Foot Anatomy Flashcards
What makes up the deltoid ligament
- triangular shape ligament on medial aspect (subdivided into 4 parts)
1. Tibionavicular part of the medial ligament
2. tibiocalcaneal part
3. posterior tibiotalar part
4. anterior tibiotalar part
lateral ligaments of ankle joint
- anterior Talofibular ligament
- calcaneofibular ligament
- posterior talofibular ligament
flexor retinaculum of ankle
bony depression formed by medial malleolus
what goes through the flexor retrinaculum of ankle
medial side
tibialis posterior tendon
FDL tendon
posterior tibial artery
tibial nerve
FHL tendon
fibular retrinaculum
binds the tendons of the fibulariis longs and fibulas braves muscle to the lateral side
Extensor Digitorum brevis
O: superiolateral part of CALCANEOUS
I: base of phalanx of greater tow and lateral to EDL on toes 2 - 4
I: depp fibular nerve
F: extend metatarsophalanges joint of the great toe
Abductor Hallicus
0: medial process of CALCANEA TUBEROSITY
I: medial side of proximal phalanx of great toe
I: medial plantar nerve from TN
F: Abduct 1st toe
Flexor Digitorum brevis
O: calcareous tuberosity
i: plantar surface of middle phalanges of middle 4 toes
i: medial plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
A: flexes lateral 4 toes
Abductor digiti minimi
O: lateral and medial process of calcanea tuberosity , band of Connective tissue connecting calcenous of metatarsal V
I: Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of little toe
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
A: abducts little toe
quadratus plantae
O: medial surface of calcaneus and lateral process of calcanea tuberosity
I: lateral side of tendon of FDL on sole of foot
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
A: assist FDL tendon in flexing lateral 4 toes
O: first lumbrical; medial side of tendon of flexor digitorum longs ass/ with toe 2
2,3,4th - adjacent structures of adjacent tendon FDL
I: medial free margins of extender hoods of toes 2-5
I: first lumbrical - medial plantar nerve from tibial nerve
2,3,4 - lateral plantar from tibial nerve (S2,3)
A: FLEXIOn of MP joint and EXTENSION of IP joint
O: plantar surface of cuboid and lateral cuneiform
i: base of proximal phalanx
I: medial plantar nerve from tibial nerve
A: flexes MP joint of the great toe
Adductor hallicus
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
A: adducts grater tow at MP joint
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
flexes little toe at MP joint
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
dorsal interossei
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve , first and second dorsal interossei also by deep fibular nerve
A: abduction of toes 2-4 at MP joint
plantar interossei
I: lateral plantar nerve from tibial nerve (S1,2,3)
O: adduction of toes 3-5 at MP joint
MTP sprain
Acute injury to the ligaments and capsule of the MTP joint. “Turf toe” is commonly seen in athletes. Chronic sprains may lead to hallux rigidus
Hallux valgus
> 15 degree of lateral deviation of 1st MTP
Lateral deviation of the first toe greater than the normal angle of 15 degrees between
the tarsus and metatarsus. This may lead to a painful prominence of the medial aspect
of the MTP joint (bunion)
hallux rigidus
Degenerative condition of the first MTP joint leading to pain and stiffness (great toe arthritis of MTP joint)
claw toe
extension mTP
flexion PIP
flexion DIP
hammer toe
flexion of PIP
treatment of hammer toe
show should be 1/2 inch longer than longest toe
causes of hammer toe
chronic tight shoes
causes of claw foot
incompetence of foot intrinsic muscles
secondary to neurological disorders ( diabetes , alcohol. neuropathies, CMT , spinal cord tumour)
treatment of claw toe
shoes with soft and roomy with high tow boxes
splints available
surgical if necessary
Mallot toe
flexion of DIP with normal alignment of PIP and MTP
treatment of ballot toe
must trim callous
take x-ray to r/o fracture
good shoes with high toe boxes
Lisfranc fracture
traumatic disruption of the tarsometatarsal joints involving fracture, dislocation, or both
treatment for lisfranc
- conservative : non displaced : non WB , immobilization and support thereafter
- Surgical - Stabilization is integral to maintaining the bony architecture of entire foot
Jones fracture
transverse fracture through the base of the 5th metatarsal
Nutcracker fracture
cuboid fracture
March fracture
fatigue fracture of the metatarsal
treatment of Jones fracture
- non weight bearing in a cast for 6 weeks
treatment of nutcracker fracture
March fracture
- cast if needed
grades of lateral ankle sprain
Grade 1 : partial tear ATFL , welling, point tenderness at lateral ankle , no instability , negative stress test
Grade 2: complete tear ATFL and partial CFL , diffuse sweeping , ecchymosis positive Ant drawer
Grade 3: complete ATFL and CRL , positive ant drawer and taller tilt
Dislocation - complete ATFL , PRFL and CFL
MOA of lateral ankle sprain
inversion and plantar flexion
“ hx of rolling over ankle “
treatment of lateral ankle sprain
Grade 1 and 2 - conservative
ice , rest , compression, NSAIDS, early mobilization
Grade 3: conservative vs surgical
- six month trial of rehab
- high athlete or conservative fail - Sx reconstruction of torn ligament