Midterm Flashcards
One should study relationships because they are ____ and strongly associated with ____, healthy life
universal, happy
The advent of _____ in 1960 gave women the possibility to live with a degree of independence and control never before imagined in the history of human evolution, or by any other species on the planet.
The greatest facilitator of women’s success was the advent of ____
The U.S ruled in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) that couples had the right to access ____without government restriction
Title ___(1972) prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational settings and significantly increased women’s opportunities to play competitive sports
IX, 9
___ recognized in the US in 1973.
Domestic violence
Which of the following describes the asymmetrical shifts for men & women since the 1950s?
a. Women marched/protested for greater opportunities in higher education & the workplace whereas men marched/protested for greater opportunities to share their feelings & be stay-at-home dads.
b. Straight men now do most household chores whereas women have become the breadwinners in most families.
c. Parents have focused more on teaching their sons to be manly & daughters to be ladylike.
d. Women’s social evolution in the public sphere (e.g., workplace) hasn’t been matched by men’s greater involvement in the private sphere (e.g., household tasks/ childcare).
What were the ‘home economics classes”?
a. a class that taught men how to be the ideal breadwinners
b. a class that taught women how to manage their life as housewives
c. a class that trained women for lives located safely within the ‘feminine sphere’
d. a class that trained men for lives located safely within the “male sphere”
____ were recommended to take methamphetamine to make them hyper-focused and do more things around the house
The _______ Act of 1974 gave women the right to open their own line of credit without requiring a male cosigner
Equal Credit Opportunity
Woo Young-woo and Jun-ho begin to refer to themselves as “we” rather than I and she/he.
This change reflects the development of
A. conspicuous consumption.
B. magic.
C. interdependence.
Marriage is considered a gateway to parenthood in which of the following countries?
A. France
B. South Korea
C. The United States
D. Brazil
E. New Zealand
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified ____as a disorder;
In January ____, women made up more of the workforce than men for the first time
Compared to the 1950s when the median age of marriage for women was 20 and men 24, now the median age for women is ___ and for men it is ___
27, 28
The average age at first marriage is ___ years older for young adults today than it was in the 1970s. Part of the explanation for this trend is that more people are postponing marriage to complete a college education.
The average age of mother’s first birth was 21 in the 1970s and now it is ___
In 2013, 40.6% of kids were born to___ parents while in the 1960s only _ of babies were born to ___ parents
unmarried, 5%, unmarried
72% of people were married in 2010 it is down to ___ now
There is a __ in single mother household and a __ in single father household
Which of the following is true about modern parenthood?
a. dads are doing more housework and childcare, the role is converging
b. moms are paid to work outside the home
c. dads have overtaken the traditional role of housewife
d. more dads than mothers find it difficult to balance work and family life
What trends may be associated with the increased rate of cohabitation?
a. The delay in marriage and childbearing.
b. The decrease in the acceptability of premarital sex.
c. Women may associate marriage with gender equality.
d. The increase in the divorce rate has made people more interested in marriage.
Which of the following was NOT characteristic of Americans in the 1950’s?
A. most children were born to parents married to each other
B. most men and women got married before living together
C. men and women married in their early 20s
D. most married women with kids worked outside the home
Which of the following factors have influenced the nature of close relationships in the United States during the period 1950 to today?
A. increasing rights for women
B. more women in the labor market
C. technological developments
D. birth control
E. no fault divorce laws
F. marriage equality
G. Loving v Virginia
H. the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 gave women the right to apply for their own line of credit without their husband as a cosigner
i. Title iX (or Title 9)
J. The end of laws requiring women to take their husband’s last name when they get married
K. all of these, and probably lots of other things
Fathers continue making more in the family and mothers are increasingly more ___ than fathers
About 80% of the U.S public ___ of working wives
On the weekdays, ____ spend 2.1 hrs on childcare and ___ spend ___ 1.0 while on the weekend ___ spend 1.1 while __ spend 1.5
mothers, fathers, fathers, mothers
On the weekdays, ____ spend 2.1 hrs on childcare and ___ spends ___ 1.0 while on the weekend ___ spend 1.1 while __ spend 1.5
mothers, fathers, fathers, mothers
Men are investing more in childcare and household chores but ___ than women have
Women’s greater presence in the workplace since the 1970s has also been facilitated by ____ advancements in the era of globalization
T or F: Women become increasingly more likely to remarry than men with increasing age
F: men become increasingly more likely to remarry than women with increasing age
T or F: South Korean young men are more opposed to feminism than older generations
By the year 2005, the number of licensed ___ drivers exceeded the number of licensed ___ drivers
female, male
The divorce rate peaks during _____ of marriage
T or F: Males drive more safely when their passenger is a female especially if it is their girlfriend
People in relationships, particularly good ones, benefit from better ____, ___, and ___ health than people who are not
mental, emotional and physical
__ is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer or multiple sclerosis, than if a man in the relationship
About 30% of kids from divorced households have ___ outcomes, & they’re 10 to 20% ____ to divorce later
negative, more likely
____ is our most fundamental human need motivation to form & maintain close, lasting bonds
You are taking part in a study on relationships and pain. You are asked to place your hand in freezing-cold water for as long as you can. It becomes quite painful after a few minutes. Given what you know about the neurochemistry of close relationships, under what condition do you think you would subjectively experience the least pain?
