Religion And Life 2️⃣✅ Flashcards
How do Christians believe the universe was created?
Christians believe that the universe was created in the 7 days of creation. They believe that God created all things that exist out of nothing
What happened on the 1st day of creation?
God said ‘let there be light’, He called the light day and the darkness night
What happened on the 2nd day of creation?
God made the sky
What happened on the 3rd day of creation?
God formed the seas and land, covering the land with vegetation and plants
What happened on the 4th day of creation?
God created lights in the sky - the sun, moon and stars
What happened on the 5th day of creation?
God made fish and other animals in the seas, and birds in the air
What happened on the 6th day of creation?
God finished by creating al of the animals on land and he created humans in his own image.
What happened on the 7th day of creation?
God rested on the 7th day and made it holy, he admired his work and was very pleased with his creation
What are fundamentalists?
Fundamentalists are Christians that believe the creation story describes exactly how the universe was created. They believe that every word in the Bible was inspired by God and is therefore correct
What are liberals?
Liberals regard the accounts of the Bible more like parables or symbolic accounts. These Christians might look to science to help them understand how God created the universe
What is the big bang theory?
The big bang theory is the leading scientific explanation for how the universe was created. It suggests that the universe started as a small, hot, dense something that expanded over 13.8 Billion years
What is wonder?
Wonder is marvelling at the complexity/ beauty of the universe
What is Awe?
Awe is a feeling of respect mixed with fear or wonder
What is stewardship?
Stewardship is the idea that believers (Christians) have a duty to look after the environment on behalf of God. It implies that humans have the responsibility to look after and care for the earth
What is dominion?
Dominion is to have control/ dominance over something/ ruling over it. In order to manage the earth Christians teach that humans were given the authority/ power to rule over the world and can do with it what they wish.
What is the environment?
The environment is the natural world/surroundings in which something lives
What are natural resources?
Natural resources are materials found in nature e.g. oil and trees that can be used by people
What is abuse?
Abuse is the misuse of something e.g. the world and it’s environment
Why did God give us trees and natural resources?
He gave us natural resources to use, not to abuse
What is pollution?
Pollution is making something dirty and contaminated, especially the environment. Pollution puts the health of humans, animals and plants at risk.
What are the 3 types of pollution?
Air, water and land pollution are the 3 most common types of pollution
What is air pollution?
Air pollution is caused mainly by fumes from factories and vehicles. Long-term exposure can lead to asthma attacks, lung cancer and other diseases. Air pollution causes global warming, climate change and acid rain
What is water pollution?
Water pollution is caused by dumping waste into the sea. It can have a devastating effect on marine life. The deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, for example, released over 750 million litres of oil into the sea and killed thousands of birds and marine animals.
What is land pollution
Land pollution is caused by the ineffective disposal of waste. When chemicals enter the earth this can poison wildlife, make farming less efficient and result in contaminated food
What is a Christian quote that implies humans should take care of the earth?
From the christian declaration on nature
‘Every human act of irresponsibility towards creatures is an abomination’
What is a vegetarian?
A person who does not eat meat or fish
What is a vegan?
A person who does not eat animals or food produced by animals or food produced by animals e.g. eggs. A vegan tries not to use any products that have caused harm to animals such as animals
According to Genesis 2 how were humans created?
In Genesis 2, Adam was formed by God from the soil and God breathed life into him. Adam was given the task of looking after a garden called Eden and was given the instruction not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then created the animals and he created Adam a helper, whilst Adam was asleep, God took one of his ribs and created Eve the first woman.
What is the scientific solution to how humans came to be?
In 1859 Charles Darwin formed the theory of evolution. He suggested that, as the earth cooled, it became ideal conditions for the beginning of life. He suggested that small creatures from the sea evolved into other species, some became able to survive on land as well as in the sea and some gradually developed into animals capable of flight.
According to his theory humans evolved over millions of years from other animals on land.
What is an atheist?
Atheists are people who do not believe in the existence of a god or any gods
What is abortion?
