QUIZ #4 Flashcards
2/10 @ B-30. Late in the 4th quarter with Team A trailing by 5 points and neither team has a ,me out
remaining, A42 runs to the B-19 where he is tackled with 32 seconds on the game clock. A78 uses
forcible contact to push B55 off the pile while the Umpire is going the ball from A42.
RULING: A, 1/10, B-34, Ready/25 A78 is charged with an UNS Foul. No 10 sec run-off.
Team A scores TD and elects to go for two. A-HC requests the left hash. Team A lines up, and prior to the snap, QB A11 calls a timeout. A-HC requests ball be placed at right hash. Allowed?
RULING: Yes, allowed (8-3-2-c)
Team A scores TD and elects to go for two. A-HC requests the left hash. Team A lines up, and prior to
the snap, LT A77 commits a false start. A-HC requests ball be placed at right hash. Allowed?
RULING: Not allowed (8-3-2-c)
2/10 @ B-30. Late in the half, QB A12, who has not been outside the tackle box, is under heavy duress
and throws a pass at the B-35. The pass falls incomplete and ineligible A58 touches the ball at B-31 in an
a=empt to catch it. There was no eligible receiver in the area and the clock stopped at 0:31 a*er the
RULING: A, 3/15, B-35, 10-Second Runoff op.on for Team B. A12’s pass is a foul for ING and the penalty
is loss of down at the spot of the pass. No foul for illegal touching as the pass is illegal.
F/K @ A35. B27 muffs A9’s kick into the air at the B-4, but B18 catches the loose ball at the B-6. He carries to the B-15 where he is tackled. Video shows that while A9’s kick was in flight, B18 gave a waving signal at waist level. Reviewable? Result?
RULING: Yes, reviewable. B/1-10/B-25, Snap 25
Team A scores TD and elects to go for two. A-HC requests the left hash. Team A lines up, and prior to
the snap, B-HC is flagged for showing a tablet to the LJ. A-HC accepts the penalty and requests ball be
placed at right hash. Allowed?
RULING: Yes, allowed (8-3-2-c)
A 1/20 @ A-18. A14 completes a pass to A82 at the A-27 where he is tackled. Prior to the pass, B6 is flagged at the A-22 for DH.
RULING: A, 1/10 @ A-28, Ready
Free Kick @ A-35. During the kick by A90, B55 holds A22 at B-40, before the kick is caught by B21 who is straddling the sideline with the left foot out of bounds and the right foot down inbounds at B-9.
RULING: A, Free Kick, A-35, offset and replay