Relationships Flashcards
veriť niekomu
to be confident that sb is honest, fair, and reliable
trust sb
She doesn’t trust her father.
trusted – trusted (trastid)
ospravedlniť sa (za)
to tell sb that you are sorry for sth
apologize (for sth/__ing)
I haven’t apologized for being late (yet).
apologized – apologized he/she/it
zabuchnúť sa do
a feeling of love and admiration for sb
have a crush (on sb)
She had a crush on Peter at school.
had – had
obdivovať niekoho (za)
to have a feeling of great respect for sb/sth
admire sb (for sth/__ing)
I admire him for his intelligence.
admired – admired
chodiť/randiť s
if you are dating sb, you have a romantic relationship with each other
date sb
I was dating him for a few months.
dated – dated
požiadať niekoho o ruku
to ask sb to get married to you
propose (to sb)
He will propose to her on holiday.
proposed – proposed
podvádzať niekoho
to have sex with sb who is not your husband/wife/partner
cheat (on sb)
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?
cheated – cheated (čítid)
udobriť sa (s)
to become friendly again after an argument with sb
make up (with sb)
She really wants to make up with her sister.
made – made
byť verný (komu)
not having sex with anybody other than your partner
be faithful (to sb)
Are you (un)faithful to your girlfriend?
byť žiarlivý na (koho)
unhappy/upset about sb who you love because you think they are attracted to sb else
be jealous (of)
He was always jealous of his brother.
sukničkár, záletník
a man who has sexual relationship with many women
a womanizer
She has dated a womanizer once.
a wo/man who only wants relationships with wo/men who are rich
a gold digger
I would rather date you than a gold digger.
zlatíčko, srdiečko
used for talking to sb who you love
a sweetheart
Sweetheart, could you open the window please?
My children are my sweethearts.
the way in which two people or thing are connected to each other
a relationship –
be in a relationship / a relationship with __
rozísť sa (s)
when a relationship ends
break up (with sb)
Have you broken up with him yet?
broke – broken
odpustiť (niekomu za)
to decide that you will not be angry with sb who has offended or upset you
forgive sb (for sth/__ing)
I forgave him for behaving badly.
forgave – forgiven