Lec 1/12 Principle of Tooth Prep Flashcards
5 princ of tooth prep:
preserve tooth, retention/ resistnace, structural durability, marginal integrity, preservation of periodontium
3 major groups to consider hen thinking about principles of tooth prep:
Biologic, mechanical, esthetics
Mechanical principles:
provide retention and resistance, prevent deformation of resto
This form prevent any movement of the resto under occlusal forces:
6 factors influencing retention:
magnitude of force, geometry of tooth prep, roughness of intaglio surface, materials being cemented, luting agent used, film thickness of luting agent
These forces tend to remove a resto along its POI:
dislodging, chewing sticky food
Magnitude of dislodging forces depends on:
stickiness of food, sa of the resto, surface texture of the outer surface of resto
Factors included in geometry of a prep:
diameter, taper, height/ length
Does an inc in ht inc retention more or less than a greater inc in parallelism of the axial walls?
How does an inc in diameter affect retention?
linear inc in retention
Result of occ surface of prep not following unprepped tooth:
ht dec, sa dec (frictional dec)
Type of crown, best to worst retention:
complete crown w no grooves, 7/8 crown w grooves, 3/4 crown w grooves, 7/8 crown, 3/4 crown (sa decreases)
Luting agents, greatest % retention to least % retention of zinc phosphate:
adhesive resin, resin, GI, polycarboxylate
Good resistance depends on these 3 things:
magnitude/ direction of forces, geometry of tooth prep, physical properties of luting agent
Are boxes or grooves more retentive?
Clinically acceptable range of prep ta[per:
Tooth prep w lowest resistance form:
short, large diameter, large taper
Which require more parallel preps to get resistance form, molars or premolars?
Luting agents, can undergo greatest to least compressive strength:
adhesive resin, resin, resin ionomer, GI, polycarboxylate, zinc phosphate
Biological consideration:
prevention of damage to tooth, adjacent teeth, soft tissue, pulp
Causes of injury of biological concern:
temp, chemicals, bacterial action
TF? Both air turbine water cooled, and low speed water cooled show less of a temp inc than either air turbine or low speed, dry.
Biological consideration that affect health of oral tissues:
conservation of tooth structure, avoidance of overcontouring, supragingival margins, harmonious occlusion, protection against tooth fracture
Margin design requires a design that can provide enough:
bulk of material to resist deformation
TF? Feather edge margin provides enough bulk of gold alloy to withstand distortion.
7 margin designs:
Feather edge, chisel, chamfer, Bevel, Shoulder, Sloped Shoulder, Beveled Shoulder (no modified shoulder!!)
Is bevel margin essentially a sloped chamfer margin?
Margin design most suitable for cast metal crowns ans the metal-only portion of a metal-ceramic crown:
Benefits of supragingival margins:
easily finished, easily cleaned, impressions easy to make, restos easily evaluated (adaptation of the margin?)
Areas of critical reflectance that are esthetic concern:
most I & G portions of the PFM that have both metal and porcelain (doesn’t inc most F-G area that is all metal or area that is most incisal that is all porcelain