Quiz #4 Male Genitourinary Flashcards
Production of sperm in the aging adult
Begins to decrease around 40, but continues into the 80s and 90s
Testosterone production in the aging adult
Begins to decrease after age 30, but gradual- resulting physical changes are not evident until later
What happens as a result of decreased tone of the dartos muscle in the aging adult?
Scrotal contents hang lower, rugae decrease, scrotum looks pendulous
Changes in testes in the aging adult
decrease in size, less firm to palpation
sexual response in the aging adult
slower, less intense
Why might a man withdraw from sexual activity?
- loss of spouse
- depression
- preoccupation with work
- marital or family conflict
- side effects of medications (anti HTN, psychotropic, antispasmodics, sedatives, narcotics, estrogens)
- heavy alcohol use
- lack of privacy
- economic or emotional stess
- poor nutrition
- fatigue
subjective data for male genitourinary
- Frequency, urgency, nocturia
- Dysuria
- Hesitancy and straining
- Urine color
- Past genitourinary hx
- Penis pain, lesions, or discharge
- Scrotum and self-care
- Sexual activity and contraceptive use
- STI contact
rapid detumescence
Penis rapidly becomes flaccid after ejaculation in the aging adult
rapid detumescence
Penis rapidly becomes flaccid after ejaculation in the aging adult
Two major causes of chronic kidney disease
HTN and DM
How many times does the average adult void urine a day?
5-6 times
Diminished urine- <400mL/day
Dysuria is common with
acute cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis
Hesitancy, straining, terminal dribbling, and decreased urine flow suggest…
Urge incontinence
involuntary urine loss due to overactive bladder detrusor muscle
Stress incontinence
Involuntary urine loss with physical strain, sneezing, or coughing caused by weakness of the pelvic floor
Additional subjective hx for aging adult
- Difficulty urinating, hesitancy, weakened force of stream, dribbling, incomplete emptying?
- Do you ever leak water/urine when you don’t want to? use pads/tissues?
- Nocturia? Med use? PM fluids?
- Sexual function
Nocturia causes
fluid ingestion 3 hrs before bedtime- especially coffee and alcohol
fluid retention from HF or varicose veins- recumbency at night mobilizes fluid
Nocturnal enuresis
Bedwetting after 5-6 years of age
Objective data for male genitourinary
Inspect and palpate the penis
Retract the foreskin, check for phimosis, paraphimosis, hypospadias, epispadias
check for scrotal swelling and inflammation
Assess urine color, clarity, and pH
Normal urine pH
narrowed opening of prepuce— foreskin cannot retract
Painful constriction of the glans by a retracted foreskin
ventral location of the meatus
dorsal location of the meatus
narrowed opening of the meatus
urethritis S&S
edges that are red, everted, edematous, with purulent discharge
Causes of taut, pitting scrotal swelling
CHF, renal failure, local inflammation
Sebaceous cyst
Yellow, 1 cm nodules on scrotum. Firm, nontender, and often multiple. Common and benign
Nodules on teses or epididymides call for
ultrasound imaging
Indurated, swollen, tender epididymis indicates
Soft, swollen, torturous spermatic cord
Transillumination of scrotum
Darken the room and shine a flashlight- normal scrotal contents do not illuminate.
Serous fluid transilluminates and shows as red glow, indicates hydrocele or spermatocele.
Hernia, epididymitis, and tumor do not illuminate.
Testicular Self-Examination
Should begin at age 13-14
Timing— once a month
S— shower- warm water relaxes scrotal sac
E— examine, report changes immediately
Testicular cancer most common in ages
Proteinuria indicates
glomerular disease in the nephron
Glucosuria suggests
hyperglycemia with diabetes
Increased RBCs in the urine occur with
UTI Glomerulonephritis Renal calculi Trauma Cancer
Normal creatinine levels
Measures GFR
Normal BUN
How many men experience BPH?
more than 1/2 of men in their 60s and 90% of men in their 70s have symptoms.
What two groups of men have increased risk of prostate cancer?
African American men and men whose first degree relatives had prostate cancer.
How is prostate cancer detected?
PSA test or DRE (less effective)