a. when your spouse is in the room with you with his or her hand on your shoulder
b. when there is a stranger in the room with his or her hand on your shoulder
c. when you are alone in the room
In the hand-holding study conducted by Coan, Schaefer, and Davidson, women were _____ to show anterior insula activation when holding hands with their spouse compared to holding hands with a stranger or with no one. The impact was stronger the more ___ their marriage
less likely, satisfying
____ women are happiest people of all
a. married women with children
b. unmarried, childless women
c. married men with children
d. married men without children
T or F: For males just being married whether it is a happy or unhappy marriage, it is better for their health
If both individuals come from divorced households then they are ____ likely to divorce
If you have an identical twin, the odds that one divorce and the odds of the other divorcing as well is ___ than if they are fraternal twins
____:evolution, biology
_____: how you are raised, what country you are growing up in
nature, nurture
Spouse homicides are more ____ than child homicides
Family violence rates follow predictions of ____
nature or nurture
People in intimate relationships are ____ to misuse alcohol and drugs
less likley
Percentage of using cocaine ____ when married but ___ when a man gets married then divorced
decreases, increases
Marriages in neighborhoods with ___ SES were almost 2x as likely to dissolve than marriages in neighborhoods with ___ SES
low, high
There are three key questions we are interested in: the ___ question, the ___ question, and the ___ question
longevity, satisfaction, change
Overall happiness with life corresponds more closely to happiness in ____ than to satisfaction with any other domain
As an adolescent, Cha Tae-joo hung out with a rough crowd, used drugs, and skipped school. In his last year of high school, he began a relationship. Cha Tae-joo is now less likely to use drugs & has maintained a full-time job without a problem. What theory explains this change in his behavior?
a. gender role theory
b. interdependence theory
c. social exchange theory
d. social control theory
T or F: Those that get married earlier in life are at a higher risk of getting divorced
___ is an interconnected set of beliefs, knowledge, & assumptions that relate to understanding a phenomenon
____ is a non-falsifiable theory; meaning
that can’t be changed by any observation.
Bad theory
Happiness can be considered a ____ because it is an abstract concept that needs to be operationalized to be studied
____ a way of ensuring that your sample is representative of a population by giving everyone an equal chance of being selected for the sample
random selection
_____ the process of translating abstract concepts into concrete, observable, manifestations so they can be studied
In the Kenrick study, whenever heterosexual individuals look at an opposite-sex photo they tend to rate themselves as feeling the __ of all, their mood ___
best, increases
In the Kenrick study, if the subjects are lesbian, and they are trying to court a bisexual woman, of the opposite sex, we would show an attractive photo of a ___ male
There are several different developmental research methods, one of them is ___ which is when you do research for one single day in time.
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
Looking at a study where differences in satisfaction for people dating vs married in one month is an example of a _____
a. sequential
b. longitudinal
c. cross-sectional
cross-sectional study
In self-report measures, there tends to be a _____ bias meaning when people answer the questions they try to look good to the person asking the questions.
social desirability
Men on dating websites tend to lie more about their
a. weight
b. income
c. age
d. height
According to a study about casual sex,71.88% of __ and 0% of __ accepted offers of casual sex from opposite-sex proposers. For going on a date, men and women responded yes at __ rates.
men, women, equal
men and women were ___ likely to accept an offer from a female, women were significantly ___ likely to accept an offer from a male
equally, less
T or F: gender differences emerged in the acceptance of actual casual sex offers for bisexual sex
F,no gender differences
lesbians are astronomically more likely to accept casual sex offers from other ____ than straight women are from straight ___ (0%).
lesbians, men
If we are looking at a study where women’s body odors are more attractive to men during ovulation & are associated with an increase in men’s testosterone during this single point in time, this is a ____ study
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
b.cross-sectional studies
dissolution is highest in the first ___ years of marriage
In the 1970s, a number of studies suggested that over the course of a long marriage, spouses’ relationship satisfaction generally followed a U-shaped curve: first declining, then remaining stable, and then increasing (presumably after children left home).
