Random Flashcards
Causes of AVN
- pancreatitis / Pregnancy
- Lupus
- Alcohol
- Steroids
- Trauma
- Infection
- Collegen vascular disease
- Radiation / RA
- Amyloidosis
- Gauchers
- Sickle cell
RF for falls
balance issues
visual impairment
5 stages of rehab return to play
5 stages of rehab
1. ROM
2. isometric
3. drills
4. return to sports specific task
5. return to play
female athletic triad
Low energy availability (anorexia)
menstrual dysfunction
low bone mineral density)
causes of anterior hip pain ( give at least 6)
- Labral Tear
- Chondropathy
- Osteoarthritis
- Synovitis
- Ligament Teres Tear
- Hip Joint Instability
- Hypermobility
- Groin Pain
DDX Reduced hip flexion
CAM / pincer
Reduced internal structure
- Structural
- Acetabular retroversion
CAM/Pincer impingement
Femoral retroversion
OA - Functional
- Hip IR weakness
- Tight external rotators
- Muscle spasm
- Adductor related
- Iliopsoasrelated
- Inguinal related
- Pubic related
- Hip related
I- HAP - I
Lateral hip pain
gluteal medius tear/ tendinopathy
others :
* pain from trachanteric bursitis
* referred pain from lumbar spine
ethology for gluteal medium tear and tendinopathy
- Gluteus medius/minimus tendinopathy
- subgluteus maximus and medius bursitis
- IT band thickening
causes of external snapping hip
- tight IT band
- Glut Maximus sliding
posterior hip pain DDX
- Posterior Labral tear
- Posterior chondral lesion
- Ligamentum teres tear
- Posterior micro-instability secondary to anterior impingement
posterior thigh pain
- Hamstring Strains (Type I&II)
- Hamstring Contusion
- Referred pain from:
- Lumbar spine
- Neural structures
- Gluteal trigger points
sciatic nerve being compressed by piriformis muscle with symptoms overlapping with SIJ pain and lumbosacral radiculopathy
MCA stroke symp
C/l hemiplegia , hypesthesia (face and arms > legs)
C/i homonymous hemianopia
I/L gaze preference
Dominant hemisphere: aphasia
- repetitive - inferior division of MCA - wernicke
- expressive - superior division - Brocas
Non dominent: spastic dyspraxia, C/l hemineglet
C/l hemiplegia , hypesthesia ( legs)
alien limb phenomenon
gait apraxia
urinary incontince
Abulia ( inability or variable resistance to passive ROM)
TCM aphasia (if dominant lobe affected
PCA stroke
- c/i homonymous hemianopia
c/l hemianesthesia
c/l hemiplegia
c/l hemiataxia
vertical gait palsy
Dominant - amnesia, color anosmia, dyslexia w/o agraphia , simultagnosia
Non-Dominant - prosopagnosia ( can’t recognize familiar faces)
defunct in perceptual analysis
weber syndrome
penetrating branches of the midbrain
i/l CN3 palsy
c/i limb weakness
Anton syndrome
contralateral PCA storke - cortical blinds with denial
Balints syndrome
- optic ataxia
- loss of voluntary but not reflex eye movements
-inability to understand visual objects
Wallenberg syndrome
pICA ( posterior inferior cerebellar artery)
- vertigo , nystagmus , i/p Horners , i/l facial pain or numbness
dysphagia, dysarthria
i/p Limb ataxia
c/l pain and temporary sensory lss
b/i pontine infracts
locked in syndrome
Millard Guber syndrome
unilateral lesion of ventrocaudal pons
- C/l hemiplegia
- i/l lateral rectus palsy
- i/l peripheral facial paresis