Relationships Flashcards
Submandibular gland wraps around
SM gland wraps around the posterior boder of mylohyoid
Facial artery crosses between
Submandibular gland and mandible
Facial vein is ____ to the ____ gland
Facial vein is superficial to SM gland
SM duct lies alongn
SM duct lies along the sublingual gland
SM duct enters oral cavity
SM duct enters at sublingual papilla
What nerve loops under the SM duct
The lingual nerve loops under the SM duct
What nerve innervates SM duct
Nerve 7 via chorda tympani
Where is the sublingual gland located
- Lateral to SM duct, between sublingual fossa of mandible and genioglossus
What does the sublingual gland create
Forms the sublingual fold
Sublingual gland innervation
CN 7 chorda tympani
Parotid gland lies in
- Lies in parotid bed
- Extend to inf border of mandible to zygomatic
What passes through the parotid gland
Facial n. splits into 2 regions
Retromandibular vein
Parotid duct
location in gland
Relation to muscle
Opens into oral cavity
- In deep lobe
- Superficial to masseter
- Pierces buccinator
- Opens into oral cavity near 2 maxillary molar
Innervationon of parotid
CN 9
What 3 things pass superficial to masseter
Parotid duct and gland
Tranverse facial artery
Branches of CN 7
Medial pterygoid contacts 5
- Parotid gland
- Inferior alveolar artery
- Lingual nerve
- Chorda tumpani nerve
- Deepest muscle of mastication, hit dring IA
Buccal branch of CN 5 passes between the 2 heads of
Lateral pterygoid
Pterygoid plexus surrounds what muscle
Lateral pterygoid
List the oral floor muscles in order from deep to superficial
What passes between genioglossu and hypoglossus
Lingual artery
Whats located on the lateral surface of hyoglossus 3
Lingual nerve
Hyoglossus nerve
Submandibular duct
Where does the lingual artery enter the tongue
Lingual artery enters tongue deep (medial) to hyoglossus
Between genioglossus and hyoglossus
What enters the tongue via external surface of hyoglossus
CN 12
Lingual nerve (V3)
Lingual vein
submandibular duct
Maxillary nerve CN 5 V2
Travels along
passes, into
Within gives off
- Travels along lateral wall of cavernous sinus
- Passes from middle cranial fossa into pterygopalatine fossa via foramen rotundum
- Within pterygopalatine fossa gives off branches
Infraorbital nerve branches to form
- ASA and MSA form part of dental plexus
- Exits onto face via infraorbital foramen
PSA nerve
Passes through what
Enters what fossa
PSA passes through pterygomaxillary fissure
Enters infratemporal fossa
Nasopalatine reaches the nasal cavity by
Passes along
Travels through
- Passes through sphenopalatine foramen, of pterygopalatine fossa to enter nasal cavity
- Passes along superior nasal cavity to nasal septum
- Travels through incisive canal
Mandibular nerve
Passes through, to
- Passes through foramen ovale to infratemporal fossa
Lingual nerve originates from
Lies deep to ___muscle
Anterior medial to___a___v___n
Infratemporal fossa
Lies deep to lateral pterygoid muscle
Anterior medial to Inferior alveolar artery vein and nerve
Lingual nerve enters oral cavity
- Enters oral cavity between the
- Posterior attachment of mylohyoid muscle and
- Attachment of superior constrictor of pharynx
- (Pterygomandibular raphe)
- 2nd pharyngeal apperture
Lingual ascends into tongue on the ____ and ___ surface of the ____m
- Lingual nerve. ascends into tongue on the EXTERNAL and SUPERIOR surface of HYOGLOSSUS
Long buccal nerve descends ____ along the ____ part of the ____ m
to emerge ____ to the _____ border of the _____m
- Long buccal n descends INFERIORLY along the LOWER part of TEMPORALIS
- To emerge DEEP to the ANTERIOR border of MASSETER
Inferior alveolar nerve
Descends following the _____, ______ to the _____
Inf alveolar nerve descends following the Inf alveolar artery, inferior to the lateral pterygoid
Inf alveolar nerve travels between
Inf alveolar travels between sphenomandibular ligament and ramus
Inf alveolar nerve enters what foramen
Terminal branches
- Enters mandibular foramen (near lingula)
- Innervates mandibular teeth
- Terminates with incisive and mental branches
CN 7 Facial n
Enters, passes though
Exits, then enters , passing 2
- Enters internal acoustic meatus, passes though facial canal
- Exits stylomastoid foramen
- Enters parotid fossa, passing between post digastric and stylohyoid muscle
Facial nerve CN 7
What does it do in parotid land
Splits parotid gland into 2
Branches into To Zanzibar By Motor Car
Chorda tympani
Passes ____ to enter____
CT passses anteriorly to enter tympanic cavity
Chorda tympani
Lies along _____ and ____
Exits ______
Joins _____border of____ in ____
Lies along tympanic membrane and malleus
Exits petrotympanic fissure
Joins post border of lingual n. in infratemporal fossa
CN 8 Vestibulotrochlear
Travels though ____ with ___
Travels through internal acoustic meatus with CN 7
Branches in meatus
CN 12 Glossopharyngeal
Passes through___ with ___ and ___
Passes between ____ and ___
Passes though jugular foramen with CN 10 and 11
Passes between ICA and IJV