Quiz 3-Final Exam Review Flashcards
What is the killing of a human being by the act, procurement or omission of another human being?
Gumby stabs Pokey with a knife, hollering that he will kill Pokey. Pokey manages to pull a gun out of his pocket and shoots and kills Gumby before Gumby can stab Pokey a second time. Pokey has committed:
justifiable homicide
What criteria forms the legal definition of death today in the USA?
cessation of brain functions, cessation of a heartbeat and cessation of breathing
an unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought are the elements of murder: true/false
corpus delecti consists of a death of a human being and the fact that the death was caused by a criminal agency or another person: true/false
What is the unlawful physical violence inflicted on another without their consent?
Effective Consent is consent that has been obtained in a what manner?
What is battery?
intentional and offensive touching or wrongful physical contact without consent
A person attempting an assault who has the immediate ability to do so has the?
present ability
Sexual intercourse, whether consensual or not, with a person legally under age is:
statutory rape
Which of the following is a term used to describe the unlawful restraint by one person of another persons freedom of movement without that persons consent or legal justification?
false imprisonment
What is correct regarding manslaughter?
voluntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being, without malice that is done intentionally upon a sudden quarrel or in the heat of passion.
Public order offenses are those that disturb or invade society’s peace and tranquility: true/false
The discovery of the body of the murder victim is necessary to prove criminal homicide: true/false
The 3 types of homicide discussed in class were justifiable, excusable and criminal: true/false
The act of deliberating, meditating on or planning a course of actions, such as a crime is known as premeditation: true/false
A fight between 2 or more people in a public place to the terror of others as discussed in class, is known as rumble: true/false
The crime of mayhem is when a large group of conspires to cause damage: true/false
When one person procures another to commit perjury, that is known as subordination of perjury: true/false
Vehicular homicide is the killing of a human being by the operation of a motor vehicle by another human being in a reckless manner likely to cause death of, or great bodily harm to, another: true/false
The trespassory taking and carrying away (as of property in the crime of larceny or a person in the crime of kidnapping) is known as:
The use of a computer or computer network without authority and with the intent to obtain property or services by false pretenses, to embezzle or commit larceny, or to convert the property of another is referred to as?
computer fraud
The misappropriation of property already in the possession of the defendant is known as:
FedEx delivers a package containing an expensive coat to Lady Gaga’s house by mistake. The package is addressed to Beyonce, but the coat fits Lady Gaga nicely so she decides to keep it. Lady Gaga is guilty of larceny: true/false
In cases of larceny, offenders gain possession of the property but not title to it: true/false
Ashton Kutcher owns a Rolex watch. That watch is:
personal property
The offering, passing or attempted passing of a forged document with knowledge that the document is false and with the intent to defraud is known as:
Lindsay Lohan threatens to reveal to the media that Snooki as actually read a book if Snookie doesn’t pay Lindsay $30,000. Snooki pays Lindsay the money. Lindsay is guilty of:
Intellectual property is a form of creative endeavor that can be protected through patent, copyright, trademark or other legal means: true/false
Blackmail is a form of extortion: true/false
A USGA meeting is held to decide on installing 42” flat screen televisions in all student housing, both on and off campus. A small flash mob of USGA members opposed to this idea launch into a Red Bull fueled rendition of Pit Bull’s “Timber” at the top of their lungs to interrupt the meeting. Their offense is:
disturbing public assembly
What is used for the preparatory stage of a riot?
Crimes against the administration of government include:
Sedition consists of communication or agreement intended to defame the government or incite treason: true/false
Espionage is the willful giving of false testimony under oath in a judicial proceeding: true/false
A public official who commits misconduct in office by doing something he/she has no right to do guilty of:
Which, of the following is NOT considered a crime against the administration of government?
During his court appearance for throwing eggs at his neighbors house, Justin Bieber hurls some eggs in the courtroom which disrupts the proceedings. The Biebs has committed criminal contempt: true/false
Sarah Palin stands outside of the Supreme Court of the United States using a bullhorn to scream that she can still see Russia from her house and interrupts the case being heard inside. Sarah Palin has committed:
Obstruction of Justice
Fighting words are protected by the free speech clause in the 1st Amendment: true/false