Reflexes Flashcards
Flexor Withdrawal
Noxious stimulus to sole of foot produces toe extension, dorsiflexion of the foot and flexion of the entire LE
Primitive/spinal Reflex
Crossed extension Reflex
Noxious stimulus to sole of foot produces flexion of stimulated leg then extension with adduction of opposite leg.
Primitive spinal reflex
Stretch stimulus from grasping the forearm and pulling produces total flexion response of the UE
Primitive/Spinal Reflex
Grasp reflex
Maintained pressure to palm of hand or ball of foot produces maintained flexion of fingers or toes
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
Rotation of the head to one side produces flexion of the skull limb and extension of the jaw limbs
Tonic/brainstem reflex
Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
Flexion of the head produces flexion of the UE’s with extension of the LE’s
Extension of the head produces extension of the UE’s and flexion of the LE’s
Tonic Brainstem reflex
Positive Supporting Reflex
Contact to the ball of the foot in standing position produces rigid extension (co-contraction) of the LE’s
Tonic/brainstem reflex
Associated reactions
Strong voluntary movement in one body segment produces involuntary movement in another resting extremity.
C5-C6, emphasis on C5
Biceps deep tendon reflex
Triceps Deep Tendon reflex
C5-C6, emphasis on C^
Brachioradialis DTR
Hamstring DTR
Quadriceps DTR
Achilles DTR
Plantar reflex
S1-S2 Tibial nerve
Stroking of the lateral sole of the foot from calcaneus to base of 5th metatarsal and medially across metatarsal heads produces plantar flexion of the toes in neurologically intact individuals