In the 1990s, new research proved this idea wrong. Generally, marital satisfaction declines throughout the course of marriage.
What was the difference between the earlier and the later research?
A. The early research examined only American couples, and the later research examined cross-cultural samples.
B. The early research was correlational, and the later research was experimental.
C. The early research suffered from attrition bias, and the later research did not.
D. The early research was longitudinal, and the later research was cross-sectional.
E. The early research was cross-sectional, and the later research was longitudinal.
There are three methods of measuring love which is ___, ____ and ___
self-report, psychological, behavioral
There are several different developmental research methods, one of them is ___ which is when you focus on the same individuals over the course of time.
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
If we are looking at the course of a month for a couple in how their rate of intercourse change based on cycle of female, then this is a ___-
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
Dissolution is highest in the first __ years of marriage & that’s why this period is usually chosen for analysis in ___ studies
a. longitudinal studies
b.cross-sectional studies
c. sequential studies
4, longitudinal studies
In observational research methods, systematic observation includes
a. verbal communication
b. nonverbal communication
c. written communication
d. digital communication
e.bilogical response
d.machine learning response
According to John Gottman’s love lab, focusing on nonverbal communication, people who spend more time ____ say they love each other more
staring at each other
According to a dyadic observation with the female subjects sitting on a couch, they were more likely to sit the closest to the ____ than the single ___ whom they sat the furthest away from
gay male, straight male
If we look at pre-existing data such as in newspapers, interviews, social media etc.. to figure out the WNBA and athletic performance based on sexual orientation, then we are conducting ___ research
A news reporter conducted an ___ study where he actually took medicine that gradually turned his skin darker so that he could go into Louisiana and be seen by the white and black community as a black person
the article titled “Clarke’s Law for Girl’s toys”, where a ____ was conducted, it was found that toys for girls are marketed as using magic rather than technology
content analysis
Lesbians are less likely to accept casual sex offers from other ____ than gays are from ___ or straight men are from ___, but lesibans are more likely to accept casual sex offers from other lesbians than straight women are from __
lesbians, gays, women, men
80% of women in ___ in the 90s received diamond rings, 77% of women in ___ in 1995s received diamond rings, 31% of women in ___ in 2010 received a diamond ring
There are more unhappily married ___ than ___ but there are more unmarried ___ than ___
women, men, women, men
___ we tend to like those who live and work near us
___ is rewarding, Distance is costly
___ is the idea that we become more attracted to people(and objects) that we have been exposed to more frequently
mere exposure
If Jane constantly meets up with her long-distance bf to maintain a close relationship, then she is going to become more attracted to him which reflects the concept of ____
mere exposure
____ is how far apart people live in terms of the functions they have to do in their everyday lives
functional distance
According to the west gate study, rooms 1 and 5 had more friends upstairs bc those living upstairs have to pass by their room to get anywhere. This study reflects the concept of___
functional distance
The more we see and interact with people (the closer the _____) the more familiar they become and the more positive our evaluations. ___ reduces threat and promotes interaction
functional distance, familiarity
According to Cacioppo et al. (2013), marriages created ____ were less likely to break up and reveal a higher martial satisfaction
Researchers found that strangers who met on ____ were more attracted to each other than those who met face-to-face
T or F: The more often T. As visited college classrooms, the better they were liked by those students even though they never talked to anyone. Thought to have a more attractive personality
On the first day of her consumer behavior seminar, Ruoxin doesn’t know any of her 300 classmates. Based on the mere exposure effect, which of the following will Ruoxin report liking most at the end of the course?
a. Park Jae-eon, who sat beside her and missed a few classes
b. Jasper, who sat in the same row & missed a few classes
c. iCarly, who sat across the room from her and didn’t miss any classes
d. Karen
researchers found that strangers who met on the internet were ___ attracted to each other than those who met face-to-face
The first determinant of attraction is _____. When people first meet, nothing else affects attraction as much as their looks do.
