptable to the church, they believe that civil partnerships provide companionship unity and stability
which churches do not allow civil partnerships
catholic church and church of england
responses to same sex marriage
both the catholic church and the church of England do not carry out same sex marriages
the church of england church believe that marriage should be between, man and woman with one of its purposes being procreation
the catholic church is opposed to same sex marriage as they are concerned that it will have an harmful effects on society by undermining the value of heterosexual marriage
however the episcopal church voted to change its churches law and allow same sex marriage
pre marital sex and cohabitation
church of england accepts cohabitation including a sexual relationship is a step towards commitment to marriage
all Christians believe casual sex is wrong, one of the reasons being that the bible teaches that having sex outside a commited relationship is sinful
sex outside a marriage relationship is wrong by the cstholic church
some Christians choose to remain unmarried and to abstain permanently from sexual relationships
many Christians choose celibacy so that they can focus fully on serving god
paul the apostle was celibate and he encouraged his followers too follow his example
in the catholic church preists are required to be celibate.
different kind of relationships
civil partnerships
same sex
pre marital sex and cohabitation
what does the catholic church teach about the use of artificial and natural forms of contracetion
the catholic church teaches the use of artidficail contraception is sinful because god gave sex to humans for reproduction
it does however accept the use of some natural forms of contraception to regulate when they have children
church of england view on contraception
they teach that it is responsible to use contraception in order to ensure that children are planned and wanted
what is natural contraceptoin
reducing the likelihood of conception by using natural techniques
what is artificial contraception
prevention of conception by using contraceptive devices eg condom
WHAT IS abstinence
choosing not to have sex before marriage
Christian approach to abstinence
there are campaigns and organisiations that promote not having sex before marriage
the works of these organisations is mainly directed at young people and reflects the beliefs of some Christians
these organisations emphasise the Christian belief that sex was created by god as an expression of love within marriage.
evidence in bible about contraception
genesis 1:28
god blessed them and said to them be fruitful and increase in number
evidence in bible about sex
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
therefore honour god with your body
Christian views on contraception ROMAN CATHOLIC VIEW
Contraception is an artificial method of preventing pregnancy. Within the Roman Catholic Church there is deemed very few necessary reasons for contraception, contraception breaks ‘natural law’ and as such should not be used. In the Bible God commands that mankind ‘be fruitful and multiply’ (Genesis 1:28) and as such the Roman Catholic Church believes that a married couple should fulfil their duty to God and procreate. If a couple were to use contraception they would not be fulfilling this commandment and also without the chance of procreation the Church deems sexual relations a ‘non-marital act’. The Bible also states that children are a gift from God as evidenced by ‘The children whom God has graciously given your servant’ (Genesis 33:5) and as such the use of contraception could interfere with Gods divine plan.The Roman Catholic Church does have some very few reasons for using contraception; if the pregnancy would ensure the death of the mother, then contraception may be used due to the
Within other protestant denominations of the church however there is a much more liberal view regarding contraception. The use of contraception is actually seen as a means of promoting fidelity, instead of infidelity/adultery. The Anglican Church, for example, argues that if a couple can have sexual relations without the fear of procreation when they are not ready,
RC view on divorce
the catholic church teaches that marriage is permanent, for this reason it doesn’t accept divorce. the church teaches that divorce is simply breaking the legal agreement made in marriage but not the holy agreement with god
catholics believe advice and support should be given to anyone who has gone through a divorce
they do not allow remarriage after a persons been divorced as they consider it to be adulterous as god doesnt acknowlgde the legal divorce has occurred
catholic church allows annulment, once a marriage has been annulled they are free to marry someone else
what is annulment and what a reason for it
when you agree that the promises made during marriage were not valid so therefore neither is the marriage
one reason for it would be if either person had been forced into the marriage without their consent
church of england view on divorce
they believe that couples should work hard to keep their vow of a lifelong commitment to each other in marriage
recognises that divorce is inevitable and it may be impossible for a couple to remain together
allows remarriage
and it is up to the parish priests whether to allow remarriage
key quotes for divorce
MARK 10;11-12
anyone who divorces his wife and marries another women commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another man she commits adultery
1 Corinthians 7;10-11
a Wife mmust not separate from her husband but if she does she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband and a husband must not divorce his wife
The Church will also tolerate divorce on the grounds of adultery due to the verse in Matthew 5:32 which states that divorce can be obtained if a woman should ‘commit adultery’.
mark 10:11-12
anyone who divorces his wife and marries another women commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another man she commits adultery
1 Corinthian 7:10-11
a Wife must not separate from her husband but if she does she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled with her husband and a husband must not divorce his wife
mathhew 5:32
Matthew 5:32 which states that divorce can be obtained if a woman should ‘commit adultery’.
addition to catholic view
Furthermore, during the wedding ceremony the couple would have made promises and declarations to love and care for one another ‘until death do us part’. Due to this they have made a declaration to God that they will join together for all of their lives. This should not be broken. In the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church if
a person divorces and remarries they will actually be committing adultery as the divorce will not be accepted in the eyes of God.
the role of women in Christian families
Christian complementarians believe that role of a wife is to support her husband by managing the family home and raising their children
Christian egalitarians believe than men and women, created in gods image were made with equal responsibilities and duties towards god. they have equal obligations in bringing up their children and working together
what church supports the complementarian outlook
the catholic church
what church supports the egalitarian view
the church of england
what is Christian complementarinisnm
the belief that men and women were created differently and to fulfi different but complementary roles
what is Christian egalitarianism
the belief that men and women were created as equals
ROLE OF MEN AND WOMEN in Christian communities
roman catholic churches teaches Christian complementarianism and does not allow women to become priests or bishops
it teaches that this is gods law and
jesus chose men to be disciples
priests represent jesus when celebrating the mass so a women cannot do this
the authority of the church has been passed on through men a tradition that cannot be broken
Christians who are more egalistarians would approve of the appointment of women as priests they would say
jesus came to break down the barriers between people
god created women in his image as well as men
what communities brings up their children in a more structured manor
the amish community
intructed only to marry others in the amish community
within htier communities they provide school for the children this ends at 14
women are under the authority of man the man is in charge of the spiritual life of his family and also of providing for the families needs by going to work
at the age of 16 amish children are allowed to live outside of the community for a few years. in this time they have to decide whether they want to become fully baptised members of the amish community
evidence on egalistarinaism
genesis 1;27
so god created mankind in his own image, in his own image god created them; he created them male and female
what is prejudice
means making a judgement about a personor situation without knowing all the facts