Racialization, Vunerability, Marginalization Flashcards
What is racialization?
Assumes race is a natural means of categorization. Groups are distinct in behavioural characteristics/attributes which result from race/skin colour/appearance/language.
What is essentialism and othering?
E- characteristics (stereotypes) of people don’t change over time
O- describes person in relation to the ascriber
What is racialism in healthcare and research?
HC- structural assumption (areas haven’t acknowledged cultures so some may not receive cultural safe care), also barriers to care, differences in pain management
R- people categorized by race and info is used to present research findings, if there’s more substance abused in one race then people ascribe negative attributes to that race
What is vulnerability?
Susceptibility. Those at risk for health problems. People are considered vulnerable by their status (social status, limited resources, gender, age…)
What are some vulnerable groups?
People with AIDS, high risk infants, elderly, people without housing, refugees, chronically ill, and substance users.
What is marginalization?
Persons or groups are peripheralized from dominant experiences. It’s a socially constructed process. Can result in health disparities
What is macro level margin.?
Includes globalization (global market place, food resources, global events, conflict, climate change).
What is meso level marginalization?
R/t institutional component that creates power, privilege, and oppression. Is institutional marginalization that’s caused by institutional processes.
What is intersectionality?
Multiple aspects compound inequity and create disadvantages.
What is micro level of marginalization?
Creates interpersonal trauma and occurs through implicit bias (our biases we are unaware of, socioculturally learned), and micro aggression (common brief verbal aggressions, can be intentional or unintentional and communicate negative insults to a group).
What does ACTION stand for?
A- ask clarifying questions
C- curiosity
T- tell what you observed
I- impact exploration
O- own your thoughts/feelings
N- next steps
What is the micro aggression triangle model?
Source (assists)- bystander (arise) and recipient (action).
What does ASSist stand for?
A- acknowledge your bias
S- seek feedback
S- say sorry
I- impact, not intent
T- say thank you
What does ARISE stand for?
A- awareness
R- respond with empathy, not judgement
I- inquiry
S- statements start with I
E- educate and engage
How can nurses decrease marginalization?
Advocate for fair treatment, refrain form judgement/labelling, respect, self reflect, question the status quo, be aware of global health concerns, and advocate.