Quiz 8- ANS Flashcards
ANS is not ____ but ____
Autonomic Nervous System
control at an unconscious level
reflexes are fast and specific
innervation of smooth muscle, not striated
cell bodies originate in the brainstem or cord
ANS control points
hypothalamus- water balance, temp control, hunger
pons- respiration and cardiovascular control
medulla- respiration and cardiovascular control
Divisions are distinguished by…
structural anatomy, neurotransmitters, and functionality
- parasympathetic
Division characteristics
all divisions control internal homeostasis by reflexes
almost all are negative feedback loops
limiting changes in physiological factors
all respond to external/internal stimuli
tracts are components of…
cranial and spinal cord nerves
solely excitatory
3 cells: motor cortex Betz cells- spinal cord interneurons- a-motor neurons
a-motor neurons are myelinated and use ACh as NT
excitatory or inhibitory
2 cells: cells arise within cord and project out to syapses on neurons either near cord or further away
ganglia= 2nd cell body outside of cord
pre- and post-ganglionic cells
post ganglionic cells innervate targets
Types of branches
sympathetic- built into cord
parasympathetic- built into brain stem and cord
characterization of branches
anatomical origin of pre-ganglionic cell body
anatomical location of synapses between pre- and post-ganglionic cell
NTs used at synapses
length of pre- and post-ganglionic cell axon
Origin of first cell consequences
varied influence from regions of cord and brain
ganglia position consequences
no real functional impact, anatomically important
axonal length consequences
no real functional impact, unless a slight change in speed of response
different NT consequence
enormous clinical impact
Signal of ANS
pre ganglionic neuron -(ACh/NT)- post ganglionic neuron-(NT)- target operator/effector
Signal termination
pre-ganglionic to ganglionic neuron
ganglia to target
pre ganglionic to ganglionic neuron termination
Acetylcholinerastes degradation of ACh
targets of nerve gases and insect sprays
ganglia to target termination
active reuptake, enzyme degradation
monoamine oxidase
Parasympathetic properties
energy conservation
increase digestion and absorption
sympathetic properties
flee or flight against danger
salivation (shared)
ANS is structured as a classic reflex arc…
response can occur without cortical influence
fast and innate
Sympathetic Branch
1st cell body is found in spinal cord lateral horn
pre-ganglionic cells project via spinal nerve ventral roots to sympathetic chain ganglia along either side of cord
some pre-ganglionic fibers innervate ganglia near target tissues
- splanchnic nerve and adrenal medulla
Sympathetic ganglia
chain ganglia
collateral ganglia
adrenal medulla
chain ganglia
directly adjacent, both sides of cord, majority of fibers
targets: organs and glands of head heart and lungs