What is a civil marriage?
A marriage for a couple carried out at a registry office
What is a civil partnership?
The legal registration of a same-same couple, giving them legal and financial protection.
What is a religious marriage?
A marriage service for a heterosexual couple carried out in a religious place of worship.
Buddhist beliefs about sex?
Sex is about desire and craving (tanha) - both prevent enlightenment
The five precepts say to avoid sexual immorality, including adultery.
Sex before marriage or homosexuality is fine as long as it is part of a loving relationship.
What is celibacy?
Abstaining from sexual relationships.
What is chastity?
Being sexually pure; in a relationship, waiting to have sex until married.
Christian beliefs about sex?
Only married couples should have sex, and only with each other. Catholics believe every sexual act must be within the framework of marriage.
Homosexuality can be considered unnatural.
Responsible parenthood is encouraged so many Christians accept the use of contraception.
Contraception is against Catholic teachings as it cancels out possibilities of getting pregnant.
Buddhist attitudes to divorce?
Divorce is discouraged.
However, it is sometimes seen as right because people may be causing themselves suffering by staying together. This would break the five precepts, creates bad karma, and goes against Buddhists principles of compassion and ahimsa.
What do Christians think about divorce?
For Catholics, divorce is always wrong. Promises are made to God and to each other.
For most other Christians, divorce is discouraged but accepted. It is sometimes the lesser if two evils.
Buddhist attitudes to gender equality?
If a man denies the possibility of enlightenment of women, then his own enlightenment is impossible (Lotus Sutra)
Christian views on gender equality?
“Nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galantians)
Buddhist beliefs about contraception?
Would consider contraceptives that prevent a fertilised egg from implanting (such as the morning after pill) to be less acceptable unless the woman’s life is potentially in danger.
A Christian teaching about marriage, sex outside marriage and divorce?
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”.
What Church does not permit divorce?
The Roman Catholic Church.
A Christian teaching about divorce?
“Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adulterous against her”
“Do not commit adultery” is one of the 10 Commandments.
A Christian belief about the nature of the family?
“Honour your father and your mother”.
Should be consist of a man and a woman - otherwise children will miss out important role models.
Provides a stronger, more secure foundation to raise children if the parents are married.
What do Christians believe is the purpose of the family?
Educating children in their faith.
Teaching children strong moral values.
“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him” - Parents should see their children as a gift from God, and treat them as though they are sacred and important. This shows Christians how important procreation and the protection of children are.
What do Christians say about equality?
“Nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ”.
Jesus only had male disciples.
A quote about male dominance in Christianity?
/female oppression?
“Wives should submit to their husbands in everything”.