Quiz Week 12 Flashcards
The process of demonstrating program quality and
effectiveness, and identifying areas that need improvement.
Two critical arenas for evaluation
quality and effectiveness `
Purpose of evaluation
1) where your objectives achieved? 2) accountability to stakeholders 3) increase support for initiatives
Levels of evaluation
Foips (formative; process; impact; outcome; summative)
quality assessment and program improvement ( measurements obtain and judgements made before or during the implementation of of materials, methods, activities or programs to control,
assure or improve the quality of performance or
Process evaluation
“Used to monitor and document program
Evaluate effectiveness of program processes
Evaluate whether the program is being implemented as
Related to process objectives
“Any combination of measurements and judgments that
permit conclusions to be drawn about impact, outcome, or
benefits of a program or method” ; Shows whether program met its objectives ; Performed at conclusion of program
Evaluates “the immediate observable effects of a program,
leading to the intended outcomes of a program;
intermediate outcomes.” ; Changes in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, behavior…
; Related to learning, behavior, and environmental objectives
Evaluates whether program has achieved its “ultimate
goal or product”
Procedures used for Evaluation
Case studies; focus groups; direct observation; assessments; in-depth interviews; informal interviews;
Two basic purposes for evaluation
1) assessing, improving, and determining effectiveness.
Standards of acceptability
minimum levels of performance
improving and assessing how the program is doing
determines effectiveness when done
CDC’s six steps in framework for program evaluation
1) Engage stakeholders 2) Describing the program 3) focusing the evaluation design 4) gathering credible evidence 5) justifying conclusions 6) Ensuring use and sharing lessons learned.
CDCs Four Standards for evaluation
1) Utility Standards 2) Feasibility Standards 3) Propriety Standards(evaluation is ethical) 4) Accuracy Standards ( Results are correct)
What are the fundamental differences between formative and process objectives?
Formative (quality of program content and program implementation; some occur (it is ongoing and providing feedback), while process objectives are evaluating how far a long we are with a task.
Five qualitative measure
1) Case studies; 2) in-depth interviews; 3)participant observer studies; 4) nominal group process; 5) delphi techniques.
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Qualitative (inductive method) - individual cases are studied to formulate a general principle; produces narrative data ; Quantitive - (deductive - applying a generally principle to an individual case Numeric data); qualitative to describe individual outcomes; quantitative to describe/ quantitative to provide proof and measure levels of actions; it is good to use both methods together.