first impressions
T or F: We want to be with someone who is physically attractive regardless of how attractive we are, the likelihood we will be rejected by that person (to a degree), and our own gender
Attractive women who report experiencing chronic pain will be ___ believed vs if she was unattractive
Research on visual representations of men and women in media finds that the ________ is given more prominence for men and the ________ is given more prominence for women.
a. face / body
b. hair / legs
c. hair / hands
d. body / face
Recall that Snyder, Tanke, and Berscheid (1977) conducted a study in which men spoke with a woman over the telephone. Using different photographs, the researchers manipulated the men’s beliefs about the woman’s physical attractiveness. The woman did not know whether any given man believed her to be attractive or unattractive.
The results of this study showed that the woman
a. sounded friendlier & more engaged in the conversation when talking to men who thought she was unattractive.
b. sounded friendlier & more engaged in the conversation when talking to men who thought she was attractive.
c. dressed up more for the men who thought she was attractive.
d. dressed up more for the men who thought she was unattractive.
If a male shows up to a nightclub wearing a crop top and short shorts, how will this affect his entrance into a nightclub, according to the skirts and nightclub (salter study )?
a. doormen took longer to interact with them and males’ appearance did not help them enter the club
b. doormen were more welcoming towards the males and the male’s appearance helped them get in.
c. bouncers seem interested in men wearing revealing clothing thus they let them in easier
d. none of the above
The nightclub management in the skirts and nightclub (salter study) stated that the “the presence of more females boosted business by attracting more affluent male customers”, this is an example of the
a. sexism
b. double-bind
c. male gaze
d. feminism
Which of the following group(s) of individuals rated that women with .7 waist-hip ratio and men with a v shape body were more attractive?
a. Asian
b. Latino
c. white
d. black
e. all of the above
A .7 waist ratio would tell the male that if the women were to have a child it would be a ___
healthy birth
T or F: Men’s desire for the hourglass body is timeless
Which of the following societies do NOT value the 0.7 waist-hip ratio?
a. indian
b. african
c. greek
d. egyptian
Which of the following are signs of fertility that men prefer to include?
a. youth
b. breasts
c. clear and smooth skin
d. short legs(short stature)
e. long legs
Symmetry might be associated with ___, ___ and ____
health, fitness, fertility
What is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd shift women experience?
a. 1st shift= household tasks/caring for children, 2nd=beauty work, 3rd=job
b. 1st shift= job, 2nd= household tasks/caring for children, 3rd=beauty work
c. 1st shift= beauty work, 2nd=job, 3rd= household tasks/caring for children,
Women’s preoccupation with getting cosmetic procedures such as rhinoplasty, and buying cosmetics refers to the notion of ____
appearance investment
____ is a notion that a multiracial person is maybe more physically attractive based on the idea that they have the best components of like each portion of their identity.
Dividend effect
___ females are less open on average to dating an east Asian male but they are more open in general to have a bf that is half east Asian, white as a bf who is white
Among mono-racial subjects, they have a preference for dating someone of ____ as their first choice
the same race
Among white subjects, they would like someone who is ____
On dating apps, east ___ and ___ men tend to receive the lowest among of responses from females in general
Asian, Black
On dating apps, ___ women receive the fewest responses from men. However____ women still receive more messages than white males
_____ is purchasing goods with the intent of signaling mate value, especially from a distance so that an interested woman may make nonverbal eye contact signaling to the male that it is okay to approach.
conspicuous consumption
______ hypothesis: people tend to date and marry others of similar attractiveness
The matching
According to the matching hypothesis: the more ___ and ___ a relationship is, the more obvious matching usually is
serious, committed
Miguel is a college sophomore of average physical attractiveness who waits tables at the campus café to help pay his tuition. Based on the matching principle, who would Miguel have the most successful relationship with?
