What is karma?
Means action. Buddhists believe that all intentional actions, thoughts or words have consequences.
What are skilful actions known as?
Upaya kusala. - brings positive future consequences.
What are unskillful actions?
Akusala. - brings negative future consequences.
What does it mean that Buddhists believe in merit-making?
Building good karma by good deeds. - this offsets previous bad karma.
What is Karuna?
Compassion. One of the four sublime states (Brahma-viharas). A state of mind which leads to a sense of selflessness.
What is metta?
Loving kindness. It is selfless and not done for personal gain. Another one of the (Brahma-viharas). It is the concern for the well being of others - actions flow from that concern.
Quotes for metta?
“Whatever beings there may be…may all beings, without exception, be happy-minded”
“My religion is simple, my religion is kindness”
What school of Buddhism believe in the six perfections?
Mahayana Buddhism.
What is the Buddhists term for the six perfections?
What are the six perfections?
Six virtues which bodhisattvas work to perfect in themselves.for a Bodhisattva they are often seen to replace the Noble Eightfold Path.
What is giving/generosity?
The first perfection (Dana)
Someone who practices perfect giving sees no difference between the giver and the receiver. This includes giving guidance on the Dhamma, material items, accumulated merit and his/her own life. If necessary, the Buddha in one lifetime gave his life to a she-tiger who had no food for her cubs.
What is morality?
The second perfection. (Sila)
Keeping all the five precepts. It is also the understanding of how one can break a Precept yet still be acting in a skilful (kusala) way eg killing someone from preventing them murdering another person.
What is patience?
The third perfection (ksanti)
Non-anger/non-agitation. This is beyond enduring suffering but rather accepting any difficulties one has. Accepting Sunyata means the Bodhisattva sees no deference between themselves as sufferer and the cause of suffering.
What is effort?
The fourth perfection (virya)
This means never getting bored/tired of working for one’s vows. It is unrelenting energy in overcoming ones faults and cultivating the virtues of the bodhisattva.
What is meditation?
The fifth perfection (bhavana)
Following all forms of meditation. This is about becoming able to always see things as they are so as to help others more effectively.
What is wisdom?
The sixth perfection (prajna)
Realisation of sunyata. This is perfect wisdom.
What is the Buddhist term for The Five Precepts?
Panca Sila.
What is a skilful example of obeying the precepts?
Being faithful in a marriage is a skilful way of following the third precept “abstain from sexual misconduct”.
What precepts must monks follow?
The ten precepts (dada sila)
As well as the first five, the must also:
Abstain from taking untimely meals
Abstain from dancing/music/singing
Abstain from the use of garlands/perfumes/jewellery.
Abstain from the use of high seats/luxurious beds.
Abstain from accepting gold/silver (money).
Talk about the temple as a place of Buddhist worship.
Buddhist laity attend the temple whenever they wish to. Most attend every festival day. Temples include worship halls and shrines. Many have gardens for reflection and spaces for meditation. Many also have rooms for consultation with the monks based at the temples. Pujas (acts of worship) are held here daily.
Many temples are built near stupas, which are relic houses (contain religious artefacts such as a tooth from the Buddha). Stupas are domed shapes.
There are bodhi trees at many temples, reminding people of the Buddha’s enlightenment. Many are said to be descended from the original tree.
Talk about a shrine as a place of Buddhist worship.
A shrine is a small or large scale place dedicated to the Buddha; it can be at home. It is centred around at least one Buddha rupa (statue of the Buddha). Each temple has a shrine room as it is the most important place for worship. Acts of worship and offerings are made to the Buddha here.
Talk about a Vihara (monastery)as a place of Buddhist worship?
All have a temple within their compound. Pujas )acts of worship, but NOT services) are held here daily. Since the monks live here, there will be living quarters, as well as kitchens, meeting rooms etc.
Talk about Gompa (hall for learning) as a place of Buddhist worship.
This is the name given to the Tibetan Buddhist shrine rooms. In Tibetan Buddhism there is a long tradition of training of monks to attain a degree in Buddhist philosophy, hence a hall for learning.
Talk about the importance of Buddhist places of worship.
- place of learning - laity or monk anyone can learn more about the Dhamma from the religious leaders.
- Place for reflection/meditation - Right Meditation.
- place to pay tribute to the Buddha -making offerings in thankfulness for his gift of the teachings of the Dhamma and for his example of attaining enlightenment - the act of Dana (giving)
- advice
- centre of the community.
A quote about enlightenment and effort?
“You yourselves should make the effort; the enlightened ones are only teachers”.
Talk about the Buddha rupa (statue of the Buddha) as a key feature of worship.
Can be sat in a meditative pose, redoing or standing.
One focal Buddha rupa, usually centrally positioned.
Often many rupa in a shrine room.
Importance - symbols within rupa help worshipper to focus on spiritual truths. Buddha is central to religion, so central to shrine.
Talk about the artefacts as a key feature of worship.
Items of religious significance to aid worship or meditation, or to remind of the Dhamma.
