Quiz 6 Flashcards
Research finds that bisexuals are less likely to report romantic attraction to ___ sexes than monosexuals were to report romantic attraction to ___sex
both, one
homoromantic heterosexual: romantic attraction is towards ____ and sexual attraction is towards ___
same sex, opposite sex
the majority of bisexual women identify as ___ rather than ___
femme, butch
____ couples have a higher income than __
same sex, heterosexuals
T or F: Gay men are paid less than straight men are paid and lesbians are paid more than heterosexual women
Lesbians and bisexual women have the easiest path to becoming parents because they are ____
biologically capable of conceiving and carrying a child
“ About 80 % of ____ women and 37% of ___ women will experience pregnancy in their lifetime
bisexual, lesbian
___ parents are more likely to have genetic offspring than ___ parents
bisexual, lesbian/gay
the sex role (meaning who is top and bottom) is more important for ___ and ___ ___
gay, bisexual men
____ are more likely than heterosexuals to share custody following dissolution
The parent who ___ in heterosexual couples is more likely to get custody
gave birth
T or F: Homosexual couples are more likely to have shared custody than heterosexual couples
It is easier to accept fatherhood vs motherhood because motherhood is associated with _____
giving birth to child
___ have the highest rate of dissolution
Which of the following couples tend to move in sooner with each other, and commit to a faster bond?
a. gay men
b. bisexual men
c. heterosexual women
d. lesbians
Available date from the late 19th century through to the present indicates that ___ seek divorce about 2.5 times as often as husbands
___ are more likely to be the dumper than ___
females, males
T or F: genetics only affect sexual orientation
F: genetics and environmental traits
Female fetuses exposed to a higher level of androgen in the prenatal environment tend to be more
a. fluid in their gender expression, tomboyish, assertive, more likely to be bisexual
b. tend to be more tomboyish, assertive, and more likely to be lesbian or bisexual
c. tend to be more fluid in their gender expression, sometimes tomboyish sometimes femme, more likely to be lesbian
d. none of the above
T or F: Even when females’ testosterone is pathologically raised in ovarian syndrome the values are less than that observed in males
Males who have older brothers are ____ to be gay as adults
more likely
If a person who is lesbian, bisexual, or gay has genetic offspring, their child is ___ likely to be nonheterosexual than children born to heterosexuals
T or F: MOST offspring of LGB individuals will be heterosexual, but the reproductive offspring of LGB individuals are disproportionately more likely to be nonheterosexual just like their parents
There are higher rates of ___ than ___ who are homosexuals
daughters, sons
_____ are the least likely to breastfeed whereas there are “ no differences in breastfeeding between ___ women and heterosexual women”
lesbians, bisexual
The ___ women give birth most of the time in same-sex female couples
The average age of the first child in a lot of lesbian and bisexual couples is 32, or 33 years of age which is much ___ than heterosexual couples
The same is true for gay men
A buch woman is looking for a ____ fem partner
A heterosexual male is looking for a younger female partner
Women whose ultrasound reveals a ____ are less likely to be married when she gives birth (Dahl & Moretti, 2008) whereas ultrasounds that reveal a ___ lead unwed couples to get married faster
daughter, son
___ Orientation relationships tend to show more awareness of & willingness to discuss the role of gender in a relationship & gendered behaviors compared to ___Orientation opposite-sex relationships, which may affect common relational conflict issues such as division of household labor, which may in turn affect relationship satisfaction.
____, regardless of sexuality, are more open to dating bisexuals than ___, regardless of sexuality. ___ have a sexuality preference for ___ over bisexual women for a myriad of reasons
men, women, lesbians, lesbians
___ are more biphobic than ___
females, males
____ are less open to dating ___ women than straight men
lesbians, bisexual
Most ____ are in monogamous relationships, though polyamorous daters are _____ to be bisexual than monosexual
bisexuals, more likely
___ males are more likely to have open relationships and ___ are the least likely
gay, lesbians
minimum obligatory investments refer to the fact that because women invest a minimum of nine months and a total energetic cost of nearly 80k calories couples with mobility restrictions, ancestral women were dependent on others typically fathers of their offspring for providing. Therefore, it is hypothesized to have inherited from their successful female ancestors and a preference for ___ partners who can provide resources to themselves and offspring is what women look for
____: individuals who pursue body changes from cis M/F
or a person who undergoes surgery and hormone treatments to physically transform his or her body into the opposite sex
___: reject the idea that gender is binary
Children’s motivation to self-socialize is likely occurring and the focus is on learning about characteristics of ___ rather than learning about characteristics of ____ assigned to them at birth
the other gender, the gender
trans children tend to reflect the ___children of the sex identifying
When __ reached puberty, they left their natal groups to marry into neighboring groups to avoid inbreeding, while ___ stayed in their natal groups their entire lives
girls, boys
Within a family line, males were expected to stay together to secure the ___ of the fraternal line
A ___ is the payment the woman’s family must make for the groom’s family to agree to take over the burden of caring for her after marriage
Dowry systems tend to be associated with monogamy (A married man seeking additional wives could only bargain for substantially ___ dowry payments; such that it would ultimately be more profitable to only have ___ spouse)
smaller, one
The potential loss of funds in a dowry payment explains why dowry-based ecologies have ___ rates of female infanticide.
High sex ratio is when there is more __ than ___. when the sex ratio is equal is ___. If there is more males than females it might be ___ to 100 and if there is low sex ratio is ___ males per ___ females
more, women, 100, 105,90, 100
T or F: Higher sex ratio means a higher rate of crime bc there are more males who cannot find a female partner and one of the outcomes is to engage in more crime
Wealthier men will be able to purchase more bride laborers→bridewealth is associated with ____
Next, the Church ushered in egalitarian changes to property ___ & ____ laws, two of the most important components of patriarchal sexism in patrilineal societies.
rights, inheritance
Marriages based on “consent & affection” dismantled the ___ stronghold that patrilineal-based arranged marriages held over women’s lives for thousands of years. This meant husbands now had to rely more on their spouse ___ to their patrilocal male kin group
patriarchial, relative
Ending arranged marriage led to the decline of patriarchal male clans which lead to corporations, the nuclearization of the family …and ultimately this thing we now call ___
___ age of marriage means higher literacy rates (males have to try harder than in arranged marriages; women have more time to hone their skills prior to marriage; women have ___ kids when they get married later, which means more time), which Foreman
older, fewer
T or F: the Christian church ended arranged marriages for the interest of women.
F: not for the interest of women but for themselves to have more power over land itself