a. Piper, a freshman of average physical attractiveness who works as a cashier at the local grocery store
b. Katniss, a very attractive 4th-year graduate student who is the graduate student body President
c. Daenerys, a stunning freshman who is recognized as the university’s one true queen
d. Yennefer, a 6th-year senior of average physical attractiveness who works at Boba
e. Karen, a somewhat unattractive senior who works part-time as a waitress
____ are about equally unlikely to send a message to black daters. ___ straight men and ___ are the most likely groups to return a message to black daters
all groups, white, lesbians
____ will still date interracially, suggesting they are closest to being post-racial
____ age of spouse was a cause of divorce only for __
Korean men who purchase foreign brides married dramatically ___,___ women, regardless of men’s ages
younger, fertile
___ but not ___, dramatically lower their minimum preference for short-term mates
men, women
In western countries, ____ women form the main body of cosmetic surgery consumers whereas about ~76% of Chinese cosmetic surgery patients are ____ and ___ women
middle-aged, high school, college
Women are more attracted to men with ___ hair than to men with ___ hair, whereas men are attracted to women with ____ hair
dark, light, blonde
_____ is the physical, mental, and financial effort used in planning, maintaining, and wearing workplace dress
appearance labor
For girls and women, beauty is closely connected to overall ____
social status
Material advantage is correlated with individuals’ approximation of _____where the more people represent _____ the more favorable their social conditions and romantic options
If an attractive person feels that their evaluator saw them and they get a high-quality score of work, they are ____ to assume the evaluation was purely based on their work
less likely
If an attractive person feels that their evaluator did not see them and they get a high-quality score of work, they are ____ to assume the evaluation was purely based on their work/authentic
more likely
If an individual who considers themselves unattractive on average, receives a high rate for quality of work, and the evaluator saw them, they were ____ to believe the high rating was based on the quality of work.
more likley
If an individual who considers themselves unattractive on average, receives a high rate for quality of work, and the evaluator did not see them, they were ____ to believe the high rating was based on the quality of work.
more likley
Which of the following ethnic groups date interracially at the highest rates?
b. Asian
c. Black
d. white
B. Asian and then hispanics
___ an attempt to capitalise on the growing demand for environmentally and ethically sound products
____ lack of full-time employment is associated with 33% higher risk of divorce, but
neither ___ full-time employment nor share of household labor is associated
with divorce risk.
husbands, wives
Research participants were given false feedback that their research partner liked them. These participants liked their partner ____ if they had been told beforehand that their partner liked them
___ includes when an individual can maintain a speaker state by raising their voice, covering quiet pauses, and avoiding eyes
speaker state signal or listener signal
speaker state signal
____use paralinguistic cues to signal you’ve received the message from the speaker, body language cues
speaker state signal or listener signal
listener signal
____ theory is when partners become more intimate by increasing two aspects of their verbal communication:
___ the variety of topics they discuss
___ personal significance of the topics they discuss
depth, breadth
social penetration, breadth, depth
One of the most important things that take place when it comes to building relationships is ____
The __ of the social penetration theory is taboo topics that you should never bring up again, not your story to tell
Research on nonverbal communication generally indicates that…
a. Bisexual males have less expansive body movements (i.e., take up less space) than lesbians.
b. Men stand closer to others, gaze into the eyes of their bruhs, and are more likely to touch other people.
c. Women are more accurate in interpreting others’ emotional expressions (empathic accuracy) than men.
d. Straight women smile and gaze less than gay men.
Rue would like to have a discussion with her girlfriend Jules about her recent health diagnosis of having a substance abuse disorder, but she is afraid it would threaten the quality of their relationship.
For Rue, self-disclosure of her illness is
A. a taboo topic
B. a superficial topic
C. a romantic topic
D. Euphoria
___ breeds liking and contentment in close relationships
T or F: Intimacy decreases
F: Intimacy does not decrease but it remains stable and gets stronger
Which of the following is true regarding routine interactions with friends?
a. On average, interactions involving straight male friends tend to be the most intimate.
b. On average, interactions involving at least one male (male-female, male-male) tend to be more emotionally meaningful than those involving only females.
c. Men ALWAYS display less intimacy than women.
d. On average, men’s same-sex interactions tend to have less emotional expression & sharing feelings than women’s same-sex interactions.
