Chapter 12- Crimes Against Public Morality Flashcards
(sexual relations with animals).
—the crime of marrying one person while still legally married to another person.
bioactive or psychoactive chemical substances that come under the purview of the criminal law.
controlled substance
a wide variety of substances that have any physical or psychotropic effect on the human body.
authorize judges to seize “all monies, negotiable instruments, securities, or other things of value furnished or intended to be furnished by any person in exchange for a controlled substance.
wagering of money, or of some other thing of value, on the outcome or occurrence of an event.
It is illegal where made so by law.
another sexually defined offense, consists of unlawful sexual intercourse with a relative through blood or marriage, such as one’s brother, sister, mother, or father.
something that is obscene or lewd or tends to cause lust.
“[t]hat which appeals to the prurient interest and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.”
soliciting a person to perform an act of prostitution
aiding, abetting, counseling, or commanding another in the commission of prostitution.
Also the act of procuring a prostitute for another
the marrying of, or cohabiting with, more than one spouse at a time in the purported exercise of the right of plural marriage. In most jurisdictions, polygamy is a felony.
“the depiction of sexual behavior in such a way as to excite the viewer sexually.”
Owning, controlling, managing, supervising, or otherwise keeping a house of prostitution
Procuring a person for a house of prostitution
Encouraging, inducing, or otherwise purposely causing another to become or remain a prostitute
Soliciting a person to patronize a prostitute
Procuring a prostitute for another
Transporting a person with the purpose of promoting that person’s involvement in prostitution
promoting prostitution
“the offering or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire [as well as] the offering or receiving of the body for indiscriminate sexual intercourse without hire.”
a morbid interest in sex, an obsession with lascivious and immoral matters.
prurient interest
a section of the federal Organized Crime Control Act know as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations provision.
RICO statute
act of asking, enticing, or requesting another to commit the crime of prostitution.
soliciting prostitution
an offense committed against the social values and interests represented in and protected by the criminal law and in which parties to the offense willingly participate.
victimless crime