Chapter 6 reading Mission Statements Flashcards
What is the role of a mission statement, goals, and objectives?
to give direction to the program, provide the ground work for program evaluation.
Mission statement
a short narrative that describes the general focus or purpose of the program, also the philosophy
Vision statement
a brief description of where the program will be in the future (3 or more years)
broad statements of direction written in nontechnical language. less specific than objectives and explain general intent; set the fundamental, long-range direction
Break down the goals into smaller parts that provide specific, measurable actions by which the goal can be accomplished; more precise and represent smaller steps than program goals.
Process Objectives
The daily tasks, activities, and work plans that lead to the accomplishment of all other levels of objectives.
Impact Objectives
Describe the immediate observable effects of a program. (e.g changes in awareness, knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors, or the environment.); learning objectives, behavioral objectives, and environmental objectives.
Learning Objectives
Education or learning tools needed in order to achieve the desired behavior change based off of ecological assessments like PRECEDE-PROCEED model
Behavioral Objectives
Describes the behaviors or actions in which the priority population will engage that will resolve the health problem and move you toward achieving the program goal.
Environmental Objectives
Outline the non-behavioral causes of a health problem that are present in the social, physical, psychological economic, service, and/or political environments.
Outcome Objectives
The ultimate objectives of a program and are aimed at changes in health status, social benefits, risk factors, or quality of life. If these objectives are achieved, the program goal achieves.
Objectives need to be…
SMART objectives!
Elements of an objective
OCCP ( Outcome, conditions, criterion, priority population)
The action, behavior, or something else that will change as a result of the program (Apply, build, compare, demonstrate/ other action words)
the environment/situation under which the outcome will observe (dates,place, time)
how much change will occur; evaluating people’s change
Priority population
Who will change? Who is the program for? How much?
1) What is a mission statement? Why is it important? How is it different from a vision statement?
A mission statement is a short narrative that describes the general focus or purpose of the program, also the philosophy. It is important, because it provides direction and helps planners in the development of program goals and objectives. It is different than a vision statement, because vision statements specify where you want to be in 3+ year. Vision statements are not mandatory.
2) What are the differences between a goal and an objective?
goals are broad statements of direction written in non-technical language. objectives are more clear, are means by which goals get accomplished, more specific. Break down the goals into smaller parts that provide specific, measurable actions by which the goal can be accomplished; more precise and represent smaller steps than program goals.
3) What is the purpose of program goals and objectives?
Give direction. What needs to be done, and how we are going to go about getting them done.
4) What are the different levels of objectives?
Learning, environmental, process, behavioral, outcome objectives.
5) What are the necessary elements of objectives
OCCP (outcome, condition, criteria, and, priority population.
What are the characteristics of a smart objective?
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Stamped)
DUMB goals
Do-able; uplifting; method friendly; Behavior driven.