Christian Beliefs 1️⃣✅ Flashcards
What does omnipotent mean?
Being almighty & having unlimited power
What does benevloent mean?
Being all-loving and forever good
What does being just mean?
Bringing about what is right and fair according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been comitted
What is the original sin?
The belief that humans are born with sin as a result of the fall of Adam and Eve eating the apple from the tree of life
What 3 things make up the trinity?
- The father
- The son
- The holy spirit
Who is the first person in the trinity and what is belived about them?
The father - christians believe that the father is the creator of earth and all living things on it. As a creator of life, he acts as a good father towards all his children
Who is the second person in the trinity and what is belived about them?
The son - often refered to as the son of God, he became incarnate on Earth through Jesus. Christians believe that Jesus was both fully human whilst on Earth & also God at times
Who is the third person in the trinity and what is belived about them?
The holy spirit - Christians believe that once Jesus left the Earth, God sent the holy spirt to influence, guide and sustain the Earth and all life on it.
What are the 2 ways different types of Christians can take the creation story from Genesis 1?
- Fundamentalist christians would take it for 100% truth and that the accounts of the 7 days of creation actually happend - they see it as the actual answer for how the universe came to be
- Liberalist christians take the creation story more as a symbolic account and actually look to science for explain how the world actualy came to be
What does Genesis 1:1-3 imply about creation?
+ + 2 short quotes
In Geneiss 1:1-3 it is said that the ‘spirit of God was hovering over the waters’ when God created the ‘heavens and the earth’ implying that the holy spirit was always present even in the beginning during the creation
What does John 1:1-3 imply about creation?
‘and the word was God he was with God’ ‘the word’ refers to ‘the son’ in the trinity e.g. Jesus; ultimately implying that Jesus was also invloved in creation
What does Genesis 1:1-3 and John 1:1-3 ultimately imply about thr trinity?
That the entire trinity was present during creation and exisited all the way at the beginning
What was the incarnation?
The belief that Jesus was God in human form
What is a key quote to support the incarnation of Jesus?
‘She was found to be pregnant through the holy spirit’ Bible
What does the virgin conception show?
That this was no ordinary conception of a child and that the child had to be the son of God
What was the crucifixion?
Jesus was killed by being fixed to a cross
Why was incarnation important?
Jesus’ place on Earth shows Gods love for humans
Why was the crucifixion important?
It gives Christians hope that their sins will be forgotten if they repent.
What was the resurrection?
When Jesus rose from the dead after his death on the cross/ Cruicifixion
Why was the ressurection important?
- Shows the power of good & evil
- Shows that Christians sins will be forgiven if they follow Gods law/ rules/ commandments
- Implies that there is life after death
What is the Ascension?
40 days after ressurection, Jesus joined his father in heaven
What did Jesus do before his ascension?
He asked his diciples to carry on his work and his teachings form God
Why is the ascension important?
- Shows that Jesus is with God in heaven
- It proves Jesus is the son of God and highlights Gods omnipotenece (power)
Where will christians go after death?
- heaven
- hell
- purgatory
What is purgatory?
- A catholic belief
- This is a place where some people who have sinned are purified in a ‘cleansing fire’, after which they are accepted into Heaven.
What is heaven?
- Heaven is described as eternity in the presence of God, Heaven is the ultimate aim for Christians, so that their soul can be reunited with God and united with Christ.
- can be a physical or spiritual place
What is hell?
Hell has traditionally been depicted as a place of eternal fire that symbolises pain and suffering. This is seen as the result of the refusal to accept the happiness that God wants people to share with him. Hell is the opposite of Heaven - it is eternity in the absence of God.
(JUDGEMENT) What 2 things does God judge christians on after death?
- Behaviour and actions
- Faith in Jesus
What supports God judging people on there behaviour and actions?
The parable of the Goat
What does the parable of the goat teach/ imply?
That if you help people you will go to heaven but if you font, you have a place in hell
What supports God judging people on there faith in Jesus?
A quote from Jesus - ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ implying you have to believe in Jesus in order to enter heaven
What is sin?
any thought or action that separates us from God e.g. sinful thoughts like anger can lead to sinful actions like murder
What salvation?
Is to be saved from sin and have eternal life with god
What was Jesus’ role in salvation?
- Jesus’ crucifixion made up for the original sin
- Jesus’ death helped restore the relationship between humans and God - bridged the cap in which sin had formed
- Jesus’ death and resurrection means that its possible for all humans to gain eternal life in heaven
What is attonment?
The removal of sin & the making ammends for wrong doing therfore enabling a relationship with God to be restored
How did Jesus ‘enable’ attonment?
By dying on the cross Jesus took all of the sins of humanity and enabled attonment/ the removal of sin to restore a relationship with God
What is a quote that supports bodily ressurection?
‘So will it be with the resurrection of the dead’ Bible
What is the problem of evil?
That if god is so omnipotent and benevolent then why does evil exist? Is god even real? Makes Christian’s question there faith