Define evangelization
Proclaiming of the good news by what we say and do
List 4 things the sacrament of reconciliation does for us
A. Forgiveness
b. Reconciled with God
c. Reconciles with church
D. Grace
Retell the parable of the prodigal son. What is the theme?
What sacraments can priests or deacons minister?
Baptism, matrimony
What is the difference between a mortal and a venial sin?
Mortal – serious breaks friendship,
Venial Sin - serious hertz relationship with God
What prayer do we say at the sacrament of reconciliation?
Act of contrition
What type of prayer is the Gloria?
Prayer of praise
Define sacrament
An effective sign given to us by Jesus
What are the three sacraments of initiation? Which one is first?
Baptism, confirmation, Eucharist
Define absolution
When your sins are forgiven
What is the consecration?
Words of the priest over the bread and wine
When was the sacrament of the Eucharist instituted and by whom?
Last supper, by Jesus
What does anoint mean?
Blessed with oil - chrism
What is transubstantiation?
Action through the Holy Spirit to turn bread into body and wine into blood
Who is the celebrant of confirmation?
What does the laying on the hands signify?
Holy spirit
What are the four steps of reconciliation? Explain each
A. Contrition, be sorry B. Confession telling sins C. Penance action to show you are sorry D. Absolution forgiveness
What is another name for the holy spirit?
Advocate spirit of truth
How many sacraments are there?
What is advent?
Time to prepare for the birth of Christ
What is the church’s greatest celebration?
Who is the only person who can absolve us from our sins?
What happened at the last supper?
 broke bread with apostles, Eucharist
What do we receive at confirmation?
Gifts of the holy spirit
How often do we receive the Eucharist?
More than once
What prayer comes before the gospel proclamation?
Mass responses
Priest says - the Lord be with you.
People ?
People-and with your spirit
What is St. Gianna Molla feast day?
April 28
St. Gianna Molla a patron saint of?
Mothers, physician, and unborn children
Where was St. Gianna Molla born? And when was she born?
Magenta, Italy and was born on Oct. 4, 1922
When did St. Gianna Molla die?
April 28, 1962
When was St. Gianna Molla beatified?
April 24, 1994
When was Saint Gianna Molla canonized?
May 16, 2004
When is Pope John Paul ll feast day?
October 22
Pope John Paul ll patron saint of?
World youth day
When is Pope John Paul ll birth date?
May 18th 1920
When was Pope John Paul ll death?
April 2, 2005
When was Pope John Paul ll beatified?
May 1, 2011