Quiz 3 - Myths Of Cognitive Science Flashcards
Myth - We only use 10% of our brain
We use all of our brain
If any part of the brain is injured we suffer deficits
Evolution would not build a brain that is not utilized/maximized to ensure evolution continues
Brains use 20% of our energy but it is only 2% of our body mass
We believe the 10% myth due to wishful thinking - untapped potential - people want to believe in paranormal - people want to make money on you by tapping into this
It is true people can lose whole brain hemispheres and still function normally - the brain has redundancy ie backs up all information - if 70% of neurons were removed randomly we are not sure how bad off we would be
Myth - Psychic Powers are real
There are several cognitive biases that make us believe that psychic powers are real
Confirmation biases - we seek information to prove what we want to believe
Wishful thinking
Neglect of negative results in experiments to prove otherwise
Myth - Listening to Mozart makes baby smarter
We believe because we hope it is true
Effect is small, short term and only based on arousal - heavy rock could achieve same result
You get same effect from listening to a Stephen King novel
Myth - IQ Tests are biased
If this was true IQ tests would under predict later success for certain groups and over predict or others - this does not happen
IQ test - tests general intelligence - scientists have concluded not biased
Analysis is used to identify bad test questions - extra questions added to test to test questions and eliminate bad questions
Myth - There are multiple intelligences
Music, visual, verbal, logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal - if good at one, good at all
Gardner the theory developer no longer believed - did not test theory - several fields of knowledge have advanced significantly since then
Myth - Brain Training makes you smarter
Weak evidence daily training games make you smarter
Don’t waste your time
How to get effectively smarter - read, study, take electives, stretch your mind
Money and happiness - money correlates with happiness but matters less as you get richer
Life events don’t affect happiness much
Lottery winners have happiness changes that only last months
Things that do affect us ie divorce, getting fired
Much of your happiness (60%) is genetic
Two kinds of happiness - pleasure - day to day - life satisfactions
Myth - full moon makes people act differently
Confirmation bias - you support things that support your view - it’s not true
Theories - gravity - moons gravity doesn’t have strong effect on humans
How does science work?
Generation of a theory - a theory is an explanation that suggests existence of a theoretical entity that cannot be measured directly
Theories make predictions about the world
Predictions become ‘hypotheses’ that can be tested with experiments
Experiments have control over participants and conditions - they manipulate something
Quasi =scientific ideas that resemble real science but haven’t been backed up with any real evidence - experiments are observations in the real world - most political science lessons are learned from Quasi experiments
Results and Statistics
Hypothesis and falsifiability
Significant probably means not due to chance - <0.05 is ‘alpha level’
We can’t look at big it’s of numbers and know if different
That’s why we need statistics
19/20 not due to chance
1/20 due to chance
95.99% - alpha level
Science as a culture
Science’s self-correcting nature
Publishing makes it public
Other scientists will attempt to disprove your theory which is good
Science as an epistemology - no other knowledge generating enterprise (ie Religion) has as rigorous self correcting mechanism ie Religion changes due to culture it is not tested
Always striving to get closer and closer to the truth