Concepts of Health, Globalization, and Global Ethics Flashcards
What contributed to global health historically?
- Marshall plan to reconstruct europe after WW2 (helped decrease barriers, out of this came World Bank)
- Declaration of alma atta in 1978 (international council of health care, wanted to achieve health for all by 2000, universal access to PHC)
- 17 SDG (call for action by all countries)
What is globalization?
Increased inter-connectedness and interdependence of people/countries. Economic/social/cultural processes of integration that result form expansion of transnational production, migration, communications, technology.
Positives and negatives of globalization?
P- communication/technology advances, economic growth/improved health for some
D- health inequities in poor countries, poverty/disease burden, disease travels, growing gap between rich/poor, potential for western values to dominate local values/traditions
What is neoliberalism?
Some nations are wealthier and healthier. R/t free trade which causes decreased spending on social programs.
What are 3 qualities of globalization based on Crigger?
- Compression of the world- becoming hoemgenous/heterogensou
- Expansion of consciousness through exposure (we learn through exposure like new/travel but not everyone gets the same amount of exposure)
How do we decolonize health?
Leadership positions of decision making panels should be made up of country expertise/people with lived experience. Patient/communities are decision makers and global experts advisors. Move away from biomedical model and move towards local/INDG ways of knowing. Fund with transparency.
How is health political?
Some social groups have more of it than others under neoliberal economics. Health is a right of social citizenship. Health is fundamental human right.
How are human rights and health linked?
Human right violations can impact a persons health. Violations impact social/cultural/economic opportunities increase vulnerability to illness. Programming that doesn’t consider human right can result in discrimination.
What are the 5 qualities of global ethics?
- Balanced inclusive decision making
- Balance between individual and community (common good)
- Use reflexivity (critical reflection of oneself with empathy for another POV)
- Openness to new approaches to human rights
- Business and technology (realistic view)
What are 4 principles of bioethics?
- Autonomy- agency vs. liberty (freedom)
- Beneficence- act for the good
- Nonmaleficence- do no harm
- Justice- how are resources distributed
3 issues for nurse with globalization?
- Tech. advances- benefits in new therapies/drugs, but who pays to develop them/who are they for
- Justice, equity, resource allocation- lower resource countries carry burden of disease,
- possibility of universal ethic- universalists vs relativists
What can nurses do to address global health issues?
Maintain awareness of global health concerns (war, human right violations, gender inequalities) to bring change locally/globally.
How to take political action?
Be aware of issues, talk to others about health policy issue, join nursing organization, write letter to government, run for office.
What is global health advocacy?
Advocating for others. Useful for policy decisions on issue impacting a population.
What is rights based framework?
Focus on including human rights approach to all health/social policies.
What is framework convention on global health?
Focuses on equity vs health through global governance and international law. Acts on drivers of disparities.