Quiz 10 Flashcards
People with what type of personality trait produce more conflict?
those who score high on neuroticism
T or F: By definition, conflict is a bad thing. It’s a mechanistic inevitability in interdependent bonds.
F: conflict is not necessarily bad
T or F: equality of solution is not the most constructive ( ex: taking turns showering everyday if both start work at 8:00am)
_____ report 2.3 conflicts per week and ____ experience 1-2 unpleasant disagreements each month.
dating couples, spouses
The amount of conflict people encounter is linked to
a. similarity
b. alcohol
c. stage of life
e. response to negative comments
f. attachment style
a, b, c, d, f
___ over ___ attachment style makes conflict more threatening and more frequent
anxiety, abandonment
Who faces more conflict, old or younger couples?
younger bc still developing
The most common conflicts individuals have in a relationship are:
a. intimacy
b. children
c. money
d. chores
e. friends
f. communication
For lesbians, having children tend to ___ the risk of divorce for gay male couples sometimes there is ____ or ___ in the risk of dissolution
reduce, no effect, increase
In which country, do parents want to have a gender balance household, only want two children male and female?
a. India
c. Taiwan
d. China
There are two types of relationship beliefs, one of them being _____ beliefs: assume that two people are either well-suited for each other and destined to live happily ever after or they are not
There are two types of relationship beliefs, one of them being _____ beliefs: assume that good relationship are a result of hard work
functional bonds have more ___ beliefs than ___ beliefs
growth, destiny
When a conflict occurs people who hold ___ beliefs respond more constructively, remaining more optimistic about the future and more committed to the relationship
T or F: Based on Gottman love lab, when couples get into arguments they might need a 20-minute time out to calm down
Unhappy couples are more likely to engage in negative reciprocity which is when each individual feels a sense of ____ by engaging with their partner in a ____
reinforcement, a less constructive way
Happy couples follow partners negatives with ___ behaviors
If we take a look at the degree to which the wife is compliant over three years of marriage, there is a significant ____ in the wife’s satisfaction in marriage
If its the case that over the course of the three years, the husband was more compliant than the wife, then that predicts ____ in her overall satisfaction and ___ in his satisfaction as well
no change, no change
Found that over time (3 years since being newlyweds), when the ____ expressed more anger in year 1, & the ___ was compliant with the ___, they had a happier life by year 3.
wife, husband, wife
Those that show more ____, ____ for their partner tend to show ____ of a reduction in satisfaction over the course of the marriage
humor and care, less
Why are there no negative numbers in the graph that shows positive emotion?
bc there is no increase in satisfaction, only decreases over time.
Couples that argue often but they lack in ______ have the worst outcomes over four years
high positive emotion
____ couples tend to engage in more constructive conflict interaction relative to a ____couples
same-sex, heterosexual
What are the four horsemen of conflict?
stonewalling, criticism, defensiveness, contempt
behavior that seems unjustly critical, being perceived as demeaning or derogatory; making global accusations
stonewalling, criticism, defensiveness, contempt
_____ are comments such as why can’t you ever remember anything? which fail to acknowledge efforts in the first place, demotivating partners to continue trying
extreme anchors
___ occurs when one specific area of conflict magically becomes representative of all your issues
kitchen sinking
“Of course, you forgot to put gas in the car, just like you forgot to put the toilet seat down because you were flirting with my sister & watching your boring golf just like last Christmas when you disrespected my mom.” is an example of
kitchen sinking
____ Taking things personally when it’s unnecessary
“If you paid attention you’d realize the problem isn’t me–it’s you.” is an example of which of the four horsemen?
____ insulting partner in an attempt to make them feel bad. Sarcasm, cynicism, sneering, eye rolling, trying to put yourself above your lover, disrespect, disinterest.
