Religion, Peace And Conflict 2️⃣✅ Flashcards
What is forgiveness?
Pardoning someone for wrong doing
What is greed?
(in terms of war)
Going to war for resources such as land or natural resources such as oil
What is holy war?
A war that is fought or religious reasons, usually backed by a religious leader
What is just war?
A Christian theory that asks if a war is being fought justly e.g. following the 4 conditions/ reasons for war
What is justice?
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law or Gods will
What is a nuclear weapon?
A weapon using a nuclear reaction to cause massive ammounts of damage
What is pacifism?
A belief that all forms of violence are wrong
What is peace?
A state of happiness and harmony
What is peace making?
Working towards bringing about and end to war and a state of peace
What is a protest?
A public expression of dissaproval, often in a big group, can be peaceful or violent
What are Quakers?
A Christian denomination who worship in silence and are well known pacifists
What is reconcilliation?
Restoring freidnly relationships after a war or conflict
What is retalliation?
Deliberately harming someone as a response to them harming you
What is self-defence?
Protecting yourself or others from harm
What is terrorism?
Using violence in order to further a political or religious message