What is reconciliation?
Making things right between parties after conflict. The idea of bringing sides together to help resolve issues so that people can live in peace.
Buddhist attitudes to forgiveness?
The Buddha suggests that anger is ‘like holding hot coal - intending to throw it at someone - but you are the one who gets burned’. Anger eats away at people so forgiveness prevents more hurt.
Christian attitudes to forgiveness?
Jesus said ‘Love your enemies’ a person must forgive to love, leaving no one to be the enemy.
“Turn the other cheek”
“Love your enemy”
“Forgive 77 times”
“Forgive is our sins as we forgive those who sin against us” - Lord’s Prayer.
What do Christians say about violence and violent protests?
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
What do Buddhists think about violence?
Against the five precepts. The first moral precept is “do not harm living beings”.
Reasons for terrorism?
Fighting for social justice Fighting poverty Fighting for God Defending faith Asserting religious beliefs Fighting because they will not be heard any other way.
Reasons for war?
Greed. B - greed is one of the three poisons.
Retaliation - eg the US invaded Afghanistan partly in retaliation to the 9/11 attacks. C and B against retaliation. C - “turn the other cheek”. B - encouraged forgiveness and compassion.
What are the guidelines for the Just war theory?
Started and controlled by government. Just case Clear aim to promote good over evil Last resort Must be chance of success Fair force and not attack civilians. God outcome and outweigh the evils of war.
What is a Holy war?
A war that is fought for God or for Faith. An example is the Crusades.
What is pacifism?
The belief that violence is always wrong.
What is metta (B)?
What is Karuna?
Reasons for the use of nuclear weapons?
Maintains peace
Reasons against the use of nuclear weapons?
More countries that have them, the more likely they are to be used.
Weapons are so powerful it is never justifiable to use them.
Expensive - the money should be used for better things such as education and health care.
Christian people who fought for peace?
Dr Martin Luther King.
Pope Francis - the leader of the Catholic Church promoted and teaches the important of peace.