B4 Money (how much?) Flashcards
currency [karensi]
What currency do we have in Slovakia? The best currency in the world is Euro
zameniť (peniaze)
Where can I exchange money? I don´t exchange money when I go abroad
coins/one coin
Do you have any coins for the toilette? He doesn´t have any coins.
My salary is not very big. Are you satisfied with your salary?
Do you save money every month? I don´t save any money. I need to save money.
zarábať peniaze
make money
He made a lot of money. How much money do you make?
earn [érn]
mínať (na)
spend (on) - spent- spent
I usually spend a lot of money on clothes. Does she spend a lot of money?
požičať (niekomu)
lend (to)
I will lend you some money. He lent money to his brother. Can you lend me some money?
požičať si (od)
borrow (from) -ed-ed
Can I borrow some money from you? He borrowed a car from him.
bankový účet
bank account
Do you have a bank account? he has a lot of bank accounts
platiť kartou
pay by card
I would like to pay by card. Can I pay by card?
platiť v hotovosti
pay in cash
I don´t usually pay in cash. Do you pay in cash?
ATM/cash machine
Where is the nearest cash machine? There are two ATMs in shopping centre.