What does the priest use to anoint the ill person during the celebration of the anointing of the sick?
Anointed with oil
What do the saints help us to do?
Grow in holiness
What is ordination?
When a man becomes a priest, ceremony
 what does a deacon do?
He resides at weddings and funerals, administer the eucharist, preaches the gospel, and baptize people
What vows do religious brothers and sisters take and what do they mean?
Obedience- to listen to God
Property-to live simply
Chasity-cannot get married
What are the sacraments of the service of communion?
Matrimony and holy orders
Why did Jesus and his family travel to Jerusalem each year?
To celebrate Passover
Who is the minister of the sacrament of holy orders?
The bishop
What is the difference between mortal and venial sin?
Mortal sin- breaks your friendship with God, more serious
Venial sin- hurts your friendship with God, less serious
What happened on Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit came upon the apostles
Who is the minister of anointing of the sick and why?
Priest- because he can anoint the person but the deacons can’t 
What is the assumption?
Mary’s body and soul was taken into heaven and reunited with her son Jesus Christ after her work on earth was done
What is the sacred scripture
The Bible or God‘s word
What does evangelization mean?
To spread the good news
What is marriage a sign of?
Jesus’ love for the church
What is real presence?
When Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist
What is the Paschal Mystery?
Jesus’ suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven
What are the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary?
The agony in the garden The scourging at the pillar The crowning of thorns The carrying of the cross  The crucifixion and death of Jesus
Who are the celebrants in the sacrament of matrimony?
The bride and groom
What is a vocation?
How we as a community can serve God in a particular way
What sacrament restores our relationship with God and the church?
Penance and reconciliation
What are sacraments of healing?
Penance and reconciliation, anointing of the sick
What is the common vocation
The call to holiness and evangelization that all Christions share 
What is the season of lent?
A time of fasting, repentance, and the preparation of for Easter
What are three things do we focus on during Lent?
Penance, prayer, and good works
How can we grow in holiness?
Spreading the good news, going to church, and being kind
How long does Lent last?
40 days
What is the immaculate conception?
It is when Mary was born without original sin
What sacrament can also be known as viaticum?
Penance, Eucharist, and anointing of the sick
What is the Seal of confession?
I promise that a priest makes so that he can’t tell anyone you’re sins
What is redemption?
Being saved from sin
What is eternal life? 
Life in heaven with Jesus and God
What does it mean to repent?
Turn away from sins, to turn away from God
When does lent begin?
On Ash Wednesday
What are the holy days of obligation?
- A day set apart to celebrate Jesus
- Mary or other saints
- Ascension 40 days after Easter
- Christmas day December 25
- all saints day November 1
- Assumption August 15
- immaculate conception December 8
- solemnity of Mary January 1
What are the sacraments of initiation?
Baptism, Eucharist, and confirmation