Scriptures - may be only one sutra eg the Heart Sutra representing the speech of the Buddha.
Model of a stupa - representing the mind of the Buddha.
Vajra- thunderbolt/diamond - symbolises five wisdoms and five kanhas/poisons.
Instruments such as cymbals and bells are present to aid meditation/puja.
Importance -
Aid to worship. Symbolic nature is important.
Rupa, scriptures and stupa represent the three jewels.
Talk about offerings as a key feature of worship.
Flowers - beauty of enlightenment, reminder of impermanence as they wither and die.
Candles - the light of Dhamma and darkness of ignorance.
Incense - sweet smell goes everywhere so there are no barriers, Buddhism is fit for any place and any person.
Food - gift of thanks to Buddha for the teachings of the Dhamma and to the monks for their religious devotion.
What is a difference between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism related to rupas.
Mahayana temples usually have three Buddhas/Bodhisattvas as the focal point of their shrine, known as a triad. Theravada temples have one central rupa, but often have many other smaller rupa all around that one.
What offerings are traditional in Mahayana Buddhism?
Seven offerings
Two bowls of water (washing, drinking) symbolises hospitality. Then five others - flowers, candles, incense, food, perfume - represent the five senses.
However, in Theravada Buddhism, Theravadins make offerings of the four forms (flowers, incense, food and light).
What is puja?
An act of formal worship that takes place before a shrine.
What are the three core elements of Buddhist puja?
Bowing to the Buddha
Three times represent the Buddha, the Dhamma and Sangha (the three jewels/refuges)
This is often done in a kneeling position with hands in front of the chest. Though it may be done in full prostration with the worshippers head touching the floor. This reminds them of their commitment to the ideal set by the Buddha.
Making offerings that symbolise key teachings.
Changing - done when making offerings. It is often a recitation of a scripture.
What do Buddhists do puja?
As an expression of devotion and thankfulness to the Buddha generally, but it may also be for a specific purpose, such as becoming pregnant.
Shows Right Mindfulness.
What is a useful quote about praying?
“Reverently, I prostrate with my body, speech and mind, and present clouds of every type of offering”. - Tibetan prayer.
What is chanting?
Repetition of key scriptures/teachings and can be an aid to meditation. It must be conducted in a single-minded and sincere manner, though it can be done aloud/silently, alone/with others, with prayer beads or not, to music or not. It is always a demonstration of devotion.
What is mantra recitation?
Repetition of a set phrase in order to bring about a specific state of consciousness. Tibetan Monks are often given mantras personal to themselves by their teachers.
Eg Om mani Padme hum is a mantra where the syllables represent the six perfections. It could be changing to call upon the Buddha or Bodhisattva. It always shows devotion but is also merit-making.
Why do Buddhists use Malas?
A mala, a string of prayer beads, is used to count prayers/recitations/mantras. There are 108 beads in total, representing 108 worldly desires and the means to overcome them. These aid focus, but also ensure the worshipper says the requisite number of prayers.
What is a mantra?
Set phrase, usually calling on the name of a Buddha/Bodhisattva.
How do we know meditation is important?
Right concentration is one element of the noble eightfold path, which is the fourth noble truth (magga). Samadhi (meditation) is one element of the threefold way. It is considered crucial for attaining enlightenment. Meditation leads to mindfulness, which leads to detachment, which leads to nibanna.
The Buddha is often seated in a meditative position pose in rupas/images, hence implying its importance.
Quote about the importance of meditation?
“A controlled mind brings happiness” - Dhammapada 35.
What are the four types of meditation?
Samatha (calm/concentration and tranquility)
Vipassana (insight)
Zazen (meditating in sitting)
Visualisation (of Buddha or Bodhisattva)
Talk about Samatha meditation.
Calm/concentration and tranquility.
Aims to develop calmness and mindfulness. It trains the mind not to be distracted by thoughts.
There are eight trance levels (jhanas) with are recognised in Samatha meditation. It begins with mindfulness of breathing and each subsequent one is more complicated/refined. Nibanna cannot be attained from Samatha, as the levels operate within the universe.
Leads to right mindfulness.
Talk about Vipassana meditation.
This is specific to Buddhism, developed by the Buddha.
Focus is on analysing the mind and body and interactions with the material world in order to break attachment. This allows insight into the true nature of reality, particularly the Three Marks of Existence. From that nibanna can be attained.
Permanent solution to the problem of suffering, given the realisation of the Three Marks.
More connected to to wisdom (panna) than concentration (Samatha).
Talk about Zazen meditation.
Meditation in sitting.
This comes from Soto Zen, Japanese Buddhism.
The meditator sits in a meditative position in a quiet room and tries to attain a state of relaxed attention (no thoughts, no reasoning, no reflection). These are supposed to train monks to give up on logical reasoning and force sudden intuitive enlightenment.
Dogen, the founder of Soto Zen, said that zazen in itself could constitute enlightenment.
Common for the meditator to be posed a koan.
Talk about Visualisation meditation?
