Ch.7 Textbook Definitions Flashcards
Three tiered structure federal courts comprising US District Court’s US Court of Appeals in the US Supreme Court
Federal court system
State you so structure; those states 30 we have at least three court level; trial courts, appellate courts, and a state Supreme Court
State court system
The territory, subject matter, or people over which of course agency the exercise lawful authority, as determined by statute or constitution
Lawful authority of a court to hear cases that arise within a specified geographic area of particular kinds of violations
Original jurisdiction
Lawful authority of a court to review a decision made by a lower court
Appellate jurisdiction
“New trial” applied to cases that are retired on appeal, as opposed to those that are simply reviewed on the record
Trial de novo
The court authorized by law to hear the final appeal on a matter
Court of last resort
And request that the court with Apple routers diction review the judgment, decision, or order of a lower court and set it aside or modify it
A coordinator who assist with please file management, operating funds budgeting, and court docket administration
State court administration
Informal hearing place designed to be interpersonal without resorting to more formal arrangements for a criminal trial court
Dispute-resolution center
Quality-of-life crimes that you wrote a neighborhood tomorrow and punishment and that build on restorative principles and unity service and restitution
Community courts
Low level court at focuses on relatively minor offenses and handle special populations were addresses special issues such as reentry
Specialized courts
The power of a court to review actions and decisions made by other agencies of government
Judicial review
Occurs when defendants I brought before a judge
First appearance
Money or property pledge to the court or actually deposited with the court to affect the release of a person for legal custody