Quiz 2 Flashcards
In studying Bisexual Casual Sex, men and women were equally likely to accept an offer from a ___, women were significantly less likely to accept an offer from a ___ than men were
female, males
Lesbians are less likely to accept casual sex offers from other ____ than gays are from ___ or straight men are from ___, but lesibans are more likely to accept casual sex offers from other lesbians than straight women are from __
lesbians, gays, women, men
If we have a straight male being proposed to have casual sex with a gay male, they are___ likely to say yes
For lesbians, they said __ more to ___ women than to other lesbians
yes, bisexual
T or F: The initial state found a 0% rate for women who are not open to casual sex
There are several different developmental research methods, one of them is ___ which is when you do research for one single day in time.
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
There are several different developmental research methods, one of them is ___ which is when you focus on the same individuals over the course of time.
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
There are several different developmental research methods, one of them is ___ which is comparing different cohorts at different times
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
If we are looking at a study where women’s body odors are more attractive to men during ovulation & are associated with an increase in men’s testosterone during this single point in time, this is a ____ study
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
T or F: Straight women have a greater sexual fluidity than lesbians or any other orientation
If we are looking at the course of a month for a couple in how their rate of intercourse change based on cycle of female, then this is a ___-
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
Dissolution is highest in the first __ years of marriage & that’s why this period is usually chosen for analysis in ___ studies
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
4, longitudinal studies
In the cross-sectional myth curve, it was reported that martial satisfaction is highest in early marriage, declined in the middle years, and then rises again in the later years. Is this true or false?
false, bc the study included those who were divorced in the study which skewed the graph
When utilizing a ____ study or analysis, the U-shaped curve is an illusion and martial satisfaction on average ____ more or less gradually or ___over time
longitudinal, declines, linearly
When looking at one couple and not the average, once a couple has their first child, their martial quality tends to ___ and for the husband, there is a brief ___ but then ___
decline, increase, decline
More ___ vs ___ consider deep kissing as having sex
In observational research methods, systematic observation includes
a. verbal communication
b. nonverbal communication
c. written communication
d. digital communication
e.bilogical response
d.machine learning response
According to John Gottman’s love lab, focusing on nonverbal communication, people who spend more time ____ say they love each other more
staring at each other
According to a dyadic observation with the female subjects sitting on a couch, they were more likely to sit the closest to the ____ than the single ___ whom they sat the furthest away from
gay male, straight male
If we look at pre-existing data such as in newspapers, interviews, social media etc.. to figure out the WNBA and athletic performance based on sexual orientation, then we are conducting ___ research
A news reporter conducted an ___ study where he actually took medicine that gradually turned his skin darker so that he could go into Louisiana and be seen by the white and black community as a black person
In the article titled “Clarke’s Law for Girl’s toys”, where a ____ was conducted, it was found that toys for girls are marketed as using magic rather than technology
content analysis
____ is the idea that we become more attracted to people(and objects) that we have been exposed to more frequently
mere exposure
If Jane constantly meets up with her long-distance bf to maintain a close relationship, then she is going to become more attracted to him which reflects the concept of ____
mere exposure
____ is how far apart people live in terms of the functions they have to do in their everyday lives
functional distance
According to the west gate study, rooms 1 and 5 had more friends upstairs bc those living upstairs have to pass by their room to get anywhere. This study reflects the concept of___
functional distance
According to psychologist Francis Cherry, in the west gate studies relationship formation was shaped by the physical circumstances of having to care for ____.
young children
The more we see and interact with people(i.e the closer the _____), the more familiar they become and the more positive our evaluations
functional distance
____ reduced threat and promotes itneraction
Marriages created ____ were less likely to break up and reveal a higher martial satisfaction
T or F: The more often T. As visited college classrooms, the better they were liked by those students even though they never talked to anyone. Thought to have a more attractive personality
In a college classroom, ____ has a higher chance of becoming friends, then ___, then ____
a. same row
b. no physical relation
c.neighboring seats
Researchers found that strangers who met on the internet were ___ attracted to each other than those who met face to face
People on the internet who were attracted to each other were largely determined by the quality of ____ but face-to-face depended on other variables like ____
conversation, physical attractivness
determinants of ___ are qualities about someone that draws you to them and motivates you to want to form relationships with that person
The first determinant of attraction is _____. When people first meet, nothing else affects attraction as much as their looks do.