When men and women talk with one another, almost all interruptions are by ___speakers. When speaking with the same sex, interruptions are ___distributed
male, evenly
Women are much better at ___: able to decode someone’s facial expressions or gestures by movements
empathic accuracy
In the study conducted by Fishman on women’s vocal tone and inflection, over 96% of the 29 topics ___ introduced became full conversations
Only 1 in 3 times 36% of the 47 topics ___ introduced became full conversations
men, women
When women make statements that end in a questioning intonation or put tag questions at the end of declarative sentences, this significantly ___ the likelihood of men responding
The primary difference between men’s and women’s friendships is that
___ is the focus of men’s interactions
___ is the focus of women’s interactions
activity, conversations
The accuracy of couples ____ communication is a significant predictor of their relationship satisfaction
Which of the following are the three areas of similarity that increase liking?
a. demographic similarity
b. attitudes and values
c.same taste in music
d. personality (cognitive complexities, emotional styles, attachment styles).
it is fine if a couple is ___ but not ___
different, opposite
There are three phases of relationship development. match each one.
a.information about obvious attributes such as sex, age, appearance
b.information about compatibility in life tasks roles
c.information about attitudes, beliefs, and values
There is a higher correlation between ___ similarity and ___ satisfaction than between ____ similarity and ___ satisfaction
perceived, martial, real, martial
Variation in partner choice for twins is 54% based on ____, 34% based on ____,12% based on ____
shared environment, genetics, unique environments
unique environments, genetics, shared environment
According to a study, mixed-race people tend to marry into ethnic groups of opposite-sex parents. Thus, if Sky is a Blasian individual whose dad is black and his mom is Filipino, Sky is more likely to have what ethnic wife?
Lesbians tend to have girlfriends or wives that match their ____ eye color
Gay men tend to have boyfriends or husbands that match their ____ eye color
mother, father
__ is when you want someone who is very similar to you on the dimensions that matter
prioritized similarity
Research overwhelmingly supports similarity, ___ satisfaction, ___divorce rate
higher, lower
In the discussion of close relationships, the concept of “fatal attraction” has been used to refer to
A. some people’s chronic tendency to pick the wrong partners.
B. attraction to partners who are abusive and physically violent.
C. attraction that becomes enmeshing and gets partners too involved with each other.
D. qualities that are initially a source of attraction but become obnoxious and irritating.
We may sometimes prefer a partner who is someone we would _____ over someone who more closely resembles _____
like to become, who we are now
Dissimilarity with a lover may actually increase compatibility when it
A. represents a taboo or something edgy.
B. complements our way of life or ideal self.
C. is completely opposite of who we are.
D. makes us look better by comparison.
People experience fewer breaks ups when they met ____, met ____ and ____
work, dating websites, social gatherings, grew up together, blind date, met at school
on dating websites, met at school, and grew up together
Let’s say that this person keeps dating people who cheat on them, then they probably like certain attributes about people that happen to be associated with infidelity or disloyalty in some way. This example describes the ___
at some point it’s you rule
If a couple’s conversation does not flow, time feels like it goes by slow, and they have awkward silences where the silences do not blend intimately into the interaction then they may not have ____
___ refers to the fact that women tend to give emotional support to male and female friends but males tend to only give emotional support to female friends or girlfriends, not so much to male friends. So women have additional emotional labor
emotional labor
In order for you to feel embarrassed, you have to conduct a social transgression, ____ in front of an audience or others
People would not feel embarrassed if there is no audience around because embarrassment is most elicited by our fear of ____ evaluations of others and serves important functions
Embarrassment serves three functions for oneself. One of the functions is ____, which lets us know that there is something wrong and one should be aware of their behaviors.
warning cue
Shame focuses more on ____ while embarrassment focuses on the behavior of the specific ____. Embarrassment you feel around an ____while shame is felt when there is _____
identity, transgression,audience, no audience
___ occurs when you did the action intentionally, while ___ occurs when you did the action unintentionally
guilt, shame
If Miley spills coffee all over herself, she will feel embarrassment because of the fear of unwanted negative ____ and disruption of smooth ____
social evaluation, social interaction
_____ when you feel others’ embarrassment, could be felt for unacquainted others
emphatic embarrassment
_____ is when you are embarrassed by association, you have a concern of being negatively evaluated due to related others’ untoward and inappropriate behaviors
team embarrassment
In the empathic embarrassment experiment by Stocks where the likability of the other was tested, ___ liking of the subject tend to elicit ___ empathic concern as well as ____
increased, increased, empathic embarrassment
In the empathic embarrassment experiment by Stocks where the imagination or perspective-taking was tested, ____ elicited the most embarrassment followed by ____ and _____
imagine other, imagine objective, imagine-self
imagine-self, imagine other, imagine objective
If your partner is sharing private information about the relationship, you are likely to feel embarrassed bc they are
a. creating an awkward situation
b. behaving in an inappropriate manner
c.they violated assumed expectations of privacy norms
_____ elicits the most team embarrassment followed by ____ and ____
awkward situations, inappropriate actions, revealing relational secrets
revealing relational secrets, inappropriate actions, and awkward situations
In the study conducted by Petronio, the results indicated that the frequency __ of relational embarrassment ___relational quality and satisfaction with relational communication ___
increased, decreases, decreases
In the Kendell study, if heterosexual partner dances in an embarrassing manner, the ___ in the relationship were more likely to feel embarrassed than _____
females, males
Couples who believe that they share a similar sense of humor report __ embarrassment when their partner told an inappropriate joke as couples who do not share the same sense of humor.
