Business Flashcards
part of an organization representing a large company in some area
(a) branch (of)
There is a new branch of this bank in the city.
things for sale
goods (are)
The new goods are of high quality.
These goods are not for sale.
zisk (z čoho)
€ that you make by selling something, after the tax
(a) profit (of)
We didn’t have a high profit of selling these goods.
dodávateľ (čoho)
company, organization that sells something
(a) supplier (of)
There is a perfect supplier of honey in this town.
faktúra (za)
document giving details of goods
(an) invoice (for)
Did you get an invoice for the products?
výdavky (za)
náklady (za)
money that you spend for your job and are given back
expenses (for) (are)
The expenses for electricity are getting higher.
záručná lehota
agreement that if sth doesnt work, you get your money back
(a) guarantee period
a guarantee
The guarantee for these goods will end soon.
diskutovať (o niečom s niekým)
to talk about something with sb
discuss sth with sb
We have to discuss the conditions.
discussed – discussed discussing he/she/it discusses
vyjednávať niečo (s)
try to reach an agreement by discussing sth in formal way
negotiate sth (with) (negoušiejt)
We haven’t negotiated the new opportunities with our boss yet.
negotiated – negotiated negotiating
robiť niečomu reklamu
try to make people buy things
They have been advertising these good for a month.
advertised – advertised advertising he/she/it advertises
produkovať, vyrábať
to make sth especially in large quantities
They will produce a new type of a car.
produced – produced producing he/she/it produces
doručiť (niečo niekomu)
to take sth to a place
deliver sth to sb
I haven’t delivered the package to the customer yet.
I have to deliver this package to the city.
delivered – delivered delivering
podnikanie, obchod
ročný obrat
annual turnover
mať na pamäti
bear in mind
prerušenie rokovaní
break off negotiations
ukončenie obchodovania
cease trading (sís trejdin)
predsedať zasadnutiu
chair a meeting
uzavrieť dohodu
close a deal
ukončiť stretnutie
close a meeting
prejsť k veci
come to the point
odmietnuť ponuku
dismiss an offer
vyvodiť záver
draw a conclusion
upozorniť na
draw your attention to
uviesť na trh nový produkt
launch a new product
prepúšťať zamestnancov
lay off staff
go bankrupt
vstúpiť do partnerstva
go into partnership
dosiahnuť stratu
make a loss
dosiahnuť zisk
make a profit
trhové sily
market forces
údaje o predaji
sales figures
prijať zamestnancov
take on staff