first impressions
T or F: We want to be with someone who is physically attractive regardless of how attractive we are but it matters regarding the likelihood we will be rejected by that person (to a degree) and our own gender
F: We want to be with someone who is physically attractive regardless of how attractive we are, the likelihood we will be rejected by that person (to a degree), and our own gender
Women who look more attractive and report experiencing chronic pain will be ___ believed vs if she was unattractive
____ criminals are less likely to get caught to be reported to the authorities or to be found guilty
According to the self-fulfilling prophecy of physical attractiveness study, when men were shown a photo of an attractive women, she became more ____
In which of the following countries, might a male be more inclined to date a woman who does not have a Ph.D. or higher income than he has?
a. U.S
b. South Korea
c. China
d. Brazil
If a male shows up to a nightclub wearing a crop top and short shorts, how will this affect his entrance into a nightclub, according to the skirts and nightclub (salter study )?
a. doormen took longer to interact with them and males’ appearance did not help them enter the club
b. doormen were more welcoming towards the males and the male’s appearance helped them get in.
c. bouncers seem interested in men wearing revealing clothing thus they let them in easier
d. none of the above
The nightclub management in the skirts and nightclub (salter study) stated that the “the presence of more females boosted business by attracting more affluent male customers”, this is an example of the
a. sexism
b. double-bind
c. male gaze
d. feminism
Which of the following group(s) of individuals rated that women with .7 waist-hip ratio and men with a v shape body were more attractive?
a. Asian
b. Latino
c. white
d. black
e. all of the above
A .7 waist ratio would tell the male that if the women were to have a child it would be a ___
healthy birth
T or F: Men’s desire for the hourglass body is timeless
Which of the following societies do NOT value the 0.7 waist-hip ratio?
a. indian
b. african
c. greek
d. egyptian
Which of the following are signs of fertility that men prefer to include?
a. youth
b. breasts
c. clear and smooth skin
d. short legs(short stature)
e. long legs
a, c,e
Symmetry might be associated with ___, ___ and ____
health, fitness, fertility
If you consider someone’s facial or body symmetry to be more attractive, that does predict your partner might have better ___
Which is more attractive 4 faces or 32 faces together and why?
32 faces because if you average things together you create greater symmetry
What is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift women experience?
a. 1st shift= household tasks/caring for children, 2nd=beauty work, 3rd=job
b. 1st shift= job, 2nd= household tasks/caring for children, 3rd=beauty work
c. 1st shift= beauty work, 2nd=job, 3rd= household tasks/caring for children,
The makeup women tend to use is associated with desirable characteristics in a ___
Women’s preoccupation with getting cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, and buying cosmetics refers to the notion of ____
appearance investment
____ report body dissatisfaction at higher rates than ___
women, men
There are appearance anxieties unrelated to weight which include __, facial appearance, and ___
acne, aging
____ and ____ are more likely to have an eating disorder
heterosexual women, gay males
____ harassment refers to the phenomena of women service workers being asked to take off their masks before being tipped
____ is a notion that a multiracial person is maybe more physically attractive based on the idea that they have the best components of like each portion of their identity.
Dividend effect
___ females are less open on average to dating an east Asian male but they are more open in general to have a bf that is half east Asian, white as a bf who is white
Among mono-racial subjects, they have a preference for dating someone of ____ as their first choice
the same race
Among white subjects, they would like someone who is ____
On dating apps, east ___ and ___ men tend to receive the lowest among of responses from females in general
Asian, Black
On dating apps, ___ women receive the fewest responses from men. However____ women still receive more messages than white males
_____ is purchasing goods with the intent of signaling mate value, especially from a distance so that an interested woman may make nonverbal eye contact signaling to the male that it is okay to approach.
conspicuous consumption
Males might choose a watch that ___ over males who are not administered testosterone which demonstrates the concept of ____
a. is of better quality,
b.more power
c. will signal high status
conspicuous consumption
According to the matching hypothesis: the more ___ and ___ a relationship is, the more obvious matching usually is
serious, committed
____ are about equally unlikely to send a message to black daters. ___ straight men and ___ are the most likely groups to return a message to black daters
all groups, white, lesbians
____ will still date interracially, suggesting ____ are closest to being post-racial
____ age of spouse was a cause of divorce only for __
old, men
Korean men who purchase foreign brides married dramatically ___,___ women, regardless of men’s ages
younger, fertile
Being ___ white bumped a man way up in white women’s preferences. They responded favorably to ____ and ___ men as frequently as they did to white men.
Asian, mono-racial Asian men, black
men owning shirts with larger luxury brand logos were rated ___ on mating effort, ___ on parental investment, ___ on interest in brief sexual affairs, ___ on interest in long-term committed romantic relationships, ___in attractiveness to women for brief sexual affairs, ___ in attractiveness to women for long -term committed relationships, and ___ in developmental environment unpredictability compared with men owning shirts displaying a smaller logo.
higher, lower, higher, lower, higher, lower,higher