Random Questions Flashcards
Before authorising a signal to be passed at danger, what must you do to make sure the line is safe? (4)
- The the line is clear and safe for the movement.
- Barriers or gates at level crossings are closed to road traffic.
- Points are in the required position and locked where provided.
- Ground frame release is normal
What must you check is correct, with regards to any indications on points? (1)
Check they have ‘normal’ or ‘reverse’ indications.
If mechanical point detection is provided, you must arrange for the points to be secured if a movement is to be made over them in a facing direction; on what occasion do you not need this? (1)
A facing point lock used and you have been told or checked that it is properly engaged.
If you can, when must you operate the signal lever concerned when passing a signal at danger? (3)
- It’s defective
- It’s disconnected
- Can’t be cleared due to signalling equipment failure
What must you do with all other levers if you cannot operate the lever of the signal that is to be passed at danger or the signal is to be passed at danger for any other reason? (2)
- Reverse all levers that usually release the signal lever concerned.
- Normalise all levers that usually lock the signal lever concerned.
What must you make sure you do if the interlocking is out of order to prevent conflicting movements? (3)
- Facing points on any of the line set to avoid conflicting movements.
- The signals for conflicting movements are at danger.
- The routes for conflicting movements are closed.
On the occasions that you don’t instruct the driver to proceed at caution, there are actually two reasons to instruct the driver to proceed caution in certain situations; what are the occasions to instruct a driver proceed at caution instead of a specific speed? (2)
- Controlled level crossing.
- Automatic level crossing.
What instructions do you give to a driver with regard to TPWS when authorising a signal to be passed at danger? (1)
Operate the TPWS temporary isolation switch when you are authorised to enter.
After being authorised to pass a signal at danger, what must the driver do when they see that the next stop signal ahead is displaying a proceed aspect, and what is the exception? (2)
- Travel at an appropriate speed.
- Signaller has informed to travel at a reduced speed.
When may a driver pass a signal at danger on their own authority and what are their actions after doing so? (2)
- If the controlling signal box is closed.
- Contact the signal when reach the next signal box.
Before using block back inside home signal what criteria must be met with bell codes and block indicator position? (2)
- Train out of section is sent.
- The block indicator is at normal.
What must you do if you receive 5-5-5 from the signal box in rear while your clearing point is obstructed after you have acknowledged 5-5-5? (2)
- Send blocking back inside home.
- Block indicator to train on line with a reminder.
What is the definition of a goods line?
A line that has not been signalled to the standard required for running passenger trains.
Before you allow a train, carrying passengers onto a goods line or goods loop that is not protected by trap points from a movement from sidings, what must you be sure of or get an assurance of? (2)
- The sidings are clear of vehicles and no movement will approach.
- Vehicles and traction units are properly secured and clear of the line to be used.
What is the definition of a traction unit?
Locomotive, multiple unit, self propelled rail vehicle or road vehicle operating in rail mode.
What is the definition of a defective signal?
A signal which is not operating or displaying correctly or where the light is out when it should be illuminated.
When may you allow a train to approach a defective stop signal if it has been placed to and is kept at danger? (1)
When you are sure the correct aspect or indication is showing.
When may you allow a train to approach a defective distant signal if it has been placed to and is kept at caution? (1)
The correct aspect or indication is showing and it will not cause the driver to see an incorrect sequence of signals.
When can you allow a train to approach a defective signal which is showing proceed, and will not cause the driver to see an incorrect sequence of signals? (4)
- The correct aspect or indication is shown.
- Train has been accepted by the next signal box.
- The line is clear to the buffer stops on a dead end line.
- The line is clear up to and including the overlap of an intermediate block home signal.
When can you allow a train to approach a defective signal which is showing proceed, and will cause the driver to see an incorrect sequence of signals or otherwise WILL NOT cause a driver to see correct signal aspects being displayed? (4)
- The train has been accepted by the next signal box.
- The line is clear to the buffer stops on a dead end line.
- The line is clear up to and including the overlap of an intermediate block home signal.
- The defective signal is between the home signal and the section signal and the line is clear to the section signal.
What are your immediate actions when any signal or any signalling equipment fails? (5)
- Make the operational railway safe.
- Tell any other signallers affected.
- Tell operations control.
- Make sure trains pass safely.
- Enter details into the train register.
If an arm repeater for a semiphore signal indicates that the signal is defective, when do you not actually have to treat the signal as being defective? (1)
If the signal responds correctly to the lever
What must you do if a light repeater for a semaphore distant signal indicates that the distant signal light is out, and it can be seen by the signal at the signal box in rear, and under what circumstance do you not need to treat the signal as defective? (2)
- Ask the signaller if the light is out.
- You don’t need to treat the distant signal as defective if the light is lit.
If a light is out on a semaphore signal, when must you treat the signal as being defective? (1)
During darkness or poor visibility
If a signal forms one of a group of signals and there is no aspects or indication being displayed at that signal when there should be one, which drivers do you need to tell about the defective signal? (2)
- Drivers on the line affected.
- Drivers on any other line in the same direction.
If you are told that a clear and warning indication were received together (AWS fault code 4), you must: (2)
- Make sure the signal concerned is not showing a green aspect, or a semaphore distant signal is not showing ‘clear’.
- Instruct the driver of the first train to tell you what AWS indication is received.
What do you do if you receive AWS fault code 5 or 7? (1)
Make sure the driver of each train that is to pass over the defective equipment is told about the fault.
What AWS fault code is ‘Bell & Horn’?
What AWS fault code is ‘Bell instead of horn’?