Quiz 4- Final Review Flashcards
As discussed in class, the crime of terrorism is defined by it’s:
public nature
Terrorists always act on behalf of their group or their government: true/false
The only crime mentioned in the Constitution of the United States of America is:
What refers to the commission of a tradition crime, such as murder, with the intent of coercing a population or influencing a government through fear or intimidation?
FISA stands for:
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Terrorism is only subject to international law: true/false
Habeas Corpus literally means:
You have the body
A writ is a formal written order issued by a body with administration or judical jurisdiction: true/false
The USA PATRIOT Act increased local law enforcement authority to prevent, detect and prosecute terrorists: true/false
Which of the following is a writ challenging the legality of incarceration, or a writ ordering a prisoner to be brought to court to determine the legality of the prisoner’s detention?
Habeas corpus
Miranda receives a visit from federal officials a day after she jokes with a friend about how she would like to kill every government official in the United States who supports war. Miranda is shocked to learn that all of her calls and voicemails are being continuously monitored by the federal government. Which of the following laws enabled such monitoring in the United States?
Which of the following acts limited habeas corpus relief of the detainees who had been found to be enemy combatants and who were not located geographically in the United States?
Military Commissions Act
What refers to illegal immigration in which an agent is paid to help a person cross a national border clandestinely?
Human smuggling
According to the United Nations, human smuggling and trafficking are two of the slowest growing areas of international criminal activity today: true/false
What is true of treason?
A person guilty of treason can’t hold any office in the United States
An offense committed against the social values and interests represented in a protected by the criminal law and in which parties to the offense willingly participate is known as:
victimless crime
Crimes against public decency and morality have easily identifiable and specific victims: true/false
What is an example of a victimless crime?
The act of acting, enticing or requesting another to commit the crime of prostitution is called:
Owning, controlling, managing otherwise supervising a house of prositution is considered to be the crime of promoting prostitution:true/false
Another term for soliciting prostitution is:
What refers to aiding, abetting, counseling or commanding another in the commission of prostitution?
In what state is prostitution legal?
The depiction of sexual behavior in such a way as to excite the viewer sexually is known as pornography: true/false
Something that appeals to the purient interest and lacks serious literary, artistic political or scientific value is known as:
A morbid interest in sex, an obsession with lascivious and immoral matters is known as:
none of the above
Obscene behavior is known as lewdness: true/ false
Marrying one person while being legally married to another person is the crime of:
The term “controlled substance” refers to specifically defined bioactive or psychoactive chemical substances that come under the purview of criminal law: true/false
Codeine is a Schedule I drug: true/false