What are the three qualities of God? Explain?
Omnipotent - God is all-powerful. God can do anything because of his power. Evidence - the creation of the world (genesis). Miracles performed by Jesus eg raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead.
All-loving - God loves all, without exception and without prejudice. Evidence - sacrificing his own son to make atonement for the sins of humans.
Just - God is fair and will not act unjustly. God will give everyone equal value and rights, without prejudice or favour. Evidence - God will judge us when we die. In the Parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus talks about that just judgement. Also, Book of Job “God is fair and just”.
What is The Trinity?
Christians believe there is only one God. However, they believe that God is revealed in three distinct ways (‘Three Persons’).
God the father - loving creator and sustainer of the universe.
God the son - saviour who became incarnate (human), lived, was crucified and then resurrected, Jesus Christ.
God the holy spirit - source of strength which Christians find at work in their hearts.
If God is just, why do we suffer?
Moral evil - the devil tempts people (eg Adam and Eve), humans have free will which they abuse and so hurt people.
Natural evil - suffering is allowed for punishment of wrong doings. It is a test of faith. In the story of Job, it is needed so we can appreciate good. We learn to help others and look after our world by seeing/experiencing suffering.
What are the Christian beliefs about the creation?
God pre-existed the world, hence being able to create it.
Hod is transcendent (outside space and time). As such he created the world and is not controlled by it.
What are the different interpretations of genesis?
Literally true - every word is the word of God.
Contains truth but not dictated by God - God inspired the writers.
Written by a person whose sense of God in the world inspired them to write. Man-made document.
What do Christians believe death is?
Something that separates life on earth (temporary) from life with God (eternal). It is not something to be feared.
What do Christians believe about resurrection?
God will resurrect them before Judgement Day.
What do Catholics believe about life after death?
Purgatory. A state between death and afterlife. A soul will go to purgatory where it is purified enough to go to Heaven.
How do Christians view Heaven?
State of being rather than a physical place. It is being with God outside time and space.
How do Christians view Hell?
The Bible pains a picture of hell via the metaphor of an unquenchable fire. This idea was historically used to frighten people into obeying church rules. However, now it is seen as an eternal separation from God.
What quote in the Bible suggests that God took human form as Jesus? (His incarnation, Jesus the son)
John 1:14 says “the Word became flesh and lived among us”.
Discuss the crucifixion.
Jesus’ life on earth lasted about 3 years. He was convicted of blasphemy by the Jewish authorities and put to death for treason under the Jewish law. He was crucified at Golgotha - the place of the skull. It took 6 hours for him to die. Mark says at the point of death the temple curtain tore in two. It is believed by some that Jesus’ death had destroyed the barrier of sin that separated man from God. Therefore, making it possible to access God.
How does the crucifixion show salvation and reconciliation?
God gave his only son so that humans could be saved in eternal life (salvation)
Jesus’ death atoned (made up for) human sin.
Discuss the resurrection.
Joseph was given permission to take Jesus’ body from the cross and bury him in a rock tomb he owned. However, the burial was delayed as it was the Sabbath day of rest. When the woman returned on Sunday morning the stone was rolled away as the body had gone. Jesus appeared, not recognisable at first, over forty days.
Discuss the ascension.
40 days after the resurrection the text described the ‘ascension’ of Jesus. Jesus blessed his disciples before being taken up to Heaven. ‘A cloud received him from their sight’.
How does Jesus’ resurrection influence Christians today?
They believe the resurrection is the proof Jesus is the son of God. This shows that God triumphed over evil and death. This opens up heaven for Christian’s. Jesus’ sacrifice overcame sin, reconciled humanity with God and offered eternal life.
What is the original sin?
Comes from Genesis - Adam and Eve are tempted by the devil to eat from the tree of good and evil. Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden as punishment. Christians believe that all humans descended from Adam and Eve. Tainted by this act, all humans have an inbuilt tendancy to disobey God.
What is a sin?
An act that separates humans from God, bringing eternal punishment. Christians believe that God offered salvation through the sacrifice of Christ.
What does salvation mean for Christians?
Being accepted by God and having the assurance of eternal life.
What are the beliefs about salvation through law?
In Jesus’ time, the Jews thought that ‘obeying the law was the way to salvation.
Salvation can earned by obeying God’s laws.
What are beliefs about salvation through works?
Most Christians believe that God judges people after death - this means that what we do matters.
Some passages in the Bible (10 Commandments) suggests that people get to Heaven through our actions.
If salvation was through grace alone, this means that God chooses who goes to Heaven or not. This doesn’t sound very just.
If works don’t matter, what is the point of being a good person? You should just do what you like and hope for God’s grace.
What are the beliefs about salvation through grace?
“For it is God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts but God’s gift, so don’t boast about it. - Ephesians 2:8-0.
God’s grace is always going to be fair and just, because justice is part of God’s nature.
Humans can never be good enough to please God - we are too limited and prone to sin.
What does the creation show?
That God created the world on purpose, in a specific order and that God is pleased with his creation.
God created humans “in His image” - shows we are special
Gives humans dominion/stewardship over the world.
What does John say in the Gospel about God the son?
“In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning”. “The Word” is meant to be Jesus.
“The Word became flesh and lived among us”
What quote shows that God was loving?
“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life”.
How long after Jesus’ crucifixion was he resurrected?
Three days.
What day did the ascension happen?
40th day after Jesus’ resurrection.
What did the resurrection do?
Opened up Heaven for Christians - without it, humans couldn’t go to heaven.
Christian teachings about the incarnation?
God taking human form as Jesus.
Jesus’ incarnation means he was able to understand what it is like to be fully human. Eg the misery of human suffering.
Christian influences regarding the incarnation?
Ask for forgiveness. Because Jesus died for our sins to be forgiven so Christians want to stay sinless.
Pray to Jesus. This is because he proved how much he and God loved us by giving the ultimate sacrifice - his life.
Influences of the afterlife?
Offers comfort that this life is not the end.
God will be the ultimate judge so we must lead a good life to go to Heaven.