The meditator will visualise a Buddha or Bodhisattva.
This involves calming the mind and visualising Buddhas or Bodhisattvas to develop compassion. It is common to Chinese (Chan) and Tibetan Buddhism.
It may include trying to recreate the image in one’s mind - of a mandala, a Tangkha (image of a Buddha in their heaven eg Amitabha), a Buddha eg Guan Yin (Bodhisattva of compassion), a Buddha heaven, or a mantra.
The meditator is trying to see what it would be like to be the subject or in the place being visualised.
What is a tangkha?
Image of a Buddha in their heaven eg Amitabha.
What is Guan Yin?
Bodhisattva of compassion.
What is koan?
Statement/question intended to pose mental dilemma. Used in Zazen.
Eg “what is the sound of one hand clapping”.
What is the process after death in Theravada Buddhism?
Sutras are recited to the dying/dead.
The coffin. With the body in I surrounded by candles, incense and wreaths.
Monks visit to chant from Abhidharma scripture; food is given to the monks (matakabhatta).
At cremation, monks sit facing the coffin; relatives bring lit torches made of candles, incense and a fragrant wood to put under the coffin and start the flames.
Symbolism -
Trying to direct the thoughts of the dying/dead to the Buddha.
Reminder of the Three Marks of Existence.
Transfer of merit to the dead from reading and giving of alms to aid rebirth.
Watching dead is a meditation on impermanence and no self.
What is the process after death in Japanese Buddhism?
Funeral rites last several days.
Procession to the temple. Coffin placed in front of items to invoke paradise. Mourners give money.
Priests kneel before the coffin and recite sutras. Family offer respects to the dead.
Body is burned while a family meal takes place.
Ashes/bones are placed into a box using special chopsticks. This is put in the family shrine (butsudan) before internment in the family grave.
Symbolism- Mark of respect Hope for rebirth in a heaven Dana Reminder of impermenance. One willow and one bamboo chopstick, representing the bridge between this world and the next.
What is the process after death in Tibetan Buddhism?
Book of dead read to the dying/dead person to prepare them for bardo.
In bardo for up to 49 days, beginning with a glimpse of enlightenment, their karma will then take them to it or pull them away for rebirth.
Sky burial - performed on a hillside. The body is dismembered while a scripture is recited.
The parts are then left for vultures to eat.
Symbolism -
The reader gains good merit for themselves, and helps the recipient.
The ‘being pulled away’ is explained as the sense of ‘I’ being too strong to let go and so rebirth is inevitable.
Emphasises non-attachment - there is no ‘I’. Buddha gave his body to feed starving animals in one rebirth.
This is the final act of Dana by the deceased.
What is a Retreat in Buddhism?
During the three month rainy season, the Buddha encouraged monks to seclude themselves in order to meditate more intensely. This retreat has been a practice of monks ever since.
The process involves taking one self away from the normal concerns/demands of daily life. In the UK, this is a chance to fully relax but fully focus - away from Western Society. It can be considered as ‘spiritual battery recharge’. Participants meet other people, so they can form a sense of community which lasts beyond the retreat. TAKING A BREAK FROM SOCIETY TO FOCUS ON SPIRITUAL PATH.
What is Wesek?
A festival commemorating full moon in May on which day Buddha was born, became enlightened and died.
It recalls the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death.
During the festival the laity follows the Eight precepts (the Five Precepts plus refraining from singing/dancing/wearing garlands and perfumes/eating after midday and sleeping in luxurious beds).
They attend temple and make offerings to the temple, but also to the vulnerable of society. They participate in chanting scriptures, listening to sermons, and in meditation. some Buddhists wear white (novice) robes and spend the whole day/evening at the temple. Many pour water over statues of the Buddha, as if washing them, and put garlands of flowers over them.
What is Parinirvana day?
For Mahayana Buddhists, Pariniravana day recalls the day that the Buddha died, so he reached nibanna. For most Buddhists this day is 15 February. It is important because it reminds us of final day, ceasing to be reborn - the goal of all Buddhists. Buddhists should reflect on their future death and on any recent deaths.
The day involves attending temple and/or mediation. Some spend the day reading/reciting sutras (especially Parinirvana Sutra). Prayers will be said for recently deceased to try to send them merit for their journey. Many Buddhists give money and items to support monks at monasteries. It is also a traditional day for pilgrimage in Asia.
What is a difference between Wesek and
Parinirvana day?
While Wesek is a social and joyful day, with activities for children and adults in the UK, Parinirvana is a solemn one requiring a certain level of understanding of faith to be able to attend UK temples (effectively excluding children).
What are the Brahma-viharas?
Four sublime states - loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity.
What is meditation?
Meditation is mental concentration in order to achieve a state of mind.
Which type of meditation was developed by the Buddha?
Insight - realisation of the Three Marks leads to nibanna.
Who is zazen meditation specific to?
Comes from Soto Zen - Japanese Buddhism.
Who is visualisation meditation specific to?
Common in Chinese (Chan) and Tibetan Buddhism.