a. More
b. Less
c. The same
d. Does not matter
___ and ____ jokes are the two that are most likely to elicit team embarrassment
self-enhancing, aggressive, self-defeating, and affiliative
aggressive and self-defeating
___ are both material like fiances and nonmaterial like partners social standing
___ are both material like a mortgage on a house and non material like missing out on others opp because one is with ones partner
According to the social exchange theory, partners evaluate their relationship by weighing the ___ and ___, along with ____ to ___ the relationship and their ____
rewards, costs, barriers to leaving, available alternatives
Having kids with someone, splitting a mortgage, and time spent as a couple are all ____
barriers to leaving
_____ theory is one of the best theories at illustrating that satisfaction in a relationship is not always related to whether or not you want to stay in a relationship.
social exchange
___ is what expect from our relationships based on your past experiences and also ways in which you have grown overtime yourself
comparison level
___ is how well we think we can do with alternative options
comparison level for alternative (CLALT)
comparison level for alternatives is also known as ______
dissolution propensity
_____ is the idea that people’s commitment to a relationship depends not only on their satisfaction with the relationship in terms of rewards, costs, CL & CL alt but also on how much they have invested in the relationship that would be lost by leaving it.
sunken costs
There are four types of relationships. One of them is when outcomes exceed both CL and CLalt it is a(an) ____ and ___ relationship.
happy, stable
There are four types of relationships. One of them is when outcomes exceed CLalt but fall below CL, it is a(an) ___ but ___ relationship
unhappy, stable
There are four types of relationships. One of them is when outcomes exceed the comparison level but fall below the comparison level alternative. It is a __ but ___ relationship
happy, unstable
When outcomes fall below both the comparison level and the comparison level alternative it is an ____ and ____ relationship
unhappy, unstable
Aishwarya and Nasreen have been dating for about 8 months. While out to dinner one night, Nasreen notices a very handsome man sitting two tables over. Aishu, seeing Nasreen’s wandering eyes, begins to point out flaws in the man’s outfit and calls him thirsty.
Aishu is attempting to
a. increase Nasreen’s perception of her comparison level.
b. decrease Nasreen’s perception of her comparison level.
c. decrease Nasreen’s perception of the handsome alternative.
d. Aishu is biphobic & thinks Nasreen will leave her for any man or woman she sees.
Brittany used to be delighted when her husband came home from work early 1 day a week to spend time with her and their kiddos. She recently completed her Masters degree & now says that she deserves better and that he needs to make more of an effort to spend time with them.
What happened?
A. her comparison level went up without a change in the outcomes
B. her comparison level went down without a change in the outcomes
C. her outcomes went down without a change in her comparison level
D. her outcomes and comparison level went down
Some theorists assert that there are three types of commitment. One of the commitments is ____ which occurs when people feel like they ought to continue a relationship because it would be wrong to break their vows
moral commitment, constraint commitment, and personal commitment
moral commitment
If an individual feels like they have to stay committed to their relationship because their family will lose face if they leave it, then they are ____ committed
moral commitment, constraint commitment, and personal commitment
Some theorists assert that there are three types of commitment. One of the commitments is ____ which occurs when people feel they have to continue a relationship because it would cost too much to leave
moral commitment, constraint commitment and personal commitment
constraint commitment
Some theorists assert that there are three types of commitment. One of the commitments is ____ which occurs when people want to continue a relationship because it is satisfying.
