Quiz 5 Flashcards
Suggested that the attachment systems regulates our need for ____ just like we regulate body temp/ blood pressure
____ base is able to play and explore because mom is in the room.
____ was the one who developed a strange situation procedure
Bowlby, Ainsworth
____ systematic pattern of relational expectations, emotions & behavior that results from a particular history of attachment experiences. These are organized patterns of getting your needs met
attachment styles
If a child has a secure attachment and feels like there is a threat present and if the parental figure is not available some infants might engage in ____ showing behavior that is more excessive, demanding a response, showing how upset they are
hyperactivating strategy
If a child has an avoidant attachment style and feels like there is a threat present and if the parental figure is not available some infants might engage in _____ to their attachment style. I am going to try and become more self-sufficient myself without having to meet them
deactivating strategy
Among those who have insecure attachment, with their primary caregiver, the majority have an ____ or preoccupied style
romantic love is an attachment process involving the integration of ____, ___ and____
caregiving, sex, and attachment
If someone is friends with their ex, and the other person is bothered by it, which attachment style would be bothered by this?
a. anxiety attachment
b. secure attachment
c. avoidant attachment
“I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them”. What attachment style is this?
a. anxiety attachment
b. secure attachment
c. avoidant attachment
” I find it relatively easy to get close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me” What attachment style is this?
a. anxiety attachment
b. secure attachment
c. avoidant attachment
“I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner does not really love me or won’t want to stay with me”
What attachment style is this?
a. anxiety attachment
b. secure attachment
c. avoidant attachment
____ sense that the world is safe, attachment figures are consistent and reliable when sought and they make it safe to explore the world and other people
secure style
If a baby greets their mother when she returns, then the baby has a ____ attachment
For children with ____, they engage in displacement exploration behavior characterized as taking a neutral approach to things
avoidant style
this attachment style stems from parental rejection, distrust and discomfort with emotional closeness, _____
For children, those who do not see, to be confident that parents will be accessible and responsive. Clinginess and preoccupation interfere with exploration. Have what kind of attachment style?
Children whose parents were inconsistent and or incentive, tend to get very upset at departure and explore very little. These children most likely have a ____ attachment style
The ____attachments are aimed at achieving a workable relationship with an inconsistently available or distant figure and uses ____ affect regulation
insecure, non-optimal
If the person feels like they are trying to reach out they yet have to respond to them. They may start feeling some sense of abandonment and they start to be hyperactivated. They will call you more, text u more. What kind of attachment style do they have
a. anxiety attachment
b. secure attachment
c. avoidant attachment
If a person is afraid of real relationships; has not learned to appeal to attachment figures.
Does not want to engage in self-disclosure
Might miss out on a good relationship because they are afraid to open up again, then they have ___ attachment style
T or F: Only anxious attachment style is gendered
F: only attachment avoidant is gendered, more men than women
For lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, if they come out to their parents and the parents do not accept them, then the parental attachment becomes more ___ and romantic attachment is completely ___
avoidant, secure
attachment increases in ___ as you get older
You are a marriage family therapist working with one couple who has one partner who is secure and the other who is anxious. In the other couple, one partner is secure and the other person is avoidant
Which one would be more successful?
first couple, must have at least one secure partner
T or F: People with avoidant attachment
styles should exhibit less attachment behavior.
People were put in a stressful situation (giving a speech that would be videotaped). They were given a note from their partner (“Try not to say anything too embarrassing”) that could be interpreted as a supportive joke or nonsupportive.
People who were more ___ saw the note as more supportive, while people who were more __ took it wrong
securely attached, nonsecurely attached
For ___ & ___ attached people, sex helps build
emotional closeness with their romantic partner. While ____ attached people are more likely to engage in
sex with others if there are no emotions attached.
secure, anxious, avoidant
Which attachment style is most likely to stay with a partner if they committed infidelity?
People were more interested in actually dating the people who ___ their past partner
After ending a relationship, ___ attachment seems to be associated with the lowest distress and ___ attachment seems to be associated with the greatest distress
avoidant, anxious