R&B Flashcards
Black Atlantic
A concept articulated by Paul Gilroy which recognizes that Black identity and culture are created and evolve through transnational connections and influences between people of African origin living in Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, North America and South America.
Song Form
The order of the sections used in a particular song
Beginning of a song, often instrumental.
Song section where the lyrical storytelling happens.
Song section which is often higher intensity than the verse. Choruses have fewer lyrics than the verse, and use more repetition.
A unique and different song section usually found in the second half of a song, which usually happens only once, to connect one section of a song to another section
Creating music on the spot, in the moment, in response
to the performance situation and the musical choices of fellow performers.
R&B music
A style of music influenced by Gospel singing, originating
from African American musicians in the 1950s. R&B features powerful vocal performances, often featuring concepts such as melisma, and vocal harmonies.
A type of slow song, usually delivered with emotional intensity,
found in many different genres of music.
When a singer sings multiple notes (pitches) in sequence while
singing a single syllable of a word (often improvised).