New Job Flashcards
skúsenosť v
knowledge and skill that is gained through time spent doing a job
- nepočítateľné v oblasti práce
experience (in) (unc)
I have experience in management.
plat, mzda
an amount of money that you earn each month from your job
a salary
She gets her salary every month.
a store or office representing a large company
a branch
There is a new branch of my bank on this street.
the people who work for a company, organization or institution
staff (unc)
It’s hard to find responsible staff.
haraburdy, veci
stuff (unc)
na plný úväzok
the number of hours that people normally work
She works full-time. /part-time
a particular activity that involves special training and experience
skills (are)
I have many skills in painting.
byť zodpovedný za
to have control over sb or sth, be responsible for them
be in charge (of)
I have been in charge of this department.
skúšobná doba
when sb has been given a new job and is being watched if they can do the job
a trial period (trájl píried)
My trial period ends in May.
I will be in a trial period until next month.
prac. zmena, šichta
a period of work time – at night or during the day
a shift
I don’t like to work on shifts.
niekedajší, bývalý
used for describing sb or sth that had a job, title, status … in the past but not now
Gašparovič is the former president of SK.
terajší, súčasný
happening or existing now
current (karent)
Heger is the current prime minister of SK.
pracovný čas
hours during which sb works
working hours (are)
If they hire me, my working hours will be longer.
My working hours are 8 hours long.
uchádzať sa o, žiadať o
to make an official request for a job or a place to study at
- a university, a licence, a visa, a loan, a position residency, citizenship
apply for
I haven’t applied for any university yet.
applied applied applying
to move sb to a job at a higher level
Has your boss promoted anybody/you?
to pay sb to work for you
They hired much new staff.
to need sb or sth
require (rikuajr)
Our boss required the documents yesterday.
to force sb to leave their job dismisses (dismisis) 3rd person present
I have never been dismissed.
dať padáka
to make sb leave their job, sometimes as a punishment
They should fire him. Mali by mu dať padáka.
dať výpoveď
give in a notice
I gave in my notice last week.