Business II. Flashcards
povolanie, zamestnanie
a job
an occupation
This word is used especially on forms and in formal writing
sb who uses money to start businesses and make business deals
an entrepreneur (ántrprenér)
money that you pay to a professional person or institution for their work
a fee
a way of solving a problem or ending an argument in which both people or groups accept that they cannot have everything they want
a compromise
We haven’t come to a compromise yet.
(make/come to / a compromise between sb / a compromise on sth)
vrátenie peňazí, náhrada
money that was yours that you get again, especially because you have paid too much for sth or have decided you do not want it
a refund (rifand)
potvrdenka, príjmový doklad
a receipt (risít)
a document that you get from sb showing that you have given them money or goods
recept na varenie
a recipe (resipí)
recept od doktora, predpis
a prescription
having less power or authority than sb else
a subordinate (sabordinet)
v súlade (s), v zhode (s)
in a way that follows a rule, system, or someone’s wishes
in accordance (with)
his rule is in accordance with our conditions.
robiť nábor, (na)verbovať
to get sb to work in a company or join an organization
recruit (rikrút)
recruited – recruited
a situation in which sb does not have enough money to pay for their basic needs
poverty (paveti)
bohatstvo, hojnosť
a large amount of money or other things
wealth (velth)
official agreement or permission given by sb
the ability to work well and produce good results by using the available time,
money, supplies etc. in the most effective way
efficiency (ifišensi)
the sale of goods directly to the public for their own use.
The sale of goods in large quantities to shop owners
stiahnuť ( z trhu)
recall ed -ed
zhromaždenie, schôdza, stretnutie
a strategy or technique for managing one’s time or activities more efficiently.
pracovná záťaž, pracovné zaťaženie/vyťaženie
workload [ˈwɜːkˌləʊd]