Buddhist Beliefs 1️⃣✅ Flashcards
What are the 4 sights?
D ead man
O ld man
S ick man
H oly man
What is the prophecy revolving around the future of the Siddhartha?
That he would either grow up to be a great king or a holy man
What does the name Siddhartha mean?
Perfect fulfilment - foreshadowing his Buddha journey
How was Siddhartha born?
He was born out of his mother side and when he was born he walked 7 steps & with every step a lotus flower sprung up from the earth.
What is the dream of the white elephant?
Queen Maya, Siddhartha’s mother dreamt that a white elephant with 6 tusks entered her side and then her womb. This dream was interpreted to mean that she had conceived a child that would become a great king or a holy man.
How was Siddhartha’s upbringing?
Siddhartha’s father, the king kept in mind the prophecy and was determined that his son would follow in his footsteps and made sure to give Siddhartha everything and prevent him from feeling any pain, sadness, disappointment or suffering in hopes he wouldn’t need to seek religion and become holy. He assumed if his son became attached to a life of luxury he wouldn’t want to leave the palace.
What was Siddhartha’s experience when living as an ascetic?
He ate one grain of rice a day and learned how to meditate.
Why did Siddhartha leave the ascetics?
He left them because he soon realised that starving himself on one grain of rice a day was leading him to suffer (dukkha) which would take him further away from the middle way & enlightenment.
Who tried to tempt Siddhartha out of meditation?
Its said that Mara (the equivalent of the devil in Buddhism) would attempt to distract the him from meditation by sending his daughters to tempt him.
How did Siddhartha eventually become enlightened and become the ‘Buddha’?
After living the 2 extremes, ascetism and living in a palace he realised neither had given him real answers. This lead him to develop the middle way - this soon lead him to reach enlightenment.
What happened on the 1st watch of the night?
During the first watch, the Buddha gained knowledge of his previous lives
What happened on the 2nd watch of the night?
During the second watch, the Buddha understood the wheel of samsara & karma
What happened on the 3rd watch of the night?
During the third watch, the Buddha understood the cause of suffering
What were the 3 watches of the night?
The three realisations that the Buddha made in order to achieve enlightenment
What is enlightenment?
Enlightenment is gaining freedom of the endless cycle of rebirth and becoming aware of all karma and suffering.
What are the 3 marks of existence?
Dukkha - physical or mental pain
Anicca - impermanence, everything changes
Anatta - people dont have a fixed self or soul
What are the 3 types of suffering?
Dukkha-Dukkha - ordinary suffering
Viparinama-Dukkha - suffering due to change
Samkhara-Dukkha - suffering due to attachment
What are the 7 states of suffering?
Old age
Separation of something you love
Contact with something you dislike
Not being able to do what you want
Name the 5 aggregates?
Form - our body
Sensation - our feelings
Perception - how interpret things
Mental Formation - our thoughts
Consciousness - our awareness
What are the 3 poisions?
Greed, Hatred & Ignorance
Where do most Buddhist teachings come from?
The Pali Cannon
Label the 8 fold path
V iew
I ntention
S peech
A ction
L ivelihood
E ffort
M indfulness
C oncentration
What are the 4 nobel truths?
Dukkha - the truth of suffering
Samudaya - the truth of the cause of suffering
Nirodha - the truth of the end of suffering
Magga - the path leading to the end of suffering (the middle way)
What is Dukkha?
What is Tanha?
What are the 5 aggregates?
The 5 aspects that make up a person.
What is Nibbana (nirvana)?
A state of complete enlightenment, happiness and peace
What is sangha?
The community
What is an Arhart?
A perfected person who has over come the main causes of suffering (3 poisons) and has escaped the wheel of samsara and has become enlightened. They are also no longer reborn when you die.
What is a Bodisattva?
A person who has reached enlightenment and has become enlightened but chooses to remain in the wheel of samsara to help others achieve enlightenment as well.
In what form of Buddhism is the goal to become an Arhart?
Theravada Buddhists
In what form of Buddhism is the goal to become a Bodhisattva?
What is Mahayana Buddhism?
A somewhat newer form of Buddhism
Goal is to become a Bodhisattva
More inclusive, less traditional e.g allow ordination of women
Include Pure Land & Zen Buddhism
You can meditate & contact the Buddha
What is Buddha-nature?
The idea that everyone has the essence of a Buddha inside them and everyone has the potential to become enlightened
What is Theravada Buddhism?
A more traditional form of Buddhism
Goal is to become an Arhat
They believe the Buddha is a historical figure who cannot be contacted
Known as the school of elders
Ordination to become a monk is for men
What is the story of Kisa Gotami?
The story revolves around a woman Kisa Gotami asking the Buddha to help her revive her dead son. The Buddha told her to go and get a mustard seed from a family whom has never experienced grief - Kisa found 0 families that hadn’t experienced grief and therefore accepted her sons death and understood Anicca and Dukkha.
What is dependent arising?
The belif that everything is dependent on other conditions and because of this nothing is permanent and everything changes (Anicca). Also helps buddhists understand concept of karma and rebirth to that they can be reborn into a pleasant realm