Christian Practices 1️⃣✅ Flashcards
What things are common for Christians to worship about?
To thank God, to ask for forgiveness for sins or to deepen there relationship with God
What is Liturgical worship?
Worship with a set structure - worship that’s always the same every time it’s practiced
What is Non-Liturgical worship?
Worship that doesn’t follow a set structure e.g. will change every week
What is Informal worship?
Worship that is a type of non-liturgical worship but much more spontaneous (e.g. clapping, dancing)
What is private worship?
Worship not in a church but in your own home
What are the advantages to Liturgical worship?
It’s lead by a vicar/priest , some people take comfort in having a routine and knowing what they will happen when they go to worship each week
What are the advantages to Non-Liturgical worship?
Variety will make the worship more engaging , priest/vicar can prepare a service to suit a certain time like Easter or Christmas
What are the advantages to Informal worship?
It can be more fun/ engaging due it’s spontaneous nature and therefore can attract more young people
What are the advantages to private worship?
There is no need to travel to worship, you can worship at any time and as you most likely would be alone it can be much more personal/ heartfelt
What are disadvantages to Liturgical worship?
Could get boring as it’s the same every week, young people not as engaged
What are disadvantages to Non-liturgical worship?
It’s less traditional and some people may dislike that
What are disadvantages to informal worship?
Activities like dancing and clapping take away from the true message of the service/ decreases focus on God, it’s not traditional
What are disadvantages to private worship?
There is no lead to the service, as you are not in the church you may not feel as connected to God
What is a set prayer?
A prayer which is used more than once and written down
What is an example of a set prayer?
The Lord’s Prayer
What is an informal prayer?
A prayer that is made up by the individual and is only said once
Why is the Lord prayer important?
Reminds Christian’s to forgive other and ask for forgiveness
Why can set prayers be better than informal prayers?
Because e.g. Lords prayer taught by Jesus - allows for a sense of community
Why would you get baptised?
To receive gods grace
To cleanse sins
Become a member of the Christian community
What is baptism?
The ritual through which people become members of the church; uses water as a symbol of the washing away of sins
What is believers baptism?
An adult being baptised to clear of sins/ enter a new life/ beginning - person fully submerged in water
What is infant baptism?
A baby being baptised - becomes a member of church/ the infant is freed from original sin
What is a sacrament?
Rituals through which the believer receives a special gift of grave from god
What is the Roman Catholic interpretation of holy communion?
They take it 100% literally and believe that Jesus is in the bread and wine - that it’s the body and blood of Christ.
What is holy communion?
A service of thanksgiving in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated using bread & wine; also called Eucharist or the Lords supper
What is the Protestant interpretation of the holy communion?
Protestants take it much more symbolically. They don’t believe that the bread and is actually his body and blood - just that is symbolises that. It instead helps them remember his sacrifice and the last supper
What is a quote from the bible that links to the bread and wine being Christ?
‘This is my body’
What is pilgrimage?
A journey made by a believer to a holy site
Why do people go on pilgrimages?
To grow closer to god
To strengthen faith
To be forgiven for sin
What is the Lourdes pilgrimage?
Lourdes is a famous pilgrimage site in France where the waters are believed to have healing powers
Why do pilgrims go to Lourdes?
Because they believe that they may be cleansed of there sins
What is the iona pilgrimage?
Iona is a holy isle in Scotland where St Colombia established a monastic monastery.
Why do pilgrims go to Iona?
As its a place of natural beauty and its a wonderful location for pilgrims to reflect and pray, pigirms can attend services or workshops to strentghen there religious belifs, connection with God or sense of community
What does Christmas celebrate?
It commemorates/ celebrates the incarnation/ brith of Jesus
How is christmas celebrated?
- Lights - a symbol of Jesus, the light, entering a world of darkness
- Nativity scenes
- Donations to charity
- Nativity plays by children
- Christmas gifts - symbolise the gifts Jesus recived from the wise men
What does Easter celebrate?
Celebrates Jesus’ resurrection/ rise from the dead
How is easter celebrated?
- Holy week - to remember the week before crucifixion
- Good friday - the day Jesus was crucified
- Saturday night - a service held to celebrate that Jesus was ressurected, candle lit to symbolise he has risen
- Easter sunday - Churches filled with flowers, eggs given to symbolise new life
What are the 2 meanings for the word ‘church’?
- The building
- The community
What does the church as a building do?
- Provide a meeting place for prayer and worship
- A place to go in times of guidance
- A place where people feel close to God
What does the Church as a community do?
- Supports local projects like food banks
- Provides schooling and medical care e.g. stree pastors
- Campagins for justice and equality
- Educates people about Christianity
- Provies activities for children
Give 2 examples of food banks?
- The oasis project
- The trussel trust
What does the trussel trust do?
- run over 400 food banks
- provides food for those in crisis
- Refer people to doctors
- Church donates food
What does the oasis project do?
- Provides intenet cafe, help with job aplications, food banks
- Those in need e.g people with disablities, victims of domestic violence etc…
What are street pastors and what do they do?
- People that patrol the strees in urban areas to listen to people in need and give help and or advice
- Somtimes hand out water
- Discourage anti-social behaviour
What is a quote to support the actions of street pastors?
- ‘go and do thou likewise’ parable of the good samaritan, taught by Jesus in the Bible
What is reconcilliation?
restoring the harmony after relationships have broken down. Also is a sacrament in Catholic Christianity
What percentage of all acts of religious discrimination are against Christians?
What could Christian persecution involve?
- increased taxes
- forbidden to build churches
- physical attacks
What are 3 charities that work in response to world poverty?
- Christian Aid
- Tearfund
What does Christian aid do?
- Provides emergancy relief, such as food, water, shelter and sanitation
- Campagians to end poverty
- Supports projects to encourage sustainable development
What does Tearfund do?
- Supplies emergency aid after natural disasters and conflict
- Provides long term aid to help communities become more self-reliant, such as education or new farming equipment
- Supported by donations, fundraising events and prayer from UK churches
What does CAFOD do?
- Works with local agencies to train, supply and support communities to work their own way out of poverty
- gives short term aid such as food, water and shelter during conflict and disasters
- Encourages catholic schools to pray, give money and campagin for justice to lift people out of poverty
What is a quote for supporting the churches response to world poverty?
‘If anyone has material possesions and sees a brother or sister in need and has no pitty on them, how can the love of God be in that person?’ BIBLE
or ‘love thy neighbour’ BIBLE
What is evangelism?
Preaching of the gospel/ spreading word to others with the intention of converting others to the Christian faith
What is a missionary Christian?
A missionary is a christian who thinks its there calling to spread the word of God. They may travel to other countries to spread Jesus’ teachings
What is an example of envagelism?
(explain it)
The alpha course - a introductory event aimed to help church members understand the basics of the chrisian faith/ learn them if new. Its a course and you graduate from it
Why can evangelism be a negative thing?
Because by spreading faith you could be infringing on peoples individua liberty
Why is reconcilliation important in Christianity?
Important because Jesus reconciled the relationship between humans and God via his crucifixion so save us from orginal sin and restore connection with God
What does the ICPP (Irish Churches Peace Project) do?
- Bring together christians from all across northern ireland
- Set up to discus ways to find peace during the conflict between protestants and cathlolics in northern ireland and reconcile the relationship between the group across the country
What does the community of the cross of nails do?
- 1940 coventry cathedral bombed
- Local christians tried to forvgive and reconcile/ show forgiveness for those responsible
- The cathedral has scince become a world centre for reconciliation
- They work with other countries and local communities to bring about peace
Give 2 examples of chruch orginisations that try to bring about reconciliation?
- The community of the cross of nails
‘No one comes ____________________________ me’
‘No one comes through the father except through me’