Quiz 9/22 * Flashcards
Tech to scan anterior teeth:
Horse-saddle movement on incisal edge (5 times over IE in video)
Difficult parts of ant tooth to scan:
finish line, proximal contact, occlusal surfaces
For milling, on’t click on ‘new scan,’ but:
New Scan and Design
Library-anatomy for proposal:
Library A
Material to be used to mill restoration:
E. Max HT, shade A1
How to change tooth if you select the wrong one:
R click to deselect
Pattern of scanning
M, L, distal oclussal, buccal
How much of buccal alveolar ridge should be scanned?
Type of movement to use when scanning the buccal:
snake-like movements, 3-5mm of alveolar ridge (2, 31, 3, 30, 4, 29)
What should you see if the upper and lower scan fit into the interocclusal records that you have already scanned?
green dot (align buccal icon) (4th icon down on R)
What to do if you don’t see a green dot (4th down on the R side of screen) indicating that the interocclusal record aligned:
manually impose the arches
What can happen if you don’t use the horse saddle technique?
double incisal edge
Why doesn’t Romexis pick up anterior teeth well?
not enough anatomy
Name of project:
What can you do with Romexis by clicking New Scan and Design?
scan, design, and mill
Select ether bite registration or:
buccal/ opposing
Lower 3 icons on the R are about:
model alignment
Upper 3 icons on the R are about:
View options
3 icons on the bottom of screen are about:
scan data options
How to hold scanner:
pencil grip
Goals of scanning:
100% of prep and proximal contacts, 90% of adjacent teeth and full cusps, 2-3 mm of gingival tissue on both buccal and lingual
When does the scanner pause?
when the live view turns Sepia or the audio tone stops.
Alternate way to generate model:
press “M”
To rotate model:
press and hold R click & drag mouse