Religion Ch 8/9 TEST Flashcards
God lead who now named Israel into Egypt?
When Jacob went to Egypt, who reunited?
All 12 of his son
How did god save the Israelites in Egypt from a great famine?
He provided needs and services through Joseph
What did the pharaoh tell Joseph after Joseph traveling from Canaan?
The pharaoh told him that he was allowed to stay there, along with his brothers and family
Where did Jacobs/Israel’s family settle in?
They settled in Goshen in northern Egypt
Egypt was divided into how many kingdoms and who were the rulers of both?
Egypt is divided into two kingdoms, the southern part was ruled by Egyptian kings and the northern part people from other religions ruled
In the north part of Egypt Jacobs family prospered in Goshen but what did the Egyptian king soon do?
He started to gain control of the north of Egypt
What is the New Kingdom and how long did it last?
The New Kingdom was the period of tremendous wealth and power and Egypt and it lasted for 100s of years
When the new pharaoh arrived, how did he see the Israelites?
He saw them as honored guests, Joseph’s family, and his people frightened the Egyption king
When the number of Israelites grew they became sleeves of the new pharaoh. What did the pharaoh force them to do?
He forced them to build monuments in buildings, the Israelites were no longer free or free to worship their true God, the lives became unbearable, and they cried for God to rescue them from Egypt
In what book do you learn of God’s plan to get Israelites back to Canaan?
In the book of Exodus
What does Exodus mean in English?
Exodus is Greek for departure
The Israelites also known as
The Hebrews continue to grow in faith and numbers. Since this angered the pharaoh, what did he do?
He told all the Hebrew woman that he will kill all the newly born sons, but they did not listen to him. The pharaoh commanded that all boys born to the Hebrews must be thrown into the river, but one woman saved her son.
How does the woman save her son from the pharaoh?
She did this by placing her son in a basket and sending him down the river gently
In the story, Moses, what does the basket symbolize?
It symbolizes for being saved just like the ark saved Noah. We are saved in the church by the waters of baptism.
One day, Moses (as an adult) saw,an Egyptian beating up a Hebrew slave how did Mose react? How did The Pharaoh react? What did Moses do in conclusion?
Moses didn’t like this end accidentally killed the Egyptian, since this happened to the pharaoh wanted Moses dead. In conclusion, Moses fled to Midian, where he married Zipora, and lived the life of a shepherd.
Who was Moses (as a baby) found by?
He was found by the pharaohs daughter, she name to Moses and raised him as an Egyptian
When Moses saw the burning bush, what did he notice?
He noticed that, although the bush was burning, it would not be destroyed. Moses then heard God calling his name and answered
When Moses was at the burning bush, what did god tell him to do?
He told him to tell all the Hebrews that “I AM sent me to you”
What does Yahweh or I AM mean?
Yahweh was another name that describe God when he is ever-present to his people
What did the Hebrews call God?
They called him Adonai which means “My lord“
What did God then command Moses to assemble?
God commanded Moses to assemble the elders of the Israelites, and explained that the Lord of your fathers, that God of Abraham, Isaac, and Joseph appeared to him
Where did Moses say he would lead the Israelites to?
He said that he will lead the Israelites out of their misery of Egypt and into the land of Canaan… a land, flowing with milk and honey
Who did Moses meet up with to help convince the pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
His brother
How the pharaoh react when Moses and his brother asked to set the Israelites free?
The pharaoh refused, and did not give the Israelites slaves the materials they needed to do the work
Knowing it would be difficult to convince the pharaoh to let the Israelites leave Egypt God decided to do what?
He decided to do “lay his hands on Egypt and the great acts of judgment. These acts of judgment that God spoke of were plagues
In the Bible, what were considered plagues?
Disasters and catastrophes
What was the conflict between Aaron, Moses, and the pharaoh?
Moses and Aaron wanted freedom for the Israelites, a.k.a. their people
What was the pharaohs reaction to gods power?
Moses and Aaron showed the pharaoh God’s power, and he ignored it it
What began the 10 plagues?
 The struggle between Moses, Aaron and the pharaoh to free the Israelites
How did the pharaoh react in the first few plagues?
The pharaohs magicians were able to reproduce The first few plagues so the pharaoh ignored them as tricks.
What strengthen the Israelites believe in God?
The show they were protected from the plagues, while the Egyptian‘s were not.
What happened after the ninth plague
The pharaoh began to negotiate with Moses and Aaron, but again he changed his mind. Again he didn’t let the Israelites go.
What was the 10th Plague from God?
Got passsed over all of Egypt, and took the lives of every firstborn Egyptian and firstborn animal. 
How are Israelites protected from the 10th Plague from God? 
1- The Hebrews were to slaughter a lamb and put the blood on their door frame as a sign to God that they were Hebrew, and not Egyptian.
2 - the Hebrews were to remain inside, cook and eat the lamb with unleavened bread.
What is the symbolism of the unleavened bread?
The unleavened bread showed that the Israelites were in a rush to escape 
What happened after the 10th plague?
The pharaoh saw that everyone except the Hebrews, lost a child and their animals, and he told them all to leave Egypt. 
How was the 10th plague, celebrated in the Jewish religion? 
During Passover Jewish people, remember that special night by celebrating a Seder a special meal
Why is it called Passover?
Because God passed over, or spared, his people. 
How did Moses lead the Israelites towards the Red Sea?
The Lord led the people with a cloud by day, and a column of fire at night
Once the Israelites left Egypt What was pharaoh’s reaction?
As soon as Moses left, the pharoah changed his mind again, and sent his army after the Israelites.
How did God protect the Israelites when the Pharoah since his army after them?
At the Red Sea god parted the waters to let the Israelites through and closed them in when the Egyptian army was going through drowning them all.
What is water a symbolism of?
The biblical writers used water as a symbolism  to save the people