Relationships And Families 2️⃣✅ Flashcards
What is adultery?
Having sex with someone who is not your husband or wife, outside of marriage
What is artificial contraception?
Methods of preventing pregnancy e.g. condom, pill
What is cohabitation?
Living and starting a family with someone who you are not married to
What is divorce?
The legal ending of a marriage
What is family planning?
Using a womans cycle of fertility to try and avoid pregnancy
What is gender discrimination?
Acting against people based on their gender
What is gender prejudice?
Holding baised opinions about people based on their gender
What is a heterosexual?
Sexual attraction to the opposite gender
What is a homosexual?
Sexual attraction to teh same gender
What is marriage?
A legal and religious ceremony joining two people together in love
What is procreation?
Bringing babies into the world
What is remarriage
Marrying someone else after a divorce
What is celibacy?
Choosing a life without sex
What is chastity?
Not having sex until marriage
What are 3 main factors that apply pressure to a marraige?
(Reasons for divorce)
- Domestic Violence
- Addiction
- Lost Feelings/ Adultery
What is a Buddhist attidtude towards homosexual relationships?
Buddhist teachings are not against same-sex marriage and are mostly accepting of it as long as it follows the rules applied by the moral precepts e.g. 3rd: refrain from sexual misconduct
What is a Christian attitude towards homosexual relationships?
(Roman Catholic)
Roman Catholics believe that sex is only for having children and procreating. If someone is homosexual they have a duty to remain celibate to not live life in sin
What is a Christian attitdude towards homosexual relationships?
(Church of England)
The Church of England is divided. Some may accept practicing homosexuals and believe that God is love and love should be celebrated regardless of the nature of the relationship. Others belive that it goes against the Bible.
What is a quote from Leviticus on homosexual relations?
(you shall not lie with …)
‘you shall not lie with a man as with woman’
What is a nuclear family?
A family with a mother, a father and children
What is an extended family?
A family where grandparents and other relatives are involved
What is a Christian attitude towards contraception?
(Roman Catholic)
That all sexual acts inside a marriage must be open to procreation and that a baby is a gift from God
What is a Christian attitude towards contraception?
(Church of England)
That contraception should be allowed so that couples should take time and consider if they would like to have children
What is a Buddhist attitude towards contraception?
The most common Buddhist view on artificial contraception is that it is acceptable if it prevents conception, but methods that stop the development of a fertilised egg are wrong and should not be used
What is a polygamous family?
A family that includes one man but 2 wives
(Illegal in the UK)
What is the Christian perspective on the purpose of families?
That they are in place to:
* Procreate and have children - in some chrisitanity the main purpose for marraige
* The stability and protection of children - secure & stable environmetns to grow up
* Educating children in faith - christians should bring their children up with christian values & teach them of the faith e.g. parables/ faith schools
What is the Buddhist perspective on the purpose of families?
- You dont need to procreate, its your choice
- bring children up in stable and safe environments that allow for support
- Educating in the faith - most buddhist parents teach their children Buddhist practices e.g. 5 moral precepts and respect towards the Budhha
What is a Christian attitude towards sex before marriage?
According to the 7th commandment - you shall not commit adultery, many christians belive that you should serve a life of chastity up until you are married out of respect for God and his 10 commandments.
What is a Buddhist attitude towards sex before marriage?
The act of premarital sex does not contradict with any Buddhist teachings, although many Buddhists would accept this, they would have to be reassured that there is no sexual misconduct happening - that being the 3rd moral precept?
Name the 5 moral precepts
- refrain from taking life
- refrain from taking what is not given
- refrain from the missuse of the senses or sexual misconduct
- refrain from wrong speech
- refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind
What is a Christian quote for sex before marriage?
‘Flee from sexual morality’
What is a Christian teaching from Mark 10 about divorce?
If you divorce and remarry you are committing adultery