moral commitment, constraint commitment, and personal commitment
personal commitment
A sense of commitment leads partners to take action to protect and maintain their relationship. One of the ways they do this is through _____ which is temporarily tolerating provocation from one’s partner without fighting back
Willingness to sacrifice, Perceived superiority, Accommodative behavior
accommodative behavior
A sense of commitment leads partners to take action to protect and maintain their relationship. One of the ways they do this is through _____ which is putting the well-being of the relationship ahead of one’s own self-interest (there’s a limit)
Willingness to sacrifice, Perceived superiority, Accommodative behavior
Willingness to sacrifice
A sense of commitment leads partners to take action to protect and maintain their relationship. One of the ways they do this is through _____ which is considering one relationship to be better than those of other people
Willingness to sacrifice, Perceived superiority, Accommodative behavior
Perceived superiority
Most relationships probably go through an awkward phase of adjustment as ____ increases and ___ ends
interdependency, passionate
You have an expectation for a best friend if you help them out with something, you already feel like they are going to be there for you as well one day. So is this a communal or exchange relationship?
There are two types of relationships: exchange and communal relationships. In ____ relationships, people expect immediate repayment for benefits given.
Mu-deok says that since Pedro picked her up & bought movie tickets it’s only fair that she pays for dinner so that everything is balanced. Moreover, she feels it would decrease the possibility that he’ll expect her to pay him back in some other currency.
Mu-deok’s desire to keep things balanced so she doesn’t owe Pedro anything
A. reflects a communal relationship
B. suggests that she’s over-benefitting from the relationship
C. reflects an exchange relationship
D. suggests that she’s under-benefitting from the relationship
Partners are more content when favors are repaid immediately, and they keep track of each other’s contributions to the relationship as though they were romantic auditors. Is this a communal or exchange relationship
One partner is receiving too much. They are getting a lot of rewards, incurring few costs, and having to devote little time or energy to the relationship. This partner is over or under-benefitting?
over benefitting
the other partner is receiving too little (getting few rewards, incurring a lot of costs, and having to devote a lot of time and energy to the relationship This partner is over or under-benefitting?
under benefitting
Regina George is with chad. She is highly ____ from the relationship because basically, chad has to walk on eggshells. He is doing everything in his power to keep Regina interested because Regina is like a 9/10 and chad has a good personality. While Chad is _____ from the relationship because he is going to feel like she is not giving the same effort that he is. Puts up with it bc feels like this is the best he is going to do.
over benefitting, underbenefitting
___ the idea that people’s feelings about a relationship depend on perceptions of rewards and costs, the kind of relationship they deserve, and their chances for having a better relationship with someone else
social exchange theory
___ the idea that people are happiest with relationships in which rewards and costs are experienced and both parties’ contributions are roughly equal
equity theory
Real love takes common ___, ___, ___ and ___
values, communication, hard work, compatibility
T or F: there is a correlation between amount of kissing and relationship quality and satisfaction but not true of the amount of sex
Three different building blocks are presumed to combine to form different types of love. One of them is ___ which is the feeling of warmth, understanding, communication, support, and sharing. Ability to self-disclose
commitment, intimacy, passion
Three different building blocks are presumed to combine to form different types of love. One of them is ___ which is emotional arousal and sexual desire
commitment, intimacy, passion
Three different building blocks are presumed to combine to form different types of love. One of them is ___ which is the decision today in a relationship and work to maintain it.
commitment, intimacy, passion
Intimacy is the ___ component of love, it includes self-disclosure, warmth, bonding and emotional closeness
Passion is a state of extreme absorption with and ___ for another that can lead to ___ commitments
desire, premature
Romantic/passionate love =__ +___
intimacy and passion
Romantic/passionate love is all part of the ____phase
Commitment is the __ aspect, a conscious decision to love another
companionate love= ____+ ___
intimacy, commitment
Once you are out of the honeymoon phase, you get ___ love
A passionate love develops ___ and intensely, then declines. Intimacy continues to ___, commitment continues to
rapidly, grow, grow,
Companionate love is based on friendly ___ and deep attachment due to extensive familiarity. Its less intense than passionate love but ___ after passionate love ends
affection, endures
Companionate love supports the growth and maintenance of _____
Passionate love is a key factor in ___
As years progress the rating of relationship happiness goes ___
One of the danger points during the transition process from passionate to companionate love is committing at the height of ____
passionate love
Getting matching tattoos, moving in together after a couple of months are examples of _____ (one of the danger points during the transition process from passionate to companionate love)
committing at the height of passionate love
One of the danger points during the transition process from passionate to companionate love is where ___ flags become more ___ and ____
red, visible and annoying
Men and women are more similar than different when it comes to love. However,___ are more likely to belive in love at first sight
T or F: Intimacy does not decline like passionate love