Recent changes in the rural-urban fringe Flashcards
Traffic congestion in Aberdeen
- The AWPR is a bypass along the Western edge of Aberdeen
- It was built to try and reduce traffic congestion in Aberdeen
- Traffic going from the south to north Aberdeen and vice versa often caused traffic problems along Anderson drive
- This has reduced traffic in and around Anderson drive
A high demand for family housing
- In Countesswells there is a combination of large luxury housing built by Barratt and more affordable housing built by Stewart Milne. This new rural-urban housing development includes a Sainsbury’s and a primary school
- As well Cala has built luxury housing in Milltimber, Cults and Craibstone
- Dandara has built houses in Countesswells
- Malcolm Allen have built luxury houses in Milltimber
Not enough business happening in the NE
- To boost commerce in the NE the Drum Property Group built a business park
- The developers involved local people in the decision making process including the provision of amenities
- The business park includes a hotel, nursery, gym, tennis courts, bistro and several cafes
- All of these amenities draw businesses in
- As well it is near traffic links so is easy to access for the workforce