Abortion is the termination of a foetus from the womb to end a pregnancy before the child is born.
When was abortion legalised in the UK?
Abortion was legalized in 1968 after a free vote in 1967.
Up to when can a woman have an abortion?
Abortion is currently allowed up to the 24th week in a licensed clinic only if two doctors agree that the woman’s reasons fit into the 4 reasons.
What are the 4 reasons a woman can have an abortion?
- the woman’s life is in danger in the pregnancy were to continue
- there is a risk to the woman’s physical or mental health
- there is a significant risk that the baby will be born with severe mental or physical disabilities/ it will have a low quality of life
- an additional child may affect the physical or metal health of existing children in the family
- Although there is no time limit for an abortion if the mother’s life is in danger or the foetus is severely deformed.
What is sanctity of life?
Sanctity of life is the belief that all life is holy and is created and loved by God; some Christians believe that human life should not be misused or abused as all life if god given.
What is quality of life?
Quality of life is the general well-being of a person, in relation to their health or happiness.
What is a Christian view on abortion?
Christians believe in the sanctity of life and that humans are made in the image of God. They also believe that life starts at conception, therefore they believe that abortion is wrong and shouldn’t happen unless it is to save a woman’s life.
What is pro choice?
People that are pro choice agree with legalized abortion because they argue that the woman’s life come first. She carries the baby, goes through childbirth and looks after the child, so should have the right to choose whether she continues the pregnancy.
What is pro life?
People that are pro life argue that life starts at contraception because al the DNA is present to create a unique individual, so abortion is a form of murder and therefore is wrong. Pro life groups believe that disabled people can enjoy a good quality of life, and that unwanted children could be adopted by those who are unable to have children of their own.
What is euthanasia?
explanation + origin of name
The word euthanasia comes from two Greek words ‘eu’ which means ‘good’ and ‘thanatos’ which means death. So euthanasia means ‘a good or gentle death’. The intention of euthanasia is to end the life of someone who is in pain or has a poor quality of life due to serious illness.
What are the 3 types of euthanasia?
_________ voluntary euthanasia
- Voluntary euthanasia
- Non - voluntary euthanasia
- Involuntary euthanasia
What is voluntary euthanasia?
When a person asks a Doctor to end their life because they don’t wish to live anymore, this is their own choice
What is non-voluntary euthanasia?
When a person is too ill to request euthanasia, for example, when they are in a coma, a Doctor may end their life for them because it is thought to be in the patient’s best interest.
What is involuntary euthanasia?
When a person can give content to euthanasia, but doesn’t, either because they do not want to or because they are not asked, but their life is ended anyway.
What is a Christian perspective on animal experiementation?
Many Christians believe that animal testing is acceptable provided its absolutely necessary - using animals to develop new drugs could benefit millions of people.
What is a Buddhist perspective on animal experiementation?
Many Buddhists believe that the approach to animal experimentation is acceptable when necessary & is carried out as safely and as passive as possible - experimentation can be against metta but can show karuna for sangha if done with the correct intent.
What is a Buddhist view on Abortion?
That all life is sacred and you should show metta - loving kindness to the foetus, but also the mother, so they can be pro-choice or pro-life, depending on the situtation. Abortion can conflict with the 1st moral precept - abstain from taking ;life
What is a Christian view on using animals for food?
Dominion - humans can use animals for what they like
Stewardship - humans were instructed to care for animals and look after them
What is a Buddhist view on using animals for food?
The 1st moral precept states - abstain from taking life (human and animal life) so that using animals for food can go against that but a counter argument would be that out of karuna and metta, killing animals could better someones quality of life and could show dedication and care for the community
What are the 2 forms of euthanasia?
- Active Euthanasisa
- Passive Euthanasia
What is active euthanasia?
When active steps are taken to end someones life, for example, giving them a lethal injection
What is passive euthanasia?
When doctors for example switch off life support or stop providing medicine that is keeping the patient alive to allow them do die naturally