Cultural defences and glocalisation Flashcards
Points out that the image of western media and domination is exaggerated and ignores complex interactions which occurs between cultures
Discusses ‘ reverse cononisation’ where in fact western cultures are not dominating less powerful groups but in fact the reverse of this is occurring , such as the ‘mexicanisation’ of california , where food, dress, and music has become a key part of califnian lifestyle. This is known as ‘Glocalisation’ where local cultures assert their own culture whilst resisting western Norms and values.
Croteau and Hoynes
global digital media companies have also been forced to take into account local practices. Indigenous groups use the internet to protect their way of life
Such as;
Advrsting - by the west is broadcast on a global scale therefore presents ieas on what is ‘ desirable’
Antisoical behaviour - on the internet can reflect western ideas about the morality and deviance e.g accessing private information, racism , sexism
Digitak communication does not give rules or ploce morality and ethics - that can occur in local cultures sicj as western views regarding liberalism e.g egypt protests