Random questions Flashcards
1 Kg
2.2 lbs
10% solution
1 mg/ml
Acanthosis nigricans
hyperpigmented skin
Achromotrichosis (pale hair coat)
occurs in copper deficiency as a result of the enzyme Tyrosinase not working properly. This enzyme converts L-tyrosine to melanin.
Airway dilation action
Beta 2 adrenergic receptor
Avoidance learning
when a behavior results in the cessation of an aversive stimulus. For example, holding your ears to shield them from a loud, high-pitched sound helps avoid the aversive stimulation of that obnoxious sound
Balance sheet
a report on the financial condition of a company (assets, liabilities) at a specific point in time
Blood volume
7-8% of BW
Cachexia-wasting syndrome
loss of weight, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness, and significant loss of appetite in someone who is not actively trying to lose weight.
Case-control study
also known as a retrospective study
Cash flow statement
reports of cash (i.e. loans, collections) and uses of cash (i.e. purchasing inventory, paying off debt) over a period of time
Cohort study
addresses the “temporality” of disease causation (exposure must precede disease), meaning that an exposure cannot be under consideration (hypothesized) as a causal factor unless it precedes the disease. This type of study first documents that a subject had been exposed, following initially only non-exposed subjects. The non-diseased subjects are followed to observe whether they become exposed, and then followed further over tie to observe disease. At the termination of the study, the risk of disease observes in the exposed cohort is compared to that for the non-exposed cohort, by use of relative risk and attributable risk.
Converting % solution to mg/ml
100% = 1 g/ml so 50% = 500 mg/ml and 5% = 50 mg/lm
Cross-sectional study
Compares two groups based on disease status and compare how they differ with respect to exposure status. There is no way to know whether exposure preceded disease.
Cushing’s reflex to increase intracranial pressure
bradycardia and hypertension
difficulty in speaking due to a physical disorder of the mouth, tongue, throat, or vocal cords.
if abnormal, localizes lesion to the retina
Responsible for pesticides and water standards
External inguinal ring
external abdominal oblique ++
Extinction behaviour
lack of any consequence following a behavior - when a behavior is inconsequential, producing neither favorable nor unfavorable consequences, it will occur less frequently.
Extracellular Fluid Volume
(BW x 0.6) / 3 - 60% of weight is body fluid of which 30% is extracellular
Regulated all other food (aside from meat and poultry products), including eggs themselves, seafood, food labels, and use of veterinary drugs.
Foot and Mouth Disease
Affects sheep, pig, cow, goat (all cloven-hoofed animals), as well as bears, llamas, camels, and elephants. BUT NOT HORSES
Glaucoma cause
usually due to decreased outflow of aqueous humour
Goals of articular fracture repair
rigid, anatomic realignment, early return to function
Holding layer of viscera
Hypogastric nerves
responsible for the sympathetic innervation and parasympathetic innervation via the pelvic nerve
Internal inguinal ring
Inguinal ligament, rectus abdominis, Internal abdominal oblique
Marcus Gunn sign
pathognomic for diagnosis of a unilateral pre-chiasmal lesion, when light is directed at abnormal eye, normal eye stays dilated
Negative Predictive Value
D/(D+C) x 100
Negative punishment
also called punishment by contingent withdrawal. Occurs when a behavior is followed by the removal of a favorable stimulus, such as taking away a child’s toy following an undesired behavior, resulting in a decrease in that behavior
Negative reinforcement
occurs when a behavior is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus thereby increasing that behavior’s frequency. Ex. a loud noise continuously sounding until a lever is pressed, upon which the loud noise is removed, this will encourage the behavior of pressing the lever.
Net Book Value
another name for the equity or the difference between assets and liabilities. This value is not necessarily the same as a practice’s current value.
Noncontingent Reinforcement
the delivery of reinforcing stimuli regardless of the animal’s behavior. This causes that behavior to decrease because it is not required in order to receive the reward.
Operant conditioning
use of consequences to modify the occurrence of a behavior. Ex. a dog that learned that begging behavior has previously been met with positive consequences (i.e. being fed or receiving attention)
Ortolani sign
indicated joint laxity, during manipulation of the femur one may hear’feel a “clunk” which is actually subluxation of the coxofemoral joint. This test is important to perform in puppies in order to assess for hip dysplasia.
Phthisis bulbi
a shrunken, non-functional eye. It may result from severe eye disease, inflammation, injury, or it may represent a complication of eye surgery.
Positive Predictive Value
A/(A+B) x 100
Profit and loss statement
sometimes called an income statement; a report of income and expenses over a period of time
Pudendal nerve
supplies somatic innervation to the external sphincter of the bladder and also to striated muscle on the urethra.
Retrospective study
Begins not with unexposed subjects but with diseased individuals (cases) that are compared with respect to exposure to a factor, using a comparison group of non-diseased subjects (controls). There is no observation over time.There is no way to know whether exposure preceded disease.
A/(A+C) x 100
D/(D+B) x 100
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
commonly observes in critically ill animals and is associated with fever, tachycardia, and leukopenia (among other abnormal parameters). Interleukin 1 in most typically associated with SIRS. Through activation of other inflammatory cells, IL-1 causes tremendous amplification of the inflammatory response.
Treatment of choice for proptosis. In this procedure, the eyelids are pulled in front of the proptosed globe rather than pushing the eye in and then temporarily suturing the lids shut.
Tetralogy of Fallot
A congenital defect of the heart which includes pulmonic stenosis, dextro-positioned aorta (over-riding), right ventricular hypertrophy, and ventricular septal defect. It causes shunting of venous blood across the VSD into the arterial circulation which leads to hypoxemia, and an increased drive for erythropoiesis causing polycythemia. Affect animals tend to be underdeveloped in size and history or exercise intolerance, dyspnea, tachypnea, or syncope due to hypoxemia. Thoracic radiographs usually show a normal to mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette and right ventricular enlargement and pulmonary hypoperfusion due to the shunting of venous blood into the arterial circulation.
Type I (aka immediate) hypersensitivity
Reactions occur when re-exposure of an antigen results in an allergic reaction. The antigen is presented and causes B cell production of IgE antibodies.
Type II (aka cytotoxic( hypersensitivity
Occurs when an antigen on a cell surface binds with an antibody and is then recognized by the body as being foreign. The antigen on the cell may have been a normal feature of the cell of it may have been acquired, such as a drug binding to the cell.
Type II (aka immune complex) hypersensitivity
Occurs when there are more antigens than there are antibodies. The antigens float around in the circulation and multiple antigens may bind one antibody, thus forming an immune complex. Large complexes can be cleared by macrophages, but smaller ones may evade the macrophages.
Type IV (delayed type) hypersensitivity
Takes several days to occur and rather than being antibody-mediated, it is actually cell-mediated. Cytotoxic CD8+ cells and CDD4+ helper T cells recognize antigen that is in a complex with major histocompatibility complex 1 or 2. This results in proliferation and activation of the cells. Activated CD8+ T cells then destroy the antigen containing cells while activated macrophages release hydrolytic enzymes.
THE USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is responsible for meat and poultry products including egg products, whereas the FDA regulated all other foods, including eggs themselves, seafood labels, and use of veterinary drugs.
Whitten (leuck) effect
occurs when male pheromones stimulate synchronous estrus in a female population
post hemorrhage yellow in CSF