Raising Standards evaluation Flashcards
class inequality
‘Education system like a Victorian Railway Carriage
ethnicity ineqaulity
gillborn and jasper
Gillborn and Jasper
Education system is ‘Institutionally Racist’ – Doesn’t raise standards for ALL! Ethnic minorities are labelled and marginalised.
– Ethnocentric Curriculum meaning the culture of ethnic minorities is devalued therefore standards are not fully raised for ALL.
Gender inequality
heaton and lawson
Claimed that science subjects were packaged for boys.
Science textbooks have very few women portrayed in them and examples used by teachers were more relevant to boys and boys’ interests.
Teachers would let boys dominate the science classroom.
Found that subject choices at school were gendered and girls and boys chose different subjects which affected their future career paths.
These differences came about due to perceptions of what was masculine and feminine
Heaton and lawson
Suggests there is a patriarchal curriculum – Students are taught about the world from a male perspective and also taught about male history / role models.
They also explain that although teaching is a female dominated profession there are few females in ‘top jobs’ within education.
functionalist and new right
new right
davis and more
New right
criticise Labour parties spending to raise standards as they argue that education IS meritocratic and that if the lower classes, ethnic minorities and girls worked harder they WOULD achieve in education! They discuss role allocation and how education helps to sift and sort students into suitable jobs
Davis and moore
Education performs role allocation and sifts, sorts and grades (education helps with this – E.g. A versus D grades and Vocational versus Academic subjects) people in terms of ability which is rewarded in exam success.
usher , bryant and johnson
postmodern critistes
criticise Coalition and Conservative party aims to raise standards – They argue that it is difficult to raise standards for everyone if teaching happens through the National Curriculum and Standardised Testing…education should be more DIVERSE!
Usher, Bryant and Johnson (1997)
Point to increasing diversity, choice and change that characterises today’s society and the need to meet the demands of contemporary society. Education can be used to influence identity and argue that adult education can play a big part in this.
liberal thinkers
We should deschool society by getting rid of schools and other initiations of formal education altogether. Qualified teachers are not the best people to undertake education but rather people with the knowledge, skills and enthusiasm for a particular area. Advocates the development of learning webs, where people who want to learn something would be put in contact with people who want to teach something so they could then learn together in an informal way.