RBC Morphologies and Inclusions Flashcards
acanthocytes (“spur cells”)
liver disease, abetalipoproteinemia, vitamin E deficiency
echinocytes (“burr cells”)
liver disease, ESRD, pyruvate kinase deficiency
dacrocytes (“teardrop cells”)
bone marrow infiltration (myelofibrosis)
schistocytes (“helmet cells”)
MAHAs (DIC, TTP/HUS, HELLP syndrome), mechanical hemolysis (e.g., heart valve prosthesis)
degmacytes (“bite cells”)
G6PD deficiency
hereditary elliptocytosis
hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune hemolytic anemia
megaloblastic anemia (also hypersegmented PMNs)
target cells
HbC disease, asplenia, liver disease, thalassemia
sickle cells
sickle cell anemia; sickling occurs with low oxygen conditions (high altitude, acidosis)
(bone marrow)
iron granules
sideroblastic anemias (lead poisoning, myelodysplastic syndromes, chronic alcohol overuse)
Howell-Jolly bodies (basophilic nuclear remnants that do NOT contain iron; usually removed by splenic macrophages)
functional hyposplenia (sickle cell disease), asplenia
basophilic stippling (basophilic ribosomal precipitates; do NOT contain iron)
sideroblastic anemias, thalassemias
Pappenheimer bodies (basophilic granules that contain iron)
sideroblastic anemia
Heinz bodies (denatured and precipitated hemoglobin; phagocytic removal => bite cells)
G6PD deficiency