Which of the following four horsemen characteristics is the strongest predictor of divorce?
stonewalling, criticism, defensiveness, contempt
____ one partner (frequently the wife) seeks a change & wants to discuss topic, one partner (frequently the husband) is unreceptive, denies the problem, & avoids the topic
Which of the following four horsemen characteristics is the only gendered pattern?
stonewalling, criticism, defensiveness, contempt
“If you don’t want things to start getting really weird for you, turn off the tv, put down the phone, & have an actual conversation with me.” is an example of a consequence of _____
For couples that are very unhappy, usually the ____ is making on-demand and ___ is basically withdrawing
wife, husband
If couples have far more ___ withdrawal they are the ones who are going to be more dissatisfied and more likely to end up dissolving
Husbands withdraw far more often when ___ centric topic is what they want to change and vice versa
T or F: miscommunication is one of the horsemen and one of the key breakups partners
F: is not one of the horsemen but one of the key breakups for partners
A pretty good portion of couples who break up ____ in connection with each other after the break
Does taking a break usually work?
it does not work for the better
There are four types of couples, one of them being ____ couples which have frequent and passionate arguments but they temper their fights with a fondness for each other
a. avoiders
b. hostiles
c. validators
There are four types of couples, one of them being ____ couples which fight more politely-rarely raise their voice or lose their temper. More likely to feel guilty if it becomes too negative; try to compromise & use self-control
a. avoiders
b. hostiles
c. validators
___ and ____ might work well
a. avoiders
b. hostiles
c. validators
There are four types of couples, one of them being ____ couples which rarely argue, duck confrontation, and often just try to fix problems on their own. Agree to disagree; no persuasion
a. avoiders
b. hostiles
c. validators
There are four types of couples, one of them being ____ couples fight with criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and withdrawal, and their marriages are more fragile than those of the other three groups.
a. avoiders
b. hostiles
c. validators
T or F : Avoiders should date a volatile or validator
F, should date neither
Those with ____ SES at 10 years have reached the divorce risk of them being disrupted when couples of ____ SES reached year 4
higher, low
Which of the following countries has the highest divorce rate?
a. United States
c. Canada
d. France
There are three predictors of divorce that resulted from the pair project. one of them being
_____ which is when spouses may bring to their marriages problems that surfaced during courtship. These frustrations are usually recognized by the partners before they marry so that marriages that are headed for divorce are weaker than others from the very beginning
a. emergent distress
b. enduring dynamics
c. disillusionment
There are three predictors of divorce that resulted from the pair project. one of them being
_____ Issues that start after marriage, so that, when they begin, there aren’t any obvious differences between marriages that will succeed and those that will fail; the difficulties that ruin some marriages usually develop later. (ex: having kids, parents moving in)
a. emergent distress
b. enduring dynamics
c. disillusionment
a. emergent distress
There are three predictors of divorce that resulted from the pair project. one of them being
_____: Couples typically begin their marriages with rosy, romanticized views of their relationship that are unrealistically positive. Romance fades and disappointment gradually sets in as people realize that their spouses and their partnership are less wonderful than they originally seemed.
a. emergent distress
b. enduring dynamics
c. disillusionment
Which of the models was the best predictor for couple divorce?
a. emergent distress
b. enduring dynamics
c. disillusionment
c. disillusionment
T or F: When asking people about perceptions of the causes of divorce many did consider broader influences such as income, and education
F: they did not consider broader influences
People who are high in ______ attachment style are more likely to divorce than ___ and ___ styles
avoidance, secure, anxious
One of the five ways that conflict can end is ___ which occurs when parties reduce their aspirations so that a mutually acceptable alternative can be reached. It is a positive outcome
a. integrative agreements
b. comprise
c. structural improvement
There are three different behavioral maintenance mechanisms that can help a couple maintain and repair their relationships. One of them: ______ which is when committed people often make various personal sacrifices, and not doing things that they would like to do in order to promote the well-being of their relationships
willingness to sacrifice
There are three different behavioral maintenance mechanisms that can help a couple maintain and repair their relationships. One of them: ______ which is committed partners find ways to engage in novel, challenging, exciting, and pleasant activities together
Couples that play together really do tend to stay together.
There are three different behavioral maintenance mechanisms that can help a couple maintain and repair their relationships. One of them: ______ which is when committed partners offer forgiveness after a betrayal